Thread: RIP Kenwritez Board: Glory / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Scot (# 2095) on :
Ken passed away just before noon today, Saturday, October 31, 2009. Ken was a good friend to many of us here on the Ship. I'm going to deeply miss his big heart and ready wit.

Please keep Ken's wife, the Sturdy Wench, in your thoughts and prayers.


[ 11. May 2011, 16:13: Message edited by: Spike ]
Posted by uffda (# 14310) on :
When I was new to the Ship, Kenwritez treated me very well. I enjoyed his sense of humor and wit.
I will miss him greatly.
Posted by Louise (# 30) on :
Ken was one of the most intelligent and interesting posters - someone who was always interesting and fun to spar with. It's a shock to hear this. My thoughts are with his family. [Votive]


[ 01. November 2009, 00:50: Message edited by: Louise ]
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
Oh dear! Prayers ascending [Votive]
Posted by Leetle Masha (# 8209) on :
Oh Lord, may his soul dwell with the blessed, in a place of verdure, a place of repose, where there is no more weeping, nor sighing, nor pain, but life everlasting! Memory eternal!

Prayers for his dear family, especially the Sturdy Wench, of whom he always spoke with the deepest love,

who watched for his delightful and witty posts, and appreciated his unfailing kindness to everyone on the Ship [Votive]
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
My prayers too.
Posted by W Hyatt (# 14250) on :
I enjoyed his posts and was impressed with his blog. I will definitely miss him. [Tear]
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
I am shocked, stunned, and not the slightest bit pleased. (And that tautology stands as evidence.) Rest with the Father, Kenwritez, I know I will be one of many when I say I will remember you with fondness and respect. May God let the Sturdy Wench feel his presence and his comfort.
Posted by Foaming Draught (# 9134) on :
This is very sad news indeed. Thank you for letting us know, Scot.

As well as for the Sturdy Wench, [Votive] for our Californian Shipmates who have sailed with Ken for so long and for whom this will be especially painful.

The Salvation Army have a lovely phrase, Promoted to Glory!
Posted by sabine (# 3861) on :
I always loved his looking at the world through the catflap sig....


Posted by Lady A (# 3126) on :
I am at a loss. He was a magnificent sailor here and the Ship is less without him.
Posted by Athrawes (# 9594) on :
I am so saddened to hear this. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. And may his wife know the peace that passes all understanding as a real support at the moment.
Posted by Anna B (# 1439) on :
I am shocked and saddened to hear of this loss to the Ship and the world. May he rest in peace and rise in glory, and may God comfort his family.

Posted by Bullfrog. (# 11014) on :
Gwai is far more eloquent than I. I truly appreciated his posting, and it's a shame I never got to meet him in person. May he rest with the saints and rise in glory. [Votive]
Posted by marmot (# 479) on :
No, no, no. Scot, thanks for telling us, but the thought is too sad to even contemplate.
Posted by Pancho (# 13533) on :
Prayers.... [Votive]
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
I am overwhelmed at this sad news. I enjoyed KenWritez' posts so much. The combination of hilarity, insight, deep theological thinking, and amazingly clever writing was unique. I will miss him. May he rest in peace, and may God be with the Sturdy Wench to comfort her in this time of sorrow
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
What a shock this news comes as! I didn't always agree with Ken, but he was always a good read, and a great guy, and I shall miss him. May God comfort the Sturdy Wench and all who knew and loved him. And may God pardon all his sins and cleanse all his iniquity.

May his memory be eternal.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Holding him and all who loved him in the Light and giving thanks for the grace of God in his life.

Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
In paradisum deducant te angeli.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
The poor, dear man. I know I will miss his insight and his wit. God, please comfort the Sturdy Wench and all his family. May light perpetual shine upon him. [Votive]
Posted by Ye Olde Motherboarde (# 54) on :
JB and I are just overwhelmed with sadness. I've got to compose myself as I write this.

The one thing about Ken was just thinking about him always made me smile. And being at a shipmeet with Ken was like being in such a happy place full of laughter. I remember Estes Park and the house we stayed in (thanks to our Marmot) He was writing his wedding vows on the big table in the dining room (a few days before the event, mind you!) and Welsh Dragon and I found that Ken LOVED to shop. So we all went into town and modeled on all these dresses for Ken because he wanted something special for his bride to be. Shipmates, that shopping trip was a laugh a minute, as the sales clerks thought we had landed from another planet, but we came home with a really nice dress. [Biased]

Ken has now gone on to glory, I know that the angels are laughing and smiling with him around. Yes, "promoted to glory" is just perfect, Foaming Draught. And God Bless You, Ken in your place of glory and sympathies to our California shipmates who knew him so well. [Votive] [Tear]
Posted by tomb (# 174) on :
I am so sad to hear this. What a wonderful person he was. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Goodbye Kenwritez, my friend.

Goodbye to your gigantic wit, and your enormous humour.
Goodbye to your sly re-understanding of what I actually meant.
Goodbye to toasting recipes, and your advice on cooking my enemies (and their pets).
Goodbye to reading your beautifully-crafted prose.
Goodbye to looking forward to meeting you in person, finally, to cement all that we've shared as friends.

Farewell my friend. You will be missed.
Posted by MrSponge2U (# 3076) on :
This is very sad news to hear. I appreciate all the wonderful humor and touching prose he shared on the ship, and it was an honor to meet him at the Colorado meet. Words cannot describe how much he will be missed. Prayers for his wife and family. [Votive]

[ 01. November 2009, 02:28: Message edited by: MrSponge2U ]
Posted by jlg (# 98) on :
Originally posted by marmot:
No, no, no. Scot, thanks for telling us, but the thought is too sad to even contemplate.

I can only echo this.

And then shed some tears for his beloved Sturdy Wench with the most incredibly beautiful eyes (and when he posted the honeymoon pictures, no one could argue about it).

I hate to think of those eyes crying now.

RIP, Ken.

[Votive] [Votive] [Votive] Sturdy Wench [Votive] [Votive] [Votive]
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on :
I have a kitschy magnet on my refrigerator that Ken sent me after his trip to Hawaii. When my son was seriously ill several years ago, Ken sent him a ball cap from a local university. He was a sweet, thoughtful guy who loved life, and if he was your friend, he was a friend for life.

It's not easy sailing on the Ship when you're in the minority -- the conservative minority, that is. Ken was good company, though, and his voice was heard loud and clear on more than one occasion.

His passion -- besides his bride -- was writing. He was a big guy stuffed full of words and ideas, and he loved to turn a phrase. He also loved to cook and shared so many great recipes over the years.

