Thread: The Professional's Dream: what's your version? Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Galloping Granny (# 13814) on
I've had three versions:
I'm in a classroom; it's not a familiar or very convenient one, the kids are there, and beginning to romp around, and I have no material and no idea what I was going to teach them today.
I'm in the pulpit with no sermon and no idea what I meant to talk about.
I've had a bunch of Scottish Country Dancers waiting to begin (yes, I was an instructor for many years) and can't remember a single dance.
Who's been there?
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on
I go back through my degrees, and am living a horror of.... Discovering I have an exam today, and I have not studied. In fact, I forgot to attend any lectures in this subject. Then, in my dream, I jump forward a few years, and tell myself, I must be dreaming because my thoughts are about an early degree, and I am passed that age now... Doing a later degree, and then I am in the pulpit and can't remember my sermon, and then I realise my ordination was invalid for some reason.
And then I wake up.
I am no longer studying anymore, and my ordination is valid! But the dream persists.
Posted by Kaplan Corday (# 16119) on
Originally posted by Galloping Granny:
I've had three versions:
I'm in a classroom; it's not a familiar or very convenient one, the kids are there, and beginning to romp around, and I have no material and no idea what I was going to teach them today.
I'm in the pulpit with no sermon and no idea what I meant to talk about.
I've had a bunch of Scottish Country Dancers waiting to begin (yes, I was an instructor for many years) and can't remember a single dance.
Who's been there?
I haven't taught in a school (as opposed to lecturing in a Bible college) for twenty-six years, but I still have dreams in which exams are imminent and I have only got through a fraction of the course.
I haven't been in the army for forty-two years, but I had a dream the other night in which I couldn't find my equipment or uniform.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
Originally posted by Galloping Granny:
Who's been there?
Who hasn't?
I have the unprepared teacher dream too, also the didn't-go-to-class-all-semester dream. I think I've misplaced my baby at times, too. Don't think I've misplaced my husband yet, but it's just a matter of time.
Posted by Moo (# 107) on
I am about to give birth. I have not seen a doctor during this pregnancy, or made any arrangements about where the birth will take place. I am in a phone booth trying to find a hospital that will admit me.
Posted by crunt (# 1321) on
One that I haven't had for years sees me trying to hold it together in a restaurant with no cutlery or food (I'm supposed to be serving). Another has me realising that I have a huge paper due for a course I had forgotten that I was enrolled in.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on
Turning up at the (totally unknown to me) organ having been told the wrong Mass Setting, wrong hymn book, and wrong numbers anyway...
Posted by leo (# 1458) on
I have these every month or so:
wrong classroom, wrong kids, wrong textbooks
last page of sermon missing
singing a complicated piece of music e.g. the Easter Exsultet - the last page is missing
I take it as a message to trust my experience - that I can 'wing it' successfully.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on
Much like Japes, I have the unknown organ and missing or wrong music dreams. Sometimes the console has no "On" switch, and it's usually so dark I can't see the music.
I think these qualify as nightmares!
Posted by Jengie jon (# 273) on
Thought I did not have one but realised mine is always about starting to study. I am in a new building and I cannot find the classroom I am supposed to be in.
Posted by Nenya (# 16427) on
I am approaching my degree Finals and there's a large piece of coursework I haven't done. I can't decide whether to go to the professor in question and talk about it or ignore it and hope no one notices. I had this dream only last night and the relief on waking up is amazing.
One I used to have is that I am waiting in the wings just before a stage entrance and suddenly realise I have not learned any lines. I never was an actress but used to do a lot of amateur stuff.
Nen - likes it when reality is better than dreams.
Posted by Leorning Cniht (# 17564) on
I don't think I've had any dreams that I can't do my job in some way. On the other hand, I have had vivid dreams about doing some thing that I was planning to do, so that the next day I am convinced that I have already done X because I have such a clear memory of it.
Posted by cattyish (# 7829) on
Not about work, but much more about driving which I have to do for work and which has never been my favourite thing. Last time the police were chasing me and I pulled in and hid in a derelict farmhouse, but they brought dogs and were going to do me some damage. I was glad to wake up.
This dream might supply the premise for my next NaNoWriMo novel.
Cattyish, not actually on the run.
Posted by Gill H (# 68) on
I've gone to see a musical in the West End. It's one I was in at school so I know it well.
Five minutes before the start, an announcement is made that the lead and her understudy have just gone off sick. Is there anyone in the audience who can play the role?
Fortunately there is - me! So there's a delay while I get changed and ready.
Eventually the curtain goes up. And I realise it's actually a totally different show, and I don't know it. And everyone is waiting for me to say the first line.
Oh, and by the way, I'm naked.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
Originally posted by Gill H:
Oh, and by the way, I'm naked.
But of course. And - given early morning bladdery mutterings - you are probably also looking for a loo, which invariably turns out to be situated in a very public and conspicuous location.
