Thread: NEW SHIP NOW OPEN Board: The Styx / Ship of Fools.

To visit this thread, use this URL:;f=5;t=003469

Posted by Simon (# 1) on :
The new Ship of Fools forums are now open. Please follow this link:

Everyone will need to register to join the new forums. Your old login on these boards will not work in the new place. Here's how to register in four easy steps:

1. Register button – On the new forums homepage, click the 'Register' button on the right, which goes to the Register page.

2. Register page – On the Register page, there are several fields to fill in, including:

Email: use a working email address.

Username: you only have one shot at this, because once you've entered your Username, it can't be changed. So choose wisely and check you've entered it correctly. There's a maximum of 20 characters.

Password: you'll be asked for a password which has at least 15 characters.

3. Confirmation email – Once you've completed the form, click the 'Register' button. An email will be sent to your email address asking you to confirm your registration. Please click the 'Confirm' link in the email.

4. Approval email – Once we receive your email confirmation, an Admin will approve your registration. You'll then receive a second email inviting you to sign in.

That's it.

You might find it helpful to look at these three FAQs pages, which explain registration and login, your forum identity and how to post messages.

From 5pm UK time today, we'll be closing the old boards here and setting them to read-only. The Styx alone will remain open. Please post on this thread any problems you have with registration.

Thanks, welcome to the new Ship of Fools, and farewell to our old online home, which has served us so well since 2001. My grateful thanks to every shipmate who has helped make this happen.
Posted by Qoheleth. (# 9265) on :
<crashes bottle of champagne on the bows>
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Posted by MaryLouise (# 18697) on :
Off we go! Bracing for the gangplank.
Posted by BroJames (# 9636) on :
Posted by Og, King of Bashan (# 9562) on :
I'm losing the comma in my name. No one get thrown off...

Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
Mind how you go...
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
That was painless!
Posted by jbohn (# 8753) on :
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on :
Eutychus - last 0ne to post on the old Ship (apart from here, of course ) [Smile]
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
I swear it wasn't intentional. I obviously saw the timestamp after posting [Hot and Hormonal]
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
Registered and awaiting approval.
Thank you very much, looking forward to exploring.
Posted by Oscar the Grouch (# 1916) on :
I'm in!
Say goodbye to OtG and hello to Rufus T Firefly!
Posted by Pine Marten (# 11068) on :
That was simple - even for a non-techy Luddite like me [Big Grin]
Posted by Stejjie (# 13941) on :
Don't know if anyone's reading this, but I'm in on the new ship and am Mr Smiff over there.

'Tis very nice and shiny and clean - well done and thank you to all who made it happen! [Overused] [Overused]
Posted by David Goode (# 9224) on :
A fifteen-character password? That’s ridiculous.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
I don't know if I have clicked on the right thing for the 'security check'.
I have clicked on 'register' a couple of times, but nothing has happened.
I tried clicking in the Female' box but nothing showed up.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
I don't know if I have clicked on the right thing for the 'security check'.
I have clicked on 'register' a couple of times, but nothing has happened.
I tried clicking in the Female' box but nothing showed up.

The security check is a visual reference. Could that be the issue?
Posted by Nick Tamen (# 15164) on :
FYI, I got onto the new site earlier, but now my local network is blocking it. I’m getting a message that the site's certificate isn’t valid and that "attackers" may be trying to steal personal information.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
I don't know if I have clicked on the right thing for the 'security check'.
I have clicked on 'register' a couple of times, but nothing has happened.
I tried clicking in the Female' box but nothing showed up.

The security check is a visual reference. Could that be the issue?
What does that mean? With the magnification high, I could see the letters of 'I am not a robot' but no picture.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Also I couldn't see what to do with 'I accept terms and conditions' which seemed to have a link which needed to be clicked on, but when I did, a panel came up which I couldn't get rid of.
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on :
I'm now Priscilla, which was my original first choice of ship name. It wouldn't accept St. Gwladys, unfortunately
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
By the way, I couldn't ask my friend next door to lend a hand, as she has yet another chest infection and must not set foot outside her door in this icy wind. (No snow yet here.)
Posted by Doublethink. (# 1984) on :
Lept, somewhat ungainly, aboard [Smile]

[ 28. February 2018, 18:28: Message edited by: Doublethink. ]
Posted by magicroundabout (# 18869) on :
Originally posted by Nick Tamen:
FYI, I got onto the new site earlier, but now my local network is blocking it. I’m getting a message that the site's certificate isn’t valid and that "attackers" may be trying to steal personal information.