Ken would call Tortuf every so often and threaten a visit to Nashville. I'm really sorry he never made it. A hug from Ken would be something great to remember.

The only thing he lacked was a clean bill of health. It just seemed he couldn't get everything working right at once. I'm sorry he couldn't overcome his problems.

Goodbye, Ken. We hardly knew ye.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Sad news indeed.
Holding Ken in the Light... [Votive]
Posted by Leaf (# 14169) on :
Kenwritez won the Simmie for Best Post on the "Let's Offend" thread, when he voiced his outrage via typed interpretive dance. I laughed so hard I wept - it was one of the funniest things I'd read online. I'm sad to lose a stellar shipmate of great wit, intellect, humour, and moral sense.

Prayers for the Sturdy Wench and for his other family members. It was a privilege to have trod these boards with him.
Posted by Spiffy (# 5267) on :
I have no words.

Posted by Laura (# 10) on :
Posted by Chelley (# 11322) on :
All I can do is offer more of these [Votive] as what I could say has already been said so much better than I could say it.
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on :
[Tear] [Votive]

I've been offline a lot so I didn't even know he was unwell... [Tear]
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on :
Kenwritez's posts were always better than mine. A fact which he couldn't resist letting me know on occasion.
May some of these wonderful posts live on as a living testimony to his larger-than-life character and sense of fun. [Cool]
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
Ken, see you at Aslan's Table!

{{{{{Sturdy Wench}}}}}

Posted by churchgeek (# 5557) on :
Never met Ken, and I wish I'd known him better even here. This is horrible, sad news.

So tomorrow we celebrate one more Saint. [Votive]

May God comfort Ken's family and all who mourn.
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
Oh No [Tear]
Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on :
Ken, my friend, I shall miss you more than I can possibly say.

You always brought a smile to my face when I saw one of your posts. They were well written. They shone through the morass of mediocrity as the product of a keen mind and a sharp wit. And while you could skewer pomposity and poorly thought out positions better than anyone else here, you ever remained the embodiment of congeniality.

Hearing your voice on the phone meant I was in for a good long chat with a treasured friend.

The Ship is a lesser place without you and a better place for having been graced with your presence.

Save me a rocking chair next to you. We will have a long time to visit in Heaven.
Posted by ecumaniac (# 376) on :
Posted by Amos (# 44) on :
[Votive] He was a friend.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
I always enjoyed his posts and the manner in which he wrote.

[Votive] for Sturdy Wench and all affected by his passing.
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :
Oh noooooo!

Posted by Adrienne (# 2334) on :
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on :
Posted by Dormouse (# 5954) on :
[Votive] no words - everyone's already said it better than me [Votive]
Posted by Spike (# 36) on :
[Waterworks] [Votive] [Votive]
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on :
I only knew him on the Ship, and even here not well - but I'm shocked. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. [Votive]
Posted by CJ (# 2166) on :
shock and sadness.

I read much more than I post, but I am here often, though quietly, and I had great affection for his intelligence, integrity, generosity and humour.

with prayers for him and for all who grieve for him.

Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on :
RIP Ken and [Votive] for Sturdy Wench
Posted by Loveheart (# 12249) on :
Just wanted to say "Oh no!" and RIP Kenwritez [Frown]
Posted by Pretty Butterfly (# 15024) on :
Sad news indeed. I didn't know Ken personally but always found his posts very insightful.

Prayers are with his friends and family.
Posted by Nicodemia (# 4756) on :
So sad. I always enjoyed his posts. He was a good man.

Prayers fo Sturdy Wench and his family.
Posted by Think² (# 1984) on :
Posted by QLib (# 43) on :

Thoughts and prayers for Sturdy Wench

Posted by Mad Geo (# 2939) on :
I feel so fortunate to have gotten to know Ken and Sturdy Wench in person. They are great people. I will deeply miss Kens phone calls to discuss whatever interesting thing he was mulling at that time and his booming laugh. Too short, time. He will be missed.
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
A sad shock for us, for Kenwritez a shipmate who was great - and it must be awful for Sturdy Wench and all the family and IRL friends.

Lord, help and confort them. [Votive]
Posted by Tea gnome (# 9424) on :
So sorry to hear this news, thank you Leaf for reminding me of the interpretive dance post... [Frown]
Posted by Stoo (# 254) on :
This is sad news.

It was a pleasure to sail on the same ship as Ken, and I always looked forward to reading one of his posts.

RIP, Ken. [Votive]
Posted by Smudgie (# 2716) on :
A sad loss for us, for his community, for his family. He was such a presence when posting that it is hard to believe that he is not going to be around any more. One my list of "shipmates I'd love to meet", this man came pretty high: for his sense of humour, his caring nature, his wisdom, the joy he exuded in his love for his family, his love of words which filtered out of everything he wrote.

Goodbye for now Phil the Wise Guy . Promoted to Glory indeed.
Posted by Auntie Doris (# 9433) on :
[Votive] [Votive] [Votive]

Auntie Doris x
Posted by Flausa (# 3466) on :
"the loons, the loons, I can hear the loons ... " [Votive]
Posted by Ferijen (# 4719) on :
Rest in Peace Ken, and may the SW be comforted. I will miss your contributions to all things foody.
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on :

Ken was a wonderful man, I'll miss him here so much. Weeping alongside you all, and my prayers for SW and his family and friends.

Smudgie, thanks for the Nativity link - I thought of Phil too.
Posted by Jahlove (# 10290) on :
[Votive] very sorry to read this.
Posted by Annie P (# 3453) on :
Apologies for not being around on the ship much anymore, but my real life seems to keep me very busy.

Tom told me the news this morning. I have fond memories of Ken first starting out here, helping me out when my date (now IRL hubby) went missing for a few days when we were playing married by SoF. He certainly got the party going in the Circus when he started hosting there and I'll never forget his first attempt at flaming someone.

Ken, may you rest in peace and keep an eye out for us up there. For your wife and family, we pray that they may know God's love and presence through this time. A good shippie, who will be missed.
Posted by Roseofsharon (# 9657) on :
Very shocked and saddened.
[Votive] [Votive] for his family and friends.
Posted by Nanny Ogg (# 1176) on :
This is sad news. [Votive]

Heaven has called its Saint of Wit to be with God.

May Kenwritez spirit of laughter be amongst us for eternity.
Posted by Trudy Scrumptious (# 5647) on :
So very, very sad to hear this. I remember my first encounter with Kenwritez when he gave me a hellish lambasting over a book we disagreed about. I thoroughly enjoyed his wit, his creativity, and his ability to cut through the crap. May he rest in peace and may those who knew and loved him in real life be comforted. [Votive]
Posted by Moo (# 107) on :
[Tear] [Tear] [Tear]

I had dreams of meeting him some day. I enjoyed his posts so much, and we exchanged PMs.