Posted by Adeodatus (# 4992) on
When I was doing some amateur acting a few years ago, I had this one, very vividly -
I'd finished my day job and was going home before going to the theatre where we were performing. On opening the front door of my house, I was horrified to find all the scenery for the play stacked in my living room. Obviously, it was too heavy for me to move, so I ran to the theatre where the rest of the company were getting ready for the play, quite oblivious to the fact that all the scenery was at my house. I raced around from room to room trying to convince people to come and help me move the scenery to the theatre, but no-one would listen. As I heard the sound of the curtain going up (on an empty stage) I woke up in a cold sweat.
Posted by Oscar P. (# 10412) on
In my pre retirement life I was a middle school teacher (ages 12-13). Every year, just before the start of classes, I would dream that I was trying to teach and none of the students would listen to me. Every attempt I made to get their attention or redirect their behavior resulted in being ignored or laughed at!
Interestingly, I still sometimes have this dream, especially when things get hectic and I'm feeling stressed.
Posted by Palimpsest (# 16772) on
Bad dreams include running amateur theater tech where I've been asked to run lights for a show with many blackouts that I've never seen rehearsal or the script and am desperately speed reading the script to find the next cue imbedded in it.
Another one was doing a projection changeover on a film with some borrowed and complicated to use equipment. Someone runs up to the booth and yells "You skipped a reel". I ask "are you sure" and he says "I'm sure, I'm the director".
Sadly these dreams actually happened first in real life. They still come back in bed occasionally.
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on
The oh-no-I've-forgotten-to-put-any-clothes-on one.
That one was especially bad in the run up to my wedding, when I kept dreaming I was going down the aisle minus my wedding dress.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on
Usually towards the end of the night/near the time I need to get up, I dream about oversleeping so that there is zero possibility that I am going to be on time. It’s always rather a relief to really wake up and discover it’s only eight o’clock after all but the waking up twice thing is a bit disorienting.
Posted by Bob Two-Owls (# 9680) on
I have a lot of PTSD related nightmares. My school one is where students are jabbing me with syringes and chanting "can't hit back, can't hit back". I also have one related to my previous work in nuclear safety where I am sat at my station when the alarm goes off. I look for my radiation suit and all I can find is Frank N Furter's outfit from the Rocky Horror Show. I almost die from radiation exposure while I am trying to get my makeup just right...
[ 26. January 2015, 09:34: Message edited by: Bob Two-Owls ]
Posted by TonyK (# 35) on
I'm visiting a church I've never been to before to lead a service/preach/both.
The building is massive -about the size of a cathedral - with hundreds of different chapels/rooms/altars all up long flights of stairs. I don't know where I'm supposed to be; I'm late (held up in traffic or whatever); the service is supposed to start in the next two minutes and I've mislaid my case with my robes, service books, sermon etc.
And there's nobody to ask - or if there is they look at me as though I'm mad and just walk away.
I'm panicking!! Then I wake up...
I'm not a professional of course, just a volunteer. But I'm sure the feeling is the same...
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on
In front of a group getting ready to speak and I realize I am not wearing pants. I think I incorporated a suggestion from somewhere and now have this as a recurrent semi-nightmare.
( I've often wondered if clergy might go pantless under cassocks on hot days. )
Posted by Graven Image (# 8755) on
Get a call. The church has lost all of my ordination paper work from 20 years ago so they are unsure if I am ordained. Funny thing is I am not concerned at all and think well that is their problem not mine.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
I dream a lot about missing flights. Probably because I have to fly too often for work.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
Originally posted by Bob Two-Owls:
I have a lot of PTSD related nightmares. My school one is where students are jabbing me with syringes and chanting "can't hit back, can't hit back". I also have one related to my previous work in nuclear safety where I am sat at my station when the alarm goes off. I look for my radiation suit and all I can find is Frank N Furter's outfit from the Rocky Horror Show. I almost die from radiation exposure while I am trying to get my makeup just right...
Very sorry about the PTSD, but the Rocky Horror Show nightmare is fricking hilarious!
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Originally posted by Firenze:
Originally posted by Gill H:
Oh, and by the way, I'm naked.
But of course. And - given early morning bladdery mutterings - you are probably also looking for a loo, which invariably turns out to be situated in a very public and conspicuous location.
Aha, I was trying to think of a preschool teacher dream-- I do have occasional dreams that seem to be asking me how I would enjoy the corporate toilet arrangements that a lot of centers seem to feature. ( one room, four toilets, no partitions, for example. )
Otherwise, I have generic teacher dreams, like, I am roaming the halls ofmy old high school and enter a class I think I am attending, then realize I have graduated, am more likely teaching the class, and start looking for the lesson plan.
Posted by Fredegund (# 17952) on
In times of anxiety - ie all the b****y time:
I'm about to sit A level English and one of the set books is Tess of the D'Urbevilles. Only we've done Far from the Madding Crowd.