Hi Nick,

Can I ask what web browser you are using? We've upped the security on the site, which is a good thing for everybody. But the certificate should be valid.

I'll need a bit more detail to check this out.

Posted by Zacchaeus (# 14454) on :
Very stupidly I hadn't realised that the user name was the board profile name and not just for signing in.

Looking for a safe secure sign in I have ended up with the random name glover - I don't recognise myself
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on :
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
By the way, I couldn't ask my friend next door to lend a hand, as she has yet another chest infection and must not set foot outside her door in this icy wind. (No snow yet here.)

I'm going to try a back-door member registration, using the email address on your profile here. It should send you an email telling you something useful (I've not done it before, so I've no idea what'll happen!)
Posted by Nick Tamen (# 15164) on :
Originally posted by magicroundabout:
Originally posted by Nick Tamen:
FYI, I got onto the new site earlier, but now my local network is blocking it. I’m getting a message that the site's certificate isn’t valid and that "attackers" may be trying to steal personal information.

Hi Nick,

Can I ask what web browser you are using? We've upped the security on the site, which is a good thing for everybody. But the certificate should be valid.

I'll need a bit more detail to check this out.


Sure. I’ve tried on Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer, and it's blocked on all three. It seems to be the network firewall that’s blocking the new site. If I turn my phone's WiFi off, I can get to the new site without any problem, but when I’m on the network WiFi, I can't.

The strange thing is the network wasn’t blocking the new site at first; I got on and was able to register. But after an hour or so, I couldn’t get through anymore.

Thanks, and let me know if you need more info.
Posted by magicroundabout (# 18869) on :
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
Also I couldn't see what to do with 'I accept terms and conditions' which seemed to have a link which needed to be clicked on, but when I did, a panel came up which I couldn't get rid of.

Yeah, I'm really sorry about this (I'm the developer who helped make the new forums). I'd not really seen the registration screen before today and I should have tested it better. I hope the rest of the forums are OK for you to navigate. I do have some accessibility improvements to make, but the zoom at least should work nicely. Be SURE to let me know if you have any other problems with it. We really don't want anyone left out.
Posted by magicroundabout (# 18869) on :

The strange thing is the network wasn’t blocking the new site at first; I got on and was able to register. But after an hour or so, I couldn’t get through anymore.

Would you be willing to tell me who your ISP is - i.e. who you get your broadband or internet connection from? I'll see if there's some kind of blacklisting happening.
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on :
Why do I keep being asked to confirm my email? I have clicked on that about six times.
Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on :
The only reason I've ever seen for getting that repeated message is that the software thinks your email address is in some way not valid. In my case, that's happened a few times because of an inadvertent typo.

But I doubt that's the reason in your case. Have you got a back up email address you can use? (I've got two).
Posted by Gee D (# 13815) on :
Trying to board, did my registration etc, got an approval but seem caught at the confirmatory email stage - I received a box on the screen asking me to confirm my email address, I clicked the button but 90 minutes later there's still to be the promised email back. Probably a busy period, and given time zones etc there's a bit of a hold-up.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
Another one getting the repeated email request here.
Posted by Nick Tamen (# 15164) on :
Originally posted by magicroundabout:
Would you be willing to tell me who your ISP is - i.e. who you get your broadband or internet connection from? I'll see if there's some kind of blacklisting happening.

In this particular case it’s not my network—it’s an office network, so I don’t have that info.
Posted by magicroundabout (# 18869) on :
Can I just check, you're doing the registration, and seeing the Thanks You screen, and you have the pop-up that says "You need to confirm your email address" but you've got no email. Is that right?

Can I ask if you have a spam email box (most online email services like Outlook/Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and GMail have this. And if so, have you checked in there? Sometimes automated emails like this get classed as spam.