[Votive] [Votive] [Votive]

Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
Seeing a post by KenWritez was enough to make sure that I read the thread, even if the topic wasn't something I'd normally engage in, just to engage with his ideas and prose. He will be missed.

[Votive] for the Sturdy Wench and his family

May light perpetual shine upon him.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
So sorry. [Votive]
Posted by ebeth (# 4474) on :
[Votive] [Tear]
Posted by Adeodatus (# 4992) on :
This is very sad news. I long ago lost count of the times I was entertained by (and slightly in awe of) his effortless wit and style. One of the Ship's all-time greats.

[Votive] for the Sturdy Wench and for all who will grieve his loss.
Posted by Lord Pontivillian (# 14308) on :
Seeing RIP Kenwritez in All Saints has come as a real shock. I will always remember his recipes for Shipmates and his interpretive Dance, even though I don't think I ever interacted with Ken.

May he be remembered.

We have lost a well loved Shipmate [Waterworks]

[Votive] [Votive] [Votive]

Posted by St. Punk the Pious (# 683) on :
Sad news indeed. May our prayers ascend for him on this All Saint's Day as he is surely now with the saints in glory.
Posted by Hiro's Leap (# 12470) on :
I didn't know Kenwritz well, but I saw enough of his humour and good nature to be certain he'll be sorely missed by a great many people.

[Votive] for all his family and friends as they grieve.
Posted by Ags (# 204) on :
So sorry [Votive]
Posted by Horseman Bree (# 5290) on :
For reasons that Curiosity Killed has already given, he will be missed by many on the Ship, including me. His ability to give a brisk contradiction to something one had said, without causing offense, was a great talent.

Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
Ken was a larger-than-life character (and I've seen the photos). From the Nativity play (and the tour-bus and the moon), the wedding, the recipes; his wit never failed. And his serious posts were always worth reading.

Prayers for the Sturdy Wench and her son.

Posted by Wesley J (# 6075) on :
[Waterworks] [Votive]

May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Posted by Earwig (# 12057) on :
So, so sorry to hear this. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. [Votive]
Posted by Qoheleth. (# 9265) on :
Posted by Curious (# 93) on :
[Votive] Thoughts and prayers for all will miss KenWritez.

Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
Sitting and wiping the tears that just won't stop rolling down my face. This is just so hard to believe.

Ken was a wonderful person, so full of life and love and humor. And so kind to those of us who had the great pleasure of spending time with him.

He went shopping with Motherboard and me, and found a beautiful scarf for his bride. His eyes just sparkled as he talked about his Sturdy Wench.

My prayers for Ken's wife, for his family and loved ones. And for Ken as he has fought the good fight, and has run his (too short) race.

God hold you tightly in His arms, my friend. [Votive]
Posted by Pants (# 999) on :
Posted by Suze (# 5639) on :
I saw the thread title and though surely not, but surely yes. Prayers for those who love him and will miss him dearly now and thanks for all he contributed here. [Votive]
Posted by Organ Builder (# 12478) on :
When I came to the Ship, Ken was on an extended shore leave. I discovered his voice first in the "Ask Sine" thread, where he set up the thread acting as Sine's straight man (bad pun intended even in the midst of sadness...) When he announced he was coming back, I welcomed him, noted that he had no idea who I was, but thanked him for that thread. Of course, after discovering that thread I also searched out other contributions.

I always admired that he was not only able to change other's opinions, but his own when the discussion brought forth points he had not previously considered. The ability to consider the arguments of others and change one's own opinions is all too rare.

I'm not sure "Circus" is the board that would first spring to mind when people think about their most memorable posts, but as others have mentioned his liturgical dance post was one of the funniest things I have ever read on a bulletin board.

"The strife is o'er, the battle won..."
[Votive] for Ken and for all who hold him dear.
Posted by les@BALM (# 11237) on :
Remembering Ken, Sturdy Wench and their friends and family in prayer [Votive]
Posted by nomadicgrl (# 7623) on :
So Sad. Like others here, I have not interacted with Ken, but have always enjoyed his posts, and would look for them. He seemed a kind, intelligent and very witty man. Prayers for Sturdy Wench and all those who loved him. [Votive]
Posted by Caty M. (# 11996) on :
So sad to hear this. [Tear] [Votive]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Man, I loved that guy. [Tear]

Very grateful that he crossed our paths. How he will be missed.
Posted by Sandemaniac (# 12829) on :
I used to keep an eye out for the Ned Flanders avatar, just to see what KW had said this time (this got very confusing sometimes, with others use of it). I never met him, but I never felt that I had needed to, as the Ship brought his rapier wit and sheer damn cleverness to me across the miles.

Good luck, God, you've got someone who will give an omnipotent intellect a run for its money. Look after him. [Tear] [Votive] And look after the Sturdy Wench and his son as well.

Posted by welsh dragon (# 3249) on :
Very sorry to hear this news (couldn't quite believe it). Great writing style, great personality, great cook. I hope the angels are enjoying his company as I write.
Posted by Thurible (# 3206) on :

Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
I was blessed to be fortunate to have met him on several occasions, the first being the initial Colorado Shipmeet several years ago. I will miss his wit and his loud Hawaiian shirts. I was hoping to see him again in person a few months ago when we were on our way to Northern California, but it did not work out.

May Sturdy Wench think back on all of the good times she had with him. Our prayers go out to her. He will be sorely missed at this house and all over the Ship...

[Votive] [Tear]
Posted by basso (# 4228) on :
Ken's posts were one of the things that convinced me to hang around the Ship when I was first looking around.

God bless him and the Sturdy Wench.
Posted by hatless (# 3365) on :
This is very sad. Kenwritez's posts were a hook for me in the early days, too. He could write so well, and make a different opinion sound attractive. His communication of his own enjoyment, of life and words, is what I'll remember.

Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
I'm pinching myself at this news. God Bless you Ken. It's been good to have had you around.

[Votive] Sturdy Wench

Posted by chive (# 208) on :
[Votive] Ken, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
I too am sorry to read this sad news; his posts were both intelligent and entertaining.
May his loved ones be comforted. [Votive]
Posted by kentishmaid (# 4767) on :
RIP [Votive]
Posted by cor ad cor loquitur (# 11816) on :
Very sad to hear this. RIP. Prayers for Ken and his family. I will miss his posts.
Posted by daisydaisy (# 12167) on :
Posted by fletcher christian (# 13919) on :
Sad news

O Lord, rest eternal grant unto him,
and may light perpetual shine upon him.