For the record - it really was Far from the Madding Crowd, and I got an A.
Can't see why it always has to be Hardy...
Posted by Trudy Scrumptious (# 5647) on
My worst ever was during my first year teaching, when I felt unprepared and unprofessional all the time (to be fair, I actually WAS unprepared and unprofessional much of the time). At some point in the semester we were warned of the approaching visit of a Superintendent of Education who would sit in on one of our classes. I had a vivid dream that on the day in question, I was in the main office, clad in a very revealing lacy negligee, sprawled across the photocopier much as a rather tawdry lounge singer might sprawl across the lid of the piano, holding forth to a group of students in this unorthodox way when the superintendent walked in.
So that was pretty much all my teaching fears encoded into a single tidy dream.
Posted by Offeiriad (# 14031) on
Mine can be summed up in four words:
Right time: wrong crematorium...
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on
It's closing time at the library and the customers won't leave.
I circle the building chivvying and more come in and it gets later and later.
This is a common panic dream for librarians I've found.
Like NEQ in the run up to my wedding I dreamed I was at the altar in my nightie.
And the dream when you're getting up and you're late then you actually wake up and do it all again, that's a familiar one too.
I sometimes dream I'm having a baby and when I wake I've got a tummy ache. Makes sense!
Posted by Sarasa (# 12271) on
I have library ones where I suddenly discover I have a whole new room I didn't know I had.
I had a doolally of a one last night. I was having to take a sixth form group at short notice, with an OFSTED inspector in the room, while in the meantime deal with a hostage crisis in another part of the building. I know school life can be tough, but what's been stressing me out lately to that extent!
Posted by cosmic dance (# 14025) on
Originally posted by Fredegund:
In times of anxiety - ie all the b****y time:
I'm about to sit A level English and one of the set books is Tess of the D'Urbevilles. Only we've done Far from the Madding Crowd.
For the record - it really was Far from the Madding Crowd, and I got an A.
Can't see why it always has to be Hardy...
Thomas Hardy is a nightmare category all of his own.
Posted by Jane R (# 331) on
I am sitting at my desk with a huge pile of work that will take me at least two days to get through and it has to be finished today...
...wait, that one has come true!
Posted by sharkshooter (# 1589) on
Originally posted by Rowen:
I go back through my degrees, and am living a horror of.... Discovering I have an exam today, and I have not studied. In fact, I forgot to attend any lectures in this subject. ...
In mine I hadn't attended the lectures, because I missed the first one, and never found out where they had decided to move to.
Or, was that real?
Too long ago to remember.
Posted by churchgeek (# 5557) on
While I was working as a verger, my work-related nightmare was that the procession was heading out and I wasn't vested yet. Interestingly enough, this was a version of a dream I used to have about being in choir: that the procession was moving and I wasn't vested yet. And now that I'm no longer a verger and I'm back in the choir, I sometimes have both versions.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on
Not that Hosting is a profession, but I do have the occasional dream about hosting.
Last night I was trying to make sense of the Heaven threads, all of which looked remarkably like dominoes. The soundtrack was Beatles music. That's never happened before; my dream music is normally orchestral.
Thanks ever so much, those of you posting on the Most Important Band thread.
Posted by mark_in_manchester (# 15978) on
I used to take care of some Statutory Legal Requirements for a well-known UK Christian Arts festival. Some years, it was rather stressful. I still occasionally get dreams where it is Monday - the last day - and I realise I have forgotten to take any measurements, and have no idea whether we have complied .
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Originally posted by Sarasa:
I have library ones where I suddenly discover I have a whole new room I didn't know I had.
Heh. I had library patron dreams when I was a kid, about discovering a new shelf which held several previously unpublished volumes of the Narnia series. Those were great dreams.
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Originally posted by Sarasa:
I have library ones where I suddenly discover I have a whole new room I didn't know I had.
Heh. I had library patron dreams when I was a kid, about discovering a new shelf which held several previously unpublished volumes of the Narnia series. Those were great dreams.
Oh, I want that dream! Maybe there's a wardrobe/ painting/ ring that will get us there?
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
Dang. I want those dreams too. Though if you never get to actually READ them, perhaps it's a nightmare after all.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on
I regularly have the one about being in school and suddenly realizing it's the end of the term and there was a class I forgot to go to--but everybody has that one.
I also have one about being on stage with a band of complete strangers, being expected to play lead guitar on a song I've never heard before.
And I once had a dream about being in my office, waiting for my first therapy client to show up, and suddenly realizing I forgot to put any clothes on before coming to work (In the dream, I immediately started thinking about which of my clients could cope with a naked therapist, and figuring out how to cancel the others).
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
For tidiness' sake, I'm closing this dream thread and referring you all to the other one, as they're starting to become somewhat similar.
[Leaps onto cloud and floats away, leaving thread locked]
Heaven Host
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