Thread: TICTH Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
TICTH the lack of activity in Hell. Do we want our sainted mods to go unemployed? I know many of you are mad about something, you're just too lazy to type it up.

I'm currently consigning the same pack of Pit Bulls I called the cops on two weeks ago.

They're back cruising our neighborhood, because the owners just can't be bothered to keep them at home. I'm not just concerned for my own tiny dog and big fat cat, but the 90 year-old couple across the street. Oldies being the second favorite snack, after toddlers, for Pits.

Now I'm sure the owners have the gentlest Pits, ever, with pictures of the dogs sweetly napping with the baby, and they'll be quick to tell me that it's only bad owners causing Pits to kill folk, but that always leaves me to wonder why the potentially bad owners mainly seem to chose Pits and Rotts when they go dog shopping.

There they are, right now, digging up someone's garden shed to get at some poor prey. I'll feel the need to keep an eye on them all day now.
Posted by sharkshooter (# 1589) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
... I'll feel the need to keep an eye on them all day now.

Will your eye be looking through the sights on your rifle?
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on :
I would wish to consign all banks and building societies. I was looking forward to having my first proper holiday in 5 years. But I noticed that my debit and credit cards were due to expire before I came back. Needing a card to be valid when you check out of a hotel is kind of important so I requested replacements, but they weren't sent in time, thus preventing me from going.

So I changed banks.

I built up a balance on the new credit card and wanted to pay off the bill. With the old provider, I did this via an online transfer and that option was available on the new bank too.

Only what they'd done was that the payee named "Credit Card" was imported as my old credit card (the one I'd paid off, closed the account and physically destroyed). But they only told me this by phone after I'd tried to pay off the bill (several hundred pounds) and they'd sent the money to an account that no longer exists with a building society where I am no longer a customer. [Mad]

So not only has a substantial sum disappeared into the æther but I also have no way of actually paying the credit card bill I do have.
Posted by ExclamationMark (# 14715) on :
Originally posted by Sipech:
I would wish to consign all banks and building societies. I was looking forward to having my first proper holiday in 5 years. But I noticed that my debit and credit cards were due to expire before I came back. Needing a card to be valid when you check out of a hotel is kind of important so I requested replacements, but they weren't sent in time, thus preventing me from going.

So I changed banks.

I built up a balance on the new credit card and wanted to pay off the bill. With the old provider, I did this via an online transfer and that option was available on the new bank too.

Only what they'd done was that the payee named "Credit Card" was imported as my old credit card (the one I'd paid off, closed the account and physically destroyed). But they only told me this by phone after I'd tried to pay off the bill (several hundred pounds) and they'd sent the money to an account that no longer exists with a building society where I am no longer a customer. [Mad]

So not only has a substantial sum disappeared into the æther but I also have no way of actually paying the credit card bill I do have.

Coming in on the side of the banks ...

1. How much notice did you give for the new cards?

2. Did you check the details of your transfer before you did it - the banks I use have a check screen which is the equivalent of a "are you sure?")

3. Did you assume that a new mandate would be set up? Were you told that it would be?

On the evidence you've given, I'd be partly inclined to say that while the bank could've done better, they aren't mind readers and they can't set up payment mandates without your say so.
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on :
1. How much notice did you give for the new cards?
I gave 6 weeks' notice. They gave me a written promise that they would be with me in 5 working days.
2. Did you check the details of your transfer before you did it - the banks I use have a check screen which is the equivalent of a "are you sure?")
It was set us as a quick transfer. When I select the option to pay from my current account, I get given about half a dozen options to pay to. The names of each of these correspond to the names of my other accounts (mostly e-savings, ISA and the credit card is at the bottom). I've transferred to account X and account Y, so it would be reasonable to think that a payment to an account labelled as account Z would go to account Z.
3. Did you assume that a new mandate would be set up? Were you told that it would be?
I was told that I could pay online, but as it turns out, this is not possible.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
TICTH people who do not get the fucking point of TICTH.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :

I appreciate that it's been a whole five minutes since we last had a TICTH thread, but these are the conditions by which they operate:

That's pretty much it. And when I say conditions, I mean "this thread will be sent to the gulag faster than you can say 'show trial' if you screw up."


[ 16. April 2015, 19:07: Message edited by: Doc Tor ]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Our New Boss. Pass the clue bat.