Posted by art dunce (# 9258) on :
A couple of years ago in the midst of some crazy thread Ken responded in his usual funny/wicked smart way with a Charlie Chan quote of all things: “Death is the black camel that kneels unbidden at every gate.” It immediately popped in to my head when I saw this thread. Sad indeed.
Posted by Geneviève (# 9098) on :
Like many here, I knew Ken from his posts, and admired him greatly:

May he be at rest in the heart of God
where sorrow and pain are no more,
neither signing, but life everlasting.

And for his beloved bride [Votive]
Posted by Wet Kipper (# 1654) on :
Farewell, Kenwritez

and [Votive] for Sturdy Wench and family
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on :
I don't think I interacted with him much, but I always admired his posts.


The tributes from his friends say it all.


Posted by Hilda of Whitby (# 7341) on :
No, oh no.

What a great guy he was, so kind and so funny.

[Votive] [Votive] The Sturdy Wench [Votive] [Votive]

May light perpetual shine upon him.
Posted by Jenn. (# 5239) on :
Posted by M. (# 3291) on :
Just to add my name to the long list of those who enjoyed his posts, without, sadly, knowing the man in person at all.

As someone up the thread posted, seeing his avatar was enough to make me want to look at the thread.

Posted by Triple Tiara (# 9556) on :
What sad news to log on to.

Ken was indeed a mensch. It is certain that all groups he was involved in will miss him as much as we here on SoF will.

[Votive] Rest in Peace
Posted by Cottontail (# 12234) on :
I am so sorry to hear this.
Posted by Arabella Purity Winterbottom (# 3434) on :
Posted by Rev per Minute (# 69) on :
Ken's posts were always worth reading and always well written - even in the midst of an argument. It was posters like Ken, even though the width of an ocean and a continent away, that always keep me coming back to the Ship.

Prayers and best wishes to the Sturdy Wench, and to all who knew and loved Ken. Eternal rest, Ken. [Votive]
Posted by guinness girl (# 4391) on :
Erik and I always enjoyed Ken's posts, no matter what the subject. He'll be greatly missed [Frown]
Posted by MiceElf (# 4389) on :
So sad, [Votive]

I will always remember how kind he was to me.
Posted by fisher (# 9080) on :
[Votive] [Votive]
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
[Tear] [Votive] Sad news indeed, and my thoughts and prayers join countless others for SW and those closest to KenWritez. I too respected and enjoyed his posts: the eschatological banquet will be richer for his presence. [Tear] [Votive]
Posted by Imaginary Friend (# 186) on :
That is sad news. [Votive]
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
(Somehow, Ken, my sig seemed wrong. This one's for you).
Posted by leo (# 1458) on :
Wow - prayers from here.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :

to KenWritez: one of the best sparring partners a cranky bitch like me could ever ask for.


to the prayers for the SW please add prayers for her teenage son, whom KW loved and fussed over and who will likely be quite lost and sad over losing his step father.

I'm going to miss him so much. this sucks.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on :
Dear Lord. [Votive]
Posted by Malin (# 11769) on :
So, so sorry to hear the news. Rest in peace with Christ ken, and great peace to the sturdy wench and son [Votive]
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on :
Posted by Telepath (# 3534) on :
With sighs too deep for words.
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Kenwritez was such a big presence on the ship when I first posted here. He was so witty and such fun. He was also kind, explaining numerous cookery tips to me, like how to spin pizza dough. I will miss him.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on :
Ah, KenWritez: we didn't agree on much, but there are few people I enjoyed disagreeing with more.

You will be missed.

Posted by lapsed heathen (# 4403) on :
What a strange medium this interweb thing is.
I have never met or spoken to Ken yet I shall miss him as though he were a personal friend. His posts always stood out, his style of writing made them seem personal and immediate somehow.
Saddened by the news. Condolences to his family.
Posted by A Feminine Force (# 7812) on :
[Votive] [Votive] [Votive]

Shocked and speechless.

Godspeed, Ken.

Posted by Call me Numpty (# 3012) on :
Sad news. The Father's blessing on his loved ones.
Posted by Emma Louise (# 3571) on :
[Frown] another fan of his here. Certainly one of the people I got to "know" and love by their posts when I first started here [Frown] x
Posted by Margaret (# 283) on :
[Frown] [Votive]
Posted by Silver Faux (# 8783) on :
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; God's mercies never come to an end.
They are new every morning; in quietness and trust shall be your strength.

It seems to me that the face which Kenwritez showed here was always that of the idealist, rather than that of the cynic.
He appeared to believe that all discourse here, whether humour, discussion, or argumentation, could be presented at a level of excellence - and his own postings tended to prove the point.
That strikes me as a truly joyful outlook on life, and I hope I can be excused for attributing it to Kenwritez.

I'm going to miss the happiness and sharpened interest I always felt when I saw his name on a thread, and knew that I would read something worthwhile - probably, something extremely entertaining.

I know that he didn't approve of Shipmates calling other Shipmates to Heaven to be praised for their wonderful postings.
He steadfastly refused to respond to such calls himself.
Now, I am very certain, he has received a call to Heaven that he did respond to.

[Votive] to all who cared for him [Overused] for all the joy which came from him.

[ 01. November 2009, 21:14: Message edited by: Silver Faux ]
Posted by Meg the Red (# 11838) on :
I know many of us followed Ken's beautifully written blog. His wife has posted a lovely, heartbreaking message in the comments section.

Such a loss to so many. [Votive] Rest in God's love, my dear.

[ 01. November 2009, 21:15: Message edited by: Meg the Red ]
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Hey [duchess];

I sympathize, I've had crap days as well, so I'm in your tribe.

Now I'm going to kick you in the butt in true Christian love.

(my question to KenW_)Question, he is not trying to blow me off right? I mean it does take 6 hours with no traffic to get to [this destination]?

No, I'd say more like 7. It's 3.5 from Fresno to LA. I don't think Ivan's blowing you off, sounds like he simply forgot.

I want you to go get a Post-It note and write the following on it: [duchess], GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD! Stick on your bathroom mirror or your monitor, wherever you'll see it often.

Girl, you are overthinking all of this, over-analyzing things, and you're making yourself crazy by it. Unlax! I used to do the same thing, so I know what it looks like, smells like, feels like, and it blows dead goats. Muchly no fun.

Dr. Ken sez go get a big glass of good wine and sit back in a comfy chair in a quiet environment and let it all go.

Are we clear?

--Dr. Ken

I had to share a memory first of the e-mails/pm's I have traded back and forth with KenWritez. He is a wonderful man, with a big heart and so funny! I am in utter shock right now that God took him up to heaven right now at such a young age. I speak of him in present tense as he's in another place. I really believe that.

I met him in person at Kelly Alves house years ago and he was very real in this life, a very direct communicator. The love between his wife (whom I have met) and him was very evident. I remember hoping I could somehow feel that way someday.

Sturdy Wench, I hope it comforts you to know he touched so many people in his short and blazing life, including me and that I promise to pray for years for you and son...and the rest of his family who miss him. I am so sorry for your loss.

JOHN 14:2 (NIV) "In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would
have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you."

[have to fix code in a post where I peak of this precious soul.]

[ 01. November 2009, 21:30: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
speak not peak! But I know somewhere, KenW is laughing at my error. [Smile]

[spelling once again!]

[ 01. November 2009, 21:44: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by The Great Gumby (# 10989) on :
[Tear] [Votive]

Simply lost for words. He'll be greatly missed.
Posted by Anglican_Brat (# 12349) on :
May our friend rest in peace, and may he rise in glory.
Posted by Joyeux (# 3851) on :
[Waterworks] [Votive] [Waterworks] [Votive]

The only place I ever saw Ken cause offense was on the Let's Offend thread. I loved it when he would post after me. There is nothing like having the most mundane part of your post taking apart and lambasted by him.

Prayers heavenward for Sturdy Wench and son.
Posted by 205 (# 206) on :
Never met him but I never skipped his posts: the highest compliment I can pay.

Posted by Patdys (# 9397) on :
Neither words nor interpretive dance can express the loss to our community.

I am the richer for reading your posts Ken.
[Votive] Family and friends.
Posted by Sir Pellinore (ret'd) (# 12163) on :
May flights of angels sing him to his rest and comfort and console his wife. [Votive]

He was a fine man and a genuine Christian: not an empty windbag.

What little I had to do with him on SOF had a considerably beneficial and uplifting effect on me.

He was a rare species. [Votive]
Posted by LutheranChik (# 9826) on :
I'm so sad. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. And may Sturdy Wench be enfolded in the peace of God and the love of friends.
Posted by Annichka (# 3897) on :
Memory eternal. [Votive]
Posted by Nicolemrw (# 28) on :
Oh dear. Been offline for a couple of days, this was not news I wanted to come back to. [Frown]

So very, very sorry to hear.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Posted by Dark Knight (# 9415) on :
Posted by Gill H (# 68) on :
I too will miss his wonderful wit, his gentle spirit and his obvious love for his family. As others have said, that avatar was enough to make me read a hitherto unread thread.

The Heavenly Shipmeet has one more member keeping a table for us at the Everlasting Arms.

Posted by Miffy (# 1438) on :
Originally posted by Moth:
Kenwritez was such a big presence on the ship when I first posted here. He was so witty and such fun. He was also kind, explaining numerous cookery tips to me, like how to spin pizza dough. I will miss him.

Me too. Even if his cookery veered towards the *ahem*
extreme at times; remember his rabbit pie in the Soap Opera thread, anyone? And his 'trenchant' advice on child-rearing in 'Ask Sine' cheered me up no end at a time when IRL it seemed as if Mum could do no right. I'm sure he'd be glad to know that five years down the line, Miffyson is now a dab hand at laundering his own smalls!

RIP Ken, and [Votive] to SW and your family.
Posted by Jenny Ann (# 3131) on :
He'll be missed so much.

[Votive] for those that are left. [Votive]
Posted by Sparrow (# 2458) on :
Posted by Ceesharp (# 3818) on :
Posted by Alwyn (# 4380) on :
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
Ken was such a lovely and kind guy, this is such sad news. Prayers for him and those left behind. [Votive]

Posted by St Everild (# 3626) on :
I am so sorry.

[Votive] for his family.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on :
Only once in the many years I've been aboard this vessel have I printed out a post and taken it home so I could read it over and over again whenever I wanted or needed to. That post has given me comfort and peace ever since. That post was by Kenwritez.

What more is there to say? A true master of the medium, a wit to rival any and a wisdom second to none. A truly sad loss for us all, but especially for his family.


Posted by Pine Marten (# 11068) on :
I've just come across this sad news, after seeing mousethief's sig on another thread, and thinking, 'Oh, what's happened to Kenwritez?'

May he rest in peace and rise in glory. [Votive] for his family.
Posted by kingsfold (# 1726) on :
[Votive] [Waterworks] [Votive]

I too will treasure memories of the interpretive dance, and how best to serve shipmates. He'll be much missed.

Go with God, Kenwritez, and [Votive] for sturdywench and the family.
Posted by Rosa Winkel (# 11424) on :
I didn't see this thread.

I enjoyed reading his posts.

May he rest in peace and rise in glory [Votive]
Posted by Angloid (# 159) on :
Posted by Arrietty (# 45) on :
Just seen this thread.

What can I say but 'Oh, no...'

He will be missed.

[Frown] [Votive]
Posted by Mad Cat (# 9104) on :
I enjoyed Ken's posts - sad news.

Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on :
I just saw this.

I'm sad and shocked to hear this. I'm afraid I can only judge him by his posts, since I never met him IRL. But what a fantastic poster he was!

It is All Souls' Day today, an appropriate time for a prayer from the heart that he may join the glory of God in all love and peace. [Votive]
Posted by Cranmer's baggage (# 1662) on :
Sad news indeed.

The Ship, and all those whose lives he touched, are poorer for his passing.

[Votive] the Sturdy Wench and son.
Posted by Cinnamon cicada (# 14205) on :
I loved his intelligence and his quick wit. Now he's making the angels laugh...

[Votive] RIP KenWritez
[Votive] Ken's family
Posted by Sine Nomine (# 66) on :
Ken was a generous man in so many ways, humble about his own gifts and quick to give credit to others. That's not something you run into very often.

He was life-enhancing, which isn't something you run into very often either. Truly a rare bird.
Posted by Moo (# 107) on :
Ken's kindness, originality and wit were so outstanding that if he had had only one of these characteristics, he would still have been one of my favorite posters.

Into thy hands, O merciful Savior, we commend the soul of thy servant Ken, now departed from the body. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech thee, a sheep of thine own fold, a lamb of thine own flock, a sinner of thine own redeeming. Receive him into the arms of thy mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light.