That is all.
Posted by Jemima the 9th (# 15106) on :
TICTH my inflamed appendix. I really am chuffed to bits that the bloody thing doesn't have to come out, and that the pain is gone, but I miss my appetite so much. I want to eat cake. [Waterworks]
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
Insurance companies. I think they have caused more stress here than the actual earthquakes.

Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
TICTH the lack of activity in Hell. Do we want our sainted mods to go unemployed?

It's very sweet of you to create new threads for me to close, but I'm on holiday.
Posted by lily pad (# 11456) on :
TICTH ill health and the dominoes that fall down because of it.
Posted by Porridge (# 15405) on :
TICTH my state's fucking clueless legislature, which is busy cutting services to the population I serve. Again. Without the slightest mercy for the 78-year-old mom of someone on my caseload who is too big and heavy for her to deal with any more. And who has spent the last 46 years caring for him virtually single-handed.

[ 17. April 2015, 02:17: Message edited by: Porridge ]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
F**ing amen to that, and on that note-- stuff it, SMC Health System! [Mad]

Love note:

I was having a lovely day, bright sunshine, just the right amount of breeze, walking back to may car after hanging out at my favorite cafe-- and fucking romeo and Juliet are positioned right at the front of my car on the street, having a loud, dramatic argument, in the kind of loud theatrical tone and language that tells you they are just hoping someone will post on YouTube so the world can se Just How They Suffer.
Romeo kept flinging a Aquafina bottle against the window of his own car, and as I approached, gave me a look that told me it was a good idea to walk back down the block and keep hanging out in a cafe chair for a while.
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on :
The idiot who designed the one way system in our town with insuffient parking bays so that cars "have to" park on the pavement when the drivers need to go to a shop and can't be bothered to walk from the car park. (I'll accept that lorries need to unload their deliveries though)Also, why on earth didn't the planner but a bus bay in at the bus stop? It would have stopped the sort of jams I saw this week when there were three buses in the traffic queue - and each one needed to stop at the bus stop so pity help any motorist catching the tail end of the queue!
Posted by nobody but me (# 18084) on :
Artificial food colouring and "kind" church people who give my kid that god awful hellish liquid they call "orange" and turns Normal Actually Quite Sensible child into Hyper Hyper Hyper kid.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
Keys. You are lost. What did I do to you except thrust your keyedness into lock holes. I hate you for abandoning me you useless stupid lockhole fuckers.
Posted by Palimpsest (# 16772) on :
In my neighborhood, the city and county spent a great deal of money building new bus stops. They cleverly took a high volume intersection and built a platform out through the parking lane at great expense so that the buses have to stop in the single remaining traffic lane blocking the intersection in both directions.
So many people crossed the dividing line to go around the bus and have head on accidents that they added a concrete divider.

When the stupidity of the design was pointed out, before the thing was built, they said they had done studies saying that it would only stop traffic for two minutes at a time and save time because the bus wouldn't have to pull out of the parking lane. My personal experience was waiting 17 minutes behind a bus. It was fun because I got to politely refuse the request of the bus driver behind me that I pull out into the merge lane in the opposite direction and risk a collision.

Horrible design at vast expense that made things much worse.
Posted by Spike (# 36) on :
Originally posted by St. Gwladys:
The idiot who designed the one way system in our town with insuffient parking bays so that cars "have to" park on the pavement when the drivers need to go to a shop and can't be bothered to walk from the car park. (I'll accept that lorries need to unload their deliveries though)Also, why on earth didn't the planner but a bus bay in at the bus stop? It would have stopped the sort of jams I saw this week when there were three buses in the traffic queue - and each one needed to stop at the bus stop so pity help any motorist catching the tail end of the queue!

We have a similar problem where I live. TICTH people who are too fucking lazy to walk the extra few steps to a FREE car park and think they have a God-given right to park right outside the shop they want to visit and then blame the town planners for their selfish attitudes.
Posted by moonfruit (# 15818) on :
TICTH back pain that is, yet again, leading into sciatica. The last bout was almost 2 months of pain. I cannot be doing with the same over again. [Mad]
Posted by MarsmanTJ (# 8689) on :
TITCH Lactose Intolerance. Today would be a perfect day to go out for an ice cream. But the only place that sells half-way decent sorbet round these parts is Häagen-Dazs, and they are somewhat outside my price range for a quick ice cream fix.
Posted by Jengie jon (# 273) on :
The one thing that bugs me about being lactose intolerant is ice-cream. The sheer disappointment of queuing with friends at an ice-cream van then coming away with the cheapest ice lolly.