Posted by Keren-Happuch (# 9818) on :
[Votive] [Tear]
Posted by neandergirl (# 8916) on :
Terribly sad news. Others have said it better than I can, but his wit and wisdom will be missed.
[Votive] for sturdy wench and all those mourning his loss.
Posted by Zwingli (# 4438) on :

Originally posted by Leaf:
Kenwritez won the Simmie for Best Post on the "Let's Offend" thread, when he voiced his outrage via typed interpretive dance. I laughed so hard I wept - it was one of the funniest things I'd read online. I'm sad to lose a stellar shipmate of great wit, intellect, humour, and moral sense.

Prayers for the Sturdy Wench and for his other family members. It was a privilege to have trod these boards with him.

Somewhere in Heaven, angels are expressing their grief via interpretive dance.
Posted by Belisarius (# 32) on :
I am so sorry to hear this; I can only echo what others have said about his humor and kindness.
Posted by jlg (# 98) on :
Thanks to everyone for the reminders of some of Ken's finer moments. I'm afraid that I am sitting here at the keyboard madly laughing because I now have this mental image of Phil the WizeGuy (wearing Hawaiian shirt and smoking a cigar) up in Heaven doing interpretive dances with Miss Molly.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by Zwingli:
Somewhere in Heaven, angels are expressing their grief via interpretive dance.

Oooooh!!! ((((Zwingles))))
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
During the All Saints service yesterday, we were asked to name friends and family who had died the preceding year. KenWritez was the first name called! A bell was rung and a candle lit in his memory. [Tear]
Posted by Leetle Masha (# 8209) on :
For Ken, in heaven:

The Seraphim, six-wingèd, many-eyed,
Cherubim upon their shoulders dance a joyous 'lectric-slide,
While the Thrones and the Dominions
Soar aloft, borne on their pinions,
As the Virtues and the Powers
Dance a polka 'round the side.
Principalities will keep the beat
With their stomping, shining feet;
But the Angels and Archangels steal the show
As they hold Ken in their arms and rock him
Slow, slow, slow....


Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :
Originally posted by jlg:
Thanks to everyone for the reminders of some of Ken's finer moments. I'm afraid that I am sitting here at the keyboard madly laughing because I now have this mental image of Phil the WizeGuy (wearing Hawaiian shirt and smoking a cigar) up in Heaven doing interpretive dances with Miss Molly.

With some kitchen ninja moves thrown in!

Deepest sympathy to the SW and to Scot and MadGeo and Ken's other close friends. His loss leaves a big, big hole.

Posted by Trudy Scrumptious (# 5647) on :
I just remembered that I nominated Kenwritez for Shipmate of the Year in last year's Simmies. He didn't win: ken was the winner -- ironic because when I first came to the Ship I used to confused ken with Kenwritez. I was so happy last year to have Kenwritez back and posting again ... I still can't quite grasp that he's gone.
Posted by Kasra (# 10631) on :
Posted by Otter (# 12020) on :
I'm speechless, and have just (re-) discovered how much Shipmates mean to me. [Votive]
Posted by Fr Weber (# 13472) on :
O LORD, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in thy mercy grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last. Amen.

May his soul rest in peace. [Votive]
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on :
In laughter, and in tears,
sometimes all at once,
we remember.

May his memory be eternal [Votive]
Posted by Lady R of Ashwood (# 4788) on :
Godspeed [Votive]
Posted by Angel Wrestler (# 13673) on :
God bless Mrs. Writez (Sturdy Wench) and all those who loved Ken.

Posted by agrgurich (# 5724) on :
[Votive] Sincere condolences.
Posted by Eanswyth (# 3363) on :
[Tear] [Votive]
Posted by amber. (# 11142) on :
There's never words enough

Posted by Duo Seraphim (# 256) on :
This is such a shock - I've only just found out.

Kenwritez was such a big presence on the Ship in every single respect. He wrote wonderfully and so very entertainingly on so many things - Hawaiian shirts, recipes (including for long pig - yikes), childrearing, his Sturdy Wench and always his faith in God.

May God keep Ken's family and all those he loved safe and comfort them.

May you rest in peace and rise in glory, Kenwritez. May your soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of Christ, rest in peace.

I'll miss you. [Votive]
Posted by Banner Lady (# 10505) on :

Bugger. Bugger. Bugger. [Frown]

But one more reason to look forward to heaven, sigh.

I AM glad he is free from the pain of his earthly body, but damn I will miss that irreplaceable armpit-licking wit. I could never work out if he was tickling us or tasting his prey with a view to future slow-cookery. Miss u dearly, Ken. Fondly, and irreverently remembered.
Posted by rugasaw (# 7315) on :
same [Frown]
Posted by Alfred E. Neuman (# 6855) on :
Rest in peace, Friend! Thanks for your always-upbeat messages during troubled times, Ken! The cat world feels a bit safer tonight but we'll always cherish your recipes. Blessings upon you, Mrs. Writez and my sincere condolences for you and your family.

--Dan Bennett
Posted by John Holding (# 158) on :

Posted by Lynn MagdalenCollege (# 10651) on :
when I read the news, the first thing I thought was "Ship of Fools" because this is where I met Kenwritez & fell in love with his voice & mind & spirit. I was so blessed to meet him & the Sturdy Wench in person; they were so gracious with me. It's probably been about a year since I posted on SoF and reading through the memorial posts of other mutual & virtual friends makes me aware of how much I appreciate this community & how much I've missed it--

*sigh* [brick wall]

Posted by Qupe (# 12388) on :
Really sorry to hear this news. May he rest in peace and rise in glory, and may the everlasting arms surround all who are mourning.
Posted by Myrrh (# 11483) on :

Posted by Choirboy (# 9659) on :
Give rest, O Christ, to your servant with your saints: where sorrow and pain are no more; neither sighing, but life everlasting.

[Votive] [Waterworks]
Posted by Zwingli (# 4438) on :
The analogies aren't all exactly correct, but this scene came to mind as soon as I heard the news.
Posted by multipara (# 2918) on :
RIP Ken.

The Sturdy Wench is in my prayers, such as they are.

Thanks , Scot, for letting us know.

Posted by Ultracrepidarian (# 9679) on :

One of my favourite posters on the ship. I always knew that if a thread had a lot of involvement from KenWritez, it was one worth reading.

Prayers for the Sturdy Wench and all of KenWritez's relatives and friends, both shippie and non-shippie. He's a great loss to us all, even those who only knew him from his scintillating writing style.
Posted by koshatnik (# 11938) on :
Goodbye Kenwritez. You were one of the great originals and the ship is both more and less foolish for your passing.
Posted by iGeek (# 777) on :
Originally posted by Ye Olde Motherboarde:
... being at a shipmeet with Ken was like being in such a happy place full of laughter. I remember Estes Park and the house we stayed in (thanks to our Marmot) He was writing his wedding vows on the big table in the dining room (a few days before the event, mind you!)