Sorbet is not safe either! Some people put milk in it.

However, I will sometimes buy an ice-cream and take a lactase so I do not cramp. The combination of lactase and fat relieves most of the lactose intolerant symptoms.

I keep a supply of Swedish Glace in the freezer for emergencies though I am wondering about trying Booja-Booja ice cream which Holland and Barret stock around here.

Posted by Bene Gesserit (# 14718) on :
TICTH Noisy Neighbours who have an 11-hour long party. With - mostly - just once CD playing on constant shuffle. [Mad] [Mad] The singer sounds like his balls have failed to drop and like he is wailing in misery for their misplacement.

Either that or he wants to be an air-raid siren when he grows up and he is setting out his stall.
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on :
TICTH spending a perfect balmy spring evening in a church committee meeting. The highlight of the two hours I spent in that meeting was discovering that I had both a black and a blue biro in my bag, so that I could create designs whilst stabbing the back of my hand with my pens.

Although taking the first biro out of my bag was a mistake, because I was asked to take the minutes. Twelve of the others had wisely failed to take any form of writing implement, possibly to avoid being landed with the minutes.
Posted by The Kat in the Hat (# 2557) on :
TICTH British Telecom.
yes, I know that I was a couple of days late in setting up the on-line payment, and that it would take another couple of days before payment would clear, but the email threatening cutting off etc. clearly said "ignore this if payment has been made in the last few days". I'd checked the on-line bank, payment had gone out 2 days before - so why did you then cut off the phone line & internet?
Calling to let them know that we had paid, & to be told by a machine that you would restore the service within 10 days is not reasonable. I had followed your instructions - how is it my fault that my payment has not been recognised!
[Mad] [Mad]
The automated system that asks "what do you want to talk about" doesn't recognise "I want to speak to someone about my bill payment" did not help at all!
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
YICTH my camera, which has crept into a corner where I can't find it to take a pic to post on Airbnb. Or should it be my memory, which doesn't remember where I put it? Can't remember.....
Posted by Kyzyl (# 374) on :
Arthritis, and snow in April.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
The camera, which was hiding in full sight in the mantelpiece! The malign humour of inanimate matter... [Paranoid]
Posted by Brenda Clough (# 18061) on :
They're all in cahoots, you know. Taking turns hiding in plain sight.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
I posted on 17 April about lost keys. I got new ones. Now the promiscuous little gorbies have emerged, smirking. I should have pounded them with a hammer. I'm two timing them now.
Posted by Soror Magna (# 9881) on :
TICTH misogyny and male mid-life crises. And the inability to connect the dots between the two.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
TICH feet. I buy you nice fleecy Polish slippers and what thanks do I get? The minute I ask you to pound a pavement or two you ache and twinge and cramp and indicate that as far as you're concerned, you're traversing burning tintacks.
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on :
TICTH NHS bureaucracy, the negative side of old age, unhelpful and restrictive data protection, acute mental health problems that suddenly wreck people's lives, self-centred people who cause a huge amount of unnecessary work for others, drivers who can't be bothered to follow traffic rules or use signals, gits who cycle at 10 mph in the centre of a 60 mph road, irresponsible dog owners, twats who shout unkind comments at women in the street, the prevalence of cheap unpleasant over-priced coffee, people who cut their nails on trains and leave the clippings on the seats (much more frequent than you might think), and the slugs in my allotment.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
TICTH moving offices. Don't get me wrong - once it's all sorted out I'm going to love the new one, in a shiny new purpose-built building, but if I never have to go through the actual process of moving again, it'll be too soon.
Posted by Brenda Clough (# 18061) on :
Teeth. I have to get one of them crowned, which unfortunately involved decapitating the remainder of the tooth first. The temporary crown almost immediately fell off.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Gives "Crown him with many crowns" a whole new meaning.