These are my fond memories of Ken as well -- thanks MB for recalling them.

I loved his ready wit, thoughtful and well reasoned responses and his larger-than-life personality.

So sorry to hear this and hope that all those who loved him will be comforted. He touched the lives of a lot of people in very good ways. He will be missed because he was and is loved.

Posted by The Blessed Pangolin (# 13623) on :
I've been off for a few days, and just noticed this thread. So sad. I encountered KenWritez on chowhound, as well, where he displayed similar wit and wisdom. Very very sad. [Votive]
Posted by teddybear (# 7842) on :
May his memory be eternal! [Votive]
Posted by Hugal (# 2734) on :
What can I add. I have been a shipmate for a good number of years now and his posts have consistently been interesting and excellent.

Will miss him.

Posted by Ecclesiastical Flip-flop (# 10745) on :
Never met Kenwritez, but still very sad news.
Posted by Tom Day (# 3630) on :

I will always remember hosting with Ken - the conversations and fun we had getting the Circus started and running. And the disagreements we had over certain threads. The ship won;t be the same without him.


Prayers for SW and family.

Posted by Alicïa (# 7668) on :
[Votive] RIP Kenwritez.
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
Oh... [Frown]

I had to read more than a few posts to convince myself that this wasn't another Kenwritez work.

Some of my earliest and happiest memories of the Ship are of bouncing the conversational ball around in the Cafe with Ken, Scot and Mousethief. Ken is one of the Shipmates with whom I've spoken by phone and looked forward to pressing the flesh with. [Frown] (*)

My world is a better place for him having been in it.

[Votive] thanks for Ken, and [Votive] for SW.


(*) Maybe later, D.V.
Posted by Anselm (# 4499) on :
how absolutely sad

"O Death where is your victory?
O Death where is your sting?
...But thanks be to God
who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ"
Posted by PrettyFly (# 13157) on :
Unbelievable [Frown]
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
The Ship's loss is Heaven's gain. RIP. [Votive]
Posted by CuppaT (# 10523) on :
Posted by pete173 (# 4622) on :
May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Posted by Nunzia (# 4766) on :
What can I add? You've already said it all. Such a loss.
Posted by Scot (# 2095) on :
Thank you all for your reminiscences, thoughts, and prayers. I have printed a copy of this thread, which I will give to the Sturdy Wench tonight after Ken's memorial service. I know she will be touched and comforted by reading your words.
Posted by The Amazing Mavis (# 5077) on :
Ken, gone? I can't believe it. He was my absolute favourite shippy.
Posted by Tractor Girl (# 8863) on :
Posted by Lynn MagdalenCollege (# 10651) on :
Amazing Grace & I were able to attend the memorial service for Kenwritez; we met up at the Fairfield Inn in Clovis and drove together over to The Well for a 5:30 service. There was a queue out the door and we discovered almost immediately that we were amazingly!! standing directly behind Scot and Thumbprint. Ken's love of The Ship was in evidence even in the narthex, his 2009 Simmie for Interpretive Dance prominently displayed along with wonderful photos from his marriage to the Sturdy Wench and the actual red high-top sneakers they both wore (SW's were sparkly! [Big Grin] ).

It was neat to hear some of Kenwritez' family talk about his early years (including his 'Texas family' speaking of his university years) and have a chance to fill in some of those puzzle pieces and I especially enjoyed hearing church folks tell about their interactions with him, including the small group Bible study where Kenwritez suggested they should study nudity in scripture - the graciously flummoxed fellow threw it back at Kenwritez and said, "that would be great, why don't you lead it?" - and he did. It proved to be a wonderful study, by all accounts, and one *I* would have enjoyed.

It was lovely with photos and tears and laughter AND a light supper. Actually it was quite a buffet: ranging from fresh veggies & dip, a serious cheese board, to meatballs, a whole salmon, pot stickers, chicken satay, chicken wings, sushi - and then there was dessert. [Help]

According to Amazing Grace, this "dead spread" got top marks and I figure she should know because she brings the eye of a professional to these things.

The Sturdy Wench was charming and beautiful (seriously, she was really beautiful, surrounded by family & friends and at peace, at least in *this* moment) and the four of us Shippies sat together and shared some Kenwritez stories--

We will miss him until Heaven and meanwhile, as jedijudy's sig says, we are peering through the cat flap, watching Kenwritez teach interpretive dance to the angels... God speed, friend.

Posted by TomOfTarsus (# 3053) on :
I am shocked. [Votive] for The Sturdy Wench and all his family and friends. May the love of the Father, the peace of Christ, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

One day the circle will be unbroken again... one day God will wipe away all your tears.


Posted by Custard (# 5402) on :
I'm shocked. God bless everyone who is mourning his loss.
Posted by Presleyterian (# 1915) on :
I just heard.

Oh, God. Dear, God.
Posted by TonyK (# 35) on :
Only just realised our loss..... it hadn't penetrated to DH...

Sometime ago I had a long and stimulating PM from Kenwritez - entirely out of the blue but quite germane to my situation at the time and very helpful. Alas, now erased - with hindsight I wish I'd kept it....

Prayers for SW, his stepson, all the family and his many friends, on and off the Ship. [Votive] [Votive]

[Votive] May he rest in peace, and rise in glory. [Votive]
Posted by Phos Hilaron (# 6914) on :
Posted by Melisande (# 4177) on :
I rarely post, so I never actually "spoke" with KenWritez, but I was always in awe of his writing, his wit, and his candid wrestling with God. He made the Ship someplace I always wanted to come back to, for irreverent laughter or profound insights.

My thoughts are with those who knew him and will miss him so deeply.
Posted by Sylvander (# 12857) on :
I only just now stumbled across this news. How very sad. Ken was one of those shippies whose contributions quickly became recognisable for me by their style. And like the rest of us I enjoyed his wit and humour. ... It feels a bit unreal to think he'll never post here again.
Posted by Og: Thread Killer (# 3200) on :

He did good things here.
Posted by Lynn MagdalenCollege (# 10651) on :
Originally posted by TonyK:
Sometime ago I had a long and stimulating PM from Kenwritez - entirely out of the blue but quite germane to my situation at the time and very helpful. Alas, now erased - with hindsight I wish I'd kept it....

A possibly helpful aside: it's very easy to copy & paste PMs into a word processor or email program & thus save them and meet the Ship's need to limit the number of PMs we have at any given moment. I've saved Ken's PMs by doing that.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
Originally posted by Lynn MagdalenCollege:
it's very easy to copy & paste PMs into a word processor or email program & thus save them and meet the Ship's need to limit the number of PMs we have at any given moment. I've saved Ken's PMs by doing that.

and print them out or save to a flash drive. when my laptop died I lost whole folders of ship PMs and saved threads.
Posted by Lynn MagdalenCollege (# 10651) on :
good point, comet - back up, back up, back up is NOT the sound made by garbage trucks in reverse!
Posted by TonyK (# 35) on :
Thanks, Lynn MC and Comet ... but this was not an accidental loss! I think I probably erased it when I cleared out my PM box at some stage....

Hindsight is such a wonderful thing [Disappointed]

Still, it inspired and helped me at the time - even if I can't now remember the actual content...
Posted by Belisarius (# 32) on :
I was one of the many Ken sent encouraging PMs to as well. One very kind one I've kept had a salutation I had never encountered in written form:



I regret not having kept in better touch with him.
Posted by Lynn MagdalenCollege (# 10651) on :
Originally posted by Belisarius:
I regret not having kept in better touch with him.

I suspect that is the most common response we feel, when a friend or even a family member dies: we become aware of what they meant to us and that piece of our life is gone. Not only that, we each lost KenWritez direct impact on us and on everyone else here on the Ship - I lost KenWritez' brilliant comments on my posts but also on everyone's posts; we lost KenWritez interaction with the Ship as a whole so even the folks who never had a direct exchange have lost the community exchange.

C.S. Lewis spoke of this after the death of Charles Williams; he observed that he lost Charles as CW related to him and he also lost Charles as CW related to Tolkien or Barfield and to Tolkien and Barfield together (which is different yet again) - that every relationship brings out a richer depth of who the friend is. Which is a great argument against jealousy in friendships...

Too often in my life I've wanted a letter or note I threw away so when I clean out my PM box, I copy the PMs & save them (haven't always backed up the saved copies, as Comet points out) because it doesn't take much more time and it makes me happy to think I can find it again, if I want it.

Nonetheless, TonyK, you have the memory (however vague!) of that PM and how KenWritez reached out and encouraged you - and that's worthwhile in itself.
Posted by Matrix (# 3452) on :

I discovered this news by clicking onto his blog, having not read it for a few weeks, and thought there must have been some humorous responses to the "Please God, bless my farting" post and read this terrible news.


rest in peace and rise in glory.
Posted by Rossweisse. (# 2349) on :
I've been ashore for a few weeks, and just learned of Ken's death.

It is a horrible shock. Prayers ascending for him, and for all who loved him.

(The cats forgive him.)

Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
Popped online tonight for the first time in months tonight - so sad to hear about one less 'holy fool' spreading wit through the medium of interpretive dance. I'm sitting in the pub where I get internet access here trying very hard not to cry, so I think I shall just chuckle at the memory of some witty posts and comments instead.

[Votive] indeed for Sturdy Wench.
Posted by Divine Outlaw Dwarf (# 2252) on :
May he rest in peace. [Votive]
Posted by ozowen (# 8935) on :
May he rest in the Eternal arms.
Sad news indeed.
Posted by Newman's Own (# 420) on :
Kenwritez was one of my favourite Ship mates - a treasure of wit and cleverness. I had no idea he had died until, on Via Media, I noticed a Ship mate had deleted his signature line (a quote from Ken) in Ken's memory.

[Votive] May the angels lead you into paradise. May the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the Holy City, the New and Eternal Jerusalem, where Lazarus is poor no longer.

May he rest in peace and rise in glory. I have this sense I can hear the angels laughing with him right now.
Posted by Carex (# 9643) on :
I was at the memorial service for a co-worker yesterday and one of the readings brought up a vivid image of Phil the Wise Guy at the manger in the Nativity Play. So to myself I honored the life and contributions of both Jim and Kenwritez at the service. And somehow I don't think either would have minded sharing.

The Ship will miss him. [Tear]
Posted by Ethne Alba (# 5804) on :
not been here for awhile
Sad News indeed
such a very lovely and intelligent yet humourous poster.

prayers for family and friends
Posted by Aggie (# 4385) on :
Posted by Paige (# 2261) on :
I was a regular SOF reader and occasional poster for a number of years, but work and family responsibilities grew greater, and I haven't been around for a good while. For some reason, I decided to pop back in, and saw Mousethief's sig, which led me here.

I am so very sorry to learn of Kenwritez's passing. I always enjoyed his posts, and--as a freelance writer myself--felt some sort of kinship, however ephemeral.

May he rest in peace and rise in glory, and may the peace that passes all understanding surround Sturdy Wench and those who loved him, now and in the time to come.

Posted by Pax Romana (# 4653) on :

He was one of the best, and certainly wittiest, posters on The Ship.

He will be missed.


Pax Romana
Posted by Lietuvos Sv. Kazimieras (# 11274) on :
I'm coming very late to this sad news. May light perpetual shine upon him and may Our Lord and Blessed Lady grant all consolation to his loved ones.
Posted by El Greco (# 9313) on :
Posted by Bean Sidhe (# 11823) on :
I can't believe it, Ken was always bursting with life. I only just twigged when I saw MT's sig. Prayers for all who loved him, who must have been many, but especially for those close.
Posted by Esmeralda (# 582) on :
So rarely do I visit the main boards that I have only just heard of this. Sad to lose a fellow writer, and [Votive] for his wife and family. Must have been an agonisingly short marriage.
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
Sorting through my emails last night I found a supportive message Ken had sent me. It was the right word at a time when I was overwhelmed.

I wish i could find the right words as well ad he did.

Posted by Foxy (# 2409) on :
I'm another that got the news via Mousethief's sig line after about a month ashore, and oh God I'm just shocked. How strange to feel such a deep personal loss for someone I never met in person! I wonder if Ken knew just how many people his life touched? I've been a serious lurker/seldom poster for many years, and always looked forward to Ken's posts for his clear intelligence, his quick good humor, his authentic faith. My heart grieves for his beloved wife and family--
Posted by leo (# 1458) on :
Have just returned from our monthly requiem, at which I remembered him.
Posted by Off Centre View (# 4254) on :
RIP Kenwritez

I've been away from the ship for some time, but I'd always enjoyed reading his opinions and posts over the years. He'll be missed.

All my best wishes to Sturdy Wench and other family and friends.
Posted by Revelle (# 8554) on :
RIP sir.

One of the greats here, from my time on the ship. I just came back and checked the boards - I hadn't known he had left us. He will be missed.

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