[Miss Amanda will get her toothbrush.]
Posted by Brenda Clough (# 18061) on :
At least I was able to rescue it -- it fell onto the dining table. I have a friend whose very expensive crown fell onto the subway platform as the doors opened. After the surging hordes passed over he looked for it -- of course it was gone.
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
Not hearing from people who are supposed to call you. [Mad]
Posted by passer (# 13329) on :
Predatory proselytisation.
Posted by Raptor Eye (# 16649) on :
TICTH the nasty undercurrents that some families allow free reign to, which ruin relationships and bar the way so that forgiveness and love can't flourish.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on :
Oh, a slight twinge of TICTH Copenhagen. Not a good journey/arrival.
Posted by Ethne Alba (# 5804) on :
SORT the number of staff required...and stop ruddy well bitching about it
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Orfeo, is that directed at the city, the airport, or the airline?

[ 25. April 2015, 06:59: Message edited by: jacobsen ]
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
My curse attend couch grass and its evil chums buttercup and bindweed.
Posted by Stercus Tauri (# 16668) on :
TICTH: the malevolent little trolls who design Microsoft Windows, who caused my most critical piece of software to malfunction and die. A plague upon them, their parents, their grandparents and their great grandparents; their brothers and their sisters and their cousins and their aunts; their offspring, yea even unto the third and fourth generation.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
TICTH squirrels, who have discovered the new bird feeder in my yard and are gorging themselves while the nice cardinals and finches can't get near it. TICTH my own cheapskate tendencies which steered me away from buying the more expensive squirrel-proof feeders. Bah. Back to the store.
Posted by passer (# 13329) on :
Originally posted by Mamacita:
TICTH squirrels, who have discovered the new bird feeder in my yard and are gorging themselves while the nice cardinals and finches can't get near it. TICTH my own cheapskate tendencies which steered me away from buying the more expensive squirrel-proof feeders. Bah. Back to the store.

I commend these. I have two and they're excellent.
Posted by Celtic Knotweed (# 13008) on :
Further maledictions upon couch grass, bindweed and buttercups. I also CTH my sloth in not digging the couch grass out of the strawberry bed in the autumn...
Posted by Penny S (# 14768) on :
Slugs. Snails.

Can I eat the purple sprouting broccoli and the kale before they do? They had half my beautiful savoy cabbage in a flash.
Posted by Leorning Cniht (# 17564) on :
Dogs. Particularly the vile crap machine that had diarrhoea on my lawn this morning, managing to hide it in some long grass so I didn't notice until after I had coated the inside of the grass clipping bag with liquid dog poo.

Also the irresponsible owner of the aforesaid arse-sniffing crapsack who failed to clean up after it - may the bowels of a thousand crows spontaneously void above his head.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
LC - I like your style. Could I borrow the crows when you've finished with them, please? I know someone who would greatly benefit from a crap shower.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on :
Originally posted by jacobsen:
Orfeo, is that directed at the city, the airport, or the airline?

It was directed at a wide variety of sources, but the city has been redeeming itself nicely. For starters, the guys here are HOT.

And often straight and married/partnered, but you understand I'm making a purely visual assessment. Danes have a beautiful and rare ability to get sexier with age.

Also, Holmboe CDs are plentiful.

[ 27. April 2015, 16:51: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Payroll monkeys. I don't need pension contributions deducted twice. Sort it by payday, OK?
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
You texted to say you'd be letting me know today how the interview for promotion went, whether I got it or not. I'm not expecting to get it, but i wish you'd just call me and tell me to fuck off, then I can forget all about it.
Bloody hell.
Posted by Mrs Shrew (# 8635) on :
The growing couple in the brownie unit I took away over the weekend ( whom I spent the weekend trying to teach kindness to, and keep out the way of the poor mites they kept picking on)

The ones who are making my working life hell.

The ones who drove a beautiful woman to death this week, because she dared to be herself.

Fuck you all.
Posted by Moo (# 107) on :
Idiot lights on car dashboards instead of gauges. They are supposed to come on when there is a problem, but they don't give any indication that a problem may be developing. Moreover, sometimes the problem that they signal is that they themselves are malfunctioning.

If a gauge is broken, it's usually obvious; it doesn't move or it fluctuates wildly. A while back, I was traveling through Arkansas. As I drove away from my motel at 7 AM, the low-battery warning light came on. If my car had had a gauge, I would have noticed the battery was developing problems before I left Virginia.


Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
The podiatrist who fitted me with orthotics and said my (slight) heel pain should go away in 3 weeks. It has ... to be replaced with pain in my knee that keeps me awake at night, not to mention the arch of my foot and my calf muscles.

But yes, my heel does feel better [Mad]

Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Oh yes, ICTH the expensive running shoes my son keeps wasting his hard earned money on. His latest running shoe has a very thick heel and he's experiencing the same knee problems.

When I was young, my heel pain went away when I started to wear high, spikey heels. Much cheaper, sexier and prettier than the ortho-shoes I had paid big bucks for. Higher heels will often make your knee ligaments work too hard and/or your arches hurt, though. Dr. Twilight's quack advice: Go to a cheap shoe store and get a medium heel wedge or running shoe.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Insert minimalist shoe screed here.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
TICTH my feet, which should have been a standard width, but instead are extra wide, which makes shoe buying a minor nightmare.
Some years ago, Tesco supermarkets, of all possible shops, ran a line of wide fitting shoes in my exact half size. Unheard of. Cheap and cheerful, and I bought a dozen pairs in different colours, etc, on the basis that they might not be there the following year. [Smile]

Right. They weren't. Now my dozen pairs are beginning to wear out. [Disappointed]


WAAAAAAA....Hhhh [Waterworks]

[ 28. April 2015, 20:30: Message edited by: jacobsen ]
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
The world has gone completely to shit.

Okay, it's been shit since humanity emerged from the armpit mud and began strutting around like a dopey rooster. But this last week or two it's being extra shitty.

TICTH the twin poisons of ignorance and abuse of power.

Fuck everyone.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
TICTH coursework deadlines (it's exam season in England) and the moronic tutors, who despite umpteen reminders and hours of support still lack any sense of urgency. This deadline is next week, your kid has five exams to do. Cancelling one of the dates means leaving that kid with nothing as there is already too much to do and your kid is only one of the scattered students with the same deadlines. So no, actually I can't reschedule.

These are entry levels which are completed internally, with no final exams in June.
Posted by Uncle Pete (# 10422) on :
Today I consign to Hell, the great, unwashed Canadian media which has already forgotten the real crisis of the Nepalese earthquake, with thousands dead, and hundreds of thousands, if not millions unhoused, unwatered, unfed, undoctored.

Why? The newest crisis- oooh, shiney! - in an American city. One person dead, but (gasp!) the destruction of consumerist, capitalist property! The horror!!

Guess they were running out of pictures of starving orphans. Or it's too far away, and who cares about a poor Asian nation anyway.

Fleabrain fucktards.
Posted by Ethne Alba (# 5804) on :
ICTH ....Predictive texting...and all the wart-ridden, flea-infested brain power that thought it up.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
Originally posted by Ethne Alba:
ICTH ....Predictive texting...and all the wart-ridden, flea-infested brain power that thought it up.

I second this. I hate auto-cucumber too.
Posted by Meike (# 3006) on :
Thirded. That and Excel turning my numbers into dates and other "intelligent" features. Arrggh! I DON'T WANT THAT HELP!
Posted by Zoey (# 11152) on :
Whilst I think that terrorism is wrong, at least becoming a terrorist oneself for a cause one believes in has a moral coherence to it. What kind of cowardly weasel tries to groom a vulnerable person into committing terrorist offences on their behalf? TITCH cowardly manipulation of vulnerable individuals in the cause of evil.
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:
You texted to say you'd be letting me know today how the interview for promotion went, whether I got it or not. I'm not expecting to get it, but i wish you'd just call me and tell me to fuck off, then I can forget all about it.
Bloody hell.

So, apparently I haven't heard because I got a good score in the interview and you're going to offer me something... but you haven't told me this - I heard it through a colleague saying to The Office that she thought it wasn't very fair on me that I hadn't heard anything when everyone else has, and her having been told that, which she came to find me to pass on to me.
I wish you'd just get in touch to tell me that you're offering me something, but you don't know what yet. That would be nice. [Confused]
Posted by marzipan (# 9442) on :
Bus strikes.
Public transport strikes in general.
The state of public transport which means if one mode of transport fails, I can't get to work and back.
My inability to pass a driving test.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
People who don't know what hours I work and instead of checking make assumptions and then call me and scream at me for not being available when they expect me to be. Last time I agree to be available to do a favor that requires speaking to you!

P.S. That bit about "you could have told me if you were leaving so early" was a bit rich since I keep am in the office later than anyone else on my team.
Posted by Pomona (# 17175) on :
Originally posted by jacobsen:
TICTH my feet, which should have been a standard width, but instead are extra wide, which makes shoe buying a minor nightmare.
Some years ago, Tesco supermarkets, of all possible shops, ran a line of wide fitting shoes in my exact half size. Unheard of. Cheap and cheerful, and I bought a dozen pairs in different colours, etc, on the basis that they might not be there the following year. [Smile]

Right. They weren't. Now my dozen pairs are beginning to wear out. [Disappointed]


WAAAAAAA....Hhhh [Waterworks]

I don't know whether you take men's sizes or women's sizes, but extra wide fit shoes (EE or E width) can be found quite easily online via Jacamo for men or Simply Be for women. Can't guarantee half sizes (I know that pain!) but Clarks or Hotter are good for that, if more expensive.

I have narrow feet - be assured that it's much easier to find wide shoes than it is to find narrow shoes!
Posted by Brenda Clough (# 18061) on :
My temporary crown, which has fallen out for the second time in a fortnight. The permanent one is not due in for another ten days. So I will have to make another lugubrious trip in to the dentist.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Why doesn't Tesla offer contrasting stitching for their premium interiors, like every other premium automaker? Damn their narrow-minded negligence!

Don't get me started on their lack of a proper Guards Yellow for the seatbelts.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
I don't believe I've cursed weeds this page. Let me rectify that.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Originally posted by Pomona:

I have narrow feet - be assured that it's much easier to find wide shoes than it is to find narrow shoes!

Pomona, your pain is not my pain. It particularly bugs me that women's shoes are usually not found in my particular half size. This is why the Tesco
selection verged on the miraculous.

[ 05. May 2015, 07:46: Message edited by: jacobsen ]
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on :
Black camera cases. I DO NOT WANT A BLACK CASE. I want a nice colourful one - why can't the manufacturers realise that? And why are all the cases I've fancied on ebay or Amazon just the wrong size?
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Black is a bummer. Black anything in a black lined bag is hard to find and easy to overlook. That's why my kindle cover is red.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on :
TICTH charity fundraising telephone callers who follow a completely generic script.

You threw my name into the sentences multiple times in a thoroughly artificial and unnatural manner. That was a major reason for saying no. If you're going to do this, at least make it convincing.

And when I said no, you didn't have the grace to stop, because your script told you not to take no for an answer. Rather than spend time interrupting you, hanging up seemed the easiest option for everyone. You'll thank me later.
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on :
TICTH Rupert Murdoch for being a self-interested puppetmaster, intent on throwing whatever smears (including dog-whistle antisemitism) at anyone who dares stand up to him, doing what he can to keep his preferred lackeys in power.
Posted by Beethoven (# 114) on :
People whose right to be a special snowflake generates far more work for me than it saves them.
Posted by Penny S (# 14768) on :
Originally posted by Sipech:
TICTH Rupert Murdoch for being a self-interested puppetmaster, intent on throwing whatever smears (including dog-whistle antisemitism) at anyone who dares stand up to him, doing what he can to keep his preferred lackeys in power.

That's not dog-whistle. Non-dogs cannot hear dog-whistles. Everyone can read this. Even Nick Ferrari, whose politics are neither mine nor Ed's, expressed himself considerately on this one in his interview of Miliband.
Posted by Penny S (# 14768) on :
npower, and their use of the phrase "rest assured", which I have now gathered is some sort of management template speak as companies dealt with in the Guardian consumer column also use it. My complaint would be kept open for 10 days after their March 5th reply, but all the things which needed dealing with would take 30 days plus 10, or 90 days from the end of January plus 10, and they have not expired yet, so how can they be assured I am satisfied? (Clue - I'm not. False meter readings, false meter number - they had it changed, total genitalia-up).
I am not assured, and come next week, when the period of dealing with it has elapsed, I won't be resting, either.
Posted by bib (# 13074) on :
I must have led a sheltered life because I don't know what TICTH stands for.
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on :
Originally posted by bib:
I must have led a sheltered life because I don't know what TICTH stands for.

Today, I Condemn To Hell - took me a fair while to work it out.
Posted by Uncle Pete (# 10422) on :
Read the first letter of the following:

Today, I consign to Hell.

Is that clearer?
Posted by Fredegund (# 17952) on :
As crystal.
Or the d*** rain here. I'm tired of being damp.
TICTH the English weather.
Posted by Lucia (# 15201) on :
TICTH headlice. Here we go with another round of trying to eliminates the little b.....s. [Mad]

[ 06. May 2015, 15:21: Message edited by: Lucia ]
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Posted by Thyme (# 12360) on :
Originally posted by Penny S:
npower, and their use of the phrase "rest assured", which I have now gathered is some sort of management template speak as companies dealt with in the Guardian consumer column also use it. My complaint would be kept open for 10 days after their March 5th reply, but all the things which needed dealing with would take 30 days plus 10, or 90 days from the end of January plus 10, and they have not expired yet, so how can they be assured I am satisfied? (Clue - I'm not. False meter readings, false meter number - they had it changed, total genitalia-up).
I am not assured, and come next week, when the period of dealing with it has elapsed, I won't be resting, either.

The only way I managed to sort out my npower accounts was by changing suppliers. The new supplier sorted it out for me. In the end I had to take a photo of the meter and send it to npower and they STILL used the wrong readings. To my disadvantage of course.

I loathe them with a passion. At one point I threatened to report them to the Advertising Standards Authority and the radio channel because their radio adverts were so misleading. I may not have been the only one as those ads seem to have stopped.

I am still waiting for them to sort out the accounts for the overlap period with the previous owner's supplier but having persuaded the previous owner's supplier that they should sort it out with npower and not take me to court or cut off my supply and remove my meter I am happy to forget all about it until the next stupid letter.

Sorry hosts, I know I shouldn't be commenting but mention of npower is a 'trigger' for me and I lose all self control [Mad]
Posted by Penny S (# 14768) on :
npower again, for causing my heart to leap up with joy as I opened the "Amended Statement" this morning, only to find that they have merely amended the changeover statement from November, and not the January meter changeover, or the subsequent estimated statement. Aargh!

(Though to be fair, one error was a misprint by me. All the rest was them.)
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on :
MS. And falling and hitting my head. And the way our health board is arranged so that after been and seen at our local hospital where I was Xrayed and put in a collar, we had to travel another 20 miles to the big hospital to see a doctor who told me I needed to be Xrayed. Read. THE. REPORT. [Mad]
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
OK ... compared to some issues I read here it's nothing ... just five retired colleagues with track records of negative to zero growth meeting to tell me how to do my job.

So I feel better. Because what some of you experience makes this a doddle.

Fuck 'em anyway.
Posted by Porridge (# 15405) on :
TICTH Voc Rehab.

So both I and my hearing aids are getting on in years. My warranty, renewed five years running, is due to expire, and without a warranty I can't afford the cleanings and maintenance and basically need new aids, which on my salary means moving into a cardboard box.

So I went back to Voc Rehab to apply for them to buy me replacement aids so I can keep working.

Hell's bells on a raft in midocean, I am now going through all the exact same idiotic fucking vocational testing I went through five years ago. Nothing has changed except my hearing's a little worse, my case load's a lot bigger, and my aids are wearing out.

This #$%$#! testing took nine #$%#^!@! months the last time I went through it. My warranty expires in three. The aids need to go in for maintenance about every three months, and they often quit working if I skip a visit, and , ahem , I CANNOT DO MY @%@#$!!! JOB IF I CANNOT HEAR EITHER MY STAFF OR MY CLIENTS.

Yeah, yeah. I'm middle-aged bordering on senior status. Of course I could have undergone some SWEEPING change in my functionality since five years ago, only I didn't, or otherwise the PTB would have fired my ass, and guess what? I AM STILL WORKING.

And I wouldn't mind, but after nine months of the most excruciatingly boring inappropriate irrelevant and utterly bone-headed testing, what were the results?


And you jerks are going to put me through this again because . . . why, exactly?
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
What a luxury, to be kept in the job and be able to complain about it.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
What a luxury, that, despite the tangents we've ignored, despite the EXPLICIT STATEMENTS OF THE HELLHOSTS that commentary would not be appreciated, this thread is still open.

No mercy this time.


—Ariston, Hellhost

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