If you are getting the email and clicking the link and it's the link in the email that's not working let me know as that's a different problem.

Sorry for the difficulties. We'll do all we can to get you in.
Posted by Mrs Shrew (# 8635) on :
I attempted to register, got the confirmation email, clicked the link but now am getting permission denied when I try to log in
Posted by Mrs Shrew (# 8635) on :
Solved it myself - needed to wait to be approved. Sorry, and thank you
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on :
There is a delay because an admin will need to approve each registration. We've been trying our best to keep that delay as short as possible.

I can confirm that everyone who has posted problems with the "confirm email" page has been approved. Can you please try again, if just to confirm it's not just that there was an approval delay causing the problem. Let us know if it works, as well as if it doesn't.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
I've got in.
Posted by The Scrumpmeister (# 5638) on :
Originally posted by Zacchaeus:
Very stupidly I hadn't realised that the user name was the board profile name and not just for signing in.

That wasn't stupid at all. For years we've been accustomed to them being two separate things and there's nothing in the registration on the new forum that explicitly indicates that they are now one and the same.

I only happened to notice that there was no way to choose a separate display name and guessed that they must have been merged into one, but it would be useful, I think, to make that clear.

I now use my Christian name, which is Cyprian, after the sainted bishop of Carthage.

[ 28. February 2018, 22:10: Message edited by: The Scrumpmeister ]
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Whoops - I thought I was on the new ship only to find myself on the old. What did I do?
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by jacobsen:
Whoops - I thought I was on the new ship only to find myself on the old. What did I do?

Either you used the "forum" URL instead of the new "forumS", or you used the community link from the home page which still points here. For now.
Posted by Freddy (# 365) on :
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
Why do I keep being asked to confirm my email? I have clicked on that about six times.

Same thing happened to me. I ignored it.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
Also I couldn't see what to do with 'I accept terms and conditions' which seemed to have a link which needed to be clicked on, but when I did, a panel came up which I couldn't get rid of.

Yeah, I ran into that, too. It's actually a copy of the Ship's 10 Commandments. (Cute that it's the Terms Of Service.)

The only way I could find to get rid of that was the Escape key. The panel had no other way of closing.

Glitch, I think...
Posted by Gee D (# 13815) on :
Still no further down the track - I have yet to receive the confirmation email promised?????
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
Either a) check your spam folder or b) wait for an admin to wake up.

(Or c) recall whether you put the correct email address in your registration...)

[ETA you are showing up as registered on the new boards]

[ 01. March 2018, 05:36: Message edited by: Eutychus ]
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on :
Cheers, Alan and magicroundabout, the return email was nestling in the spam folder.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
By the way, I couldn't ask my friend next door to lend a hand, as she has yet another chest infection and must not set foot outside her door in this icy wind. (No snow yet here.)

I'm going to try a back-door member registration, using the email address on your profile here. It should send you an email telling you something useful (I've not done it before, so I've no idea what'll happen!)
Thank you very much. I have received an e-mail with the info in it and several other e-mails with notifications of private messages. I will settle down to work it all out this afternoon. The computer-generated password has only about 6 characters so that was slightly puzzling, but I'll see how it works.
Posted by Gee D (# 13815) on :
Originally posted by Freddy:
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
Why do I keep being asked to confirm my email? I have clicked on that about six times.

Same thing happened to me. I ignored it.
I've tried ignoring it, but the box remains on the screen, which is a bit of a nuisance. Also, I can't post.
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on :
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
The computer-generated password has only about 6 characters so that was slightly puzzling, but I'll see how it works.

I noticed that there were a very small number of *'s on the form when it generated the password. You should change that once you're onboard. And, you will be onboard.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
The computer-generated password has only about 6 characters so that was slightly puzzling, but I'll see how it works.

I noticed that there were a very small number of *'s on the form when it generated the password. You should change that once you're onboard. And, you will be onboard.
Yes, I am!! Thank you very much. I am going to spend some time looking around this morning - I had to cancel the tap group because the snow arrived here a bit earlier than I thought it would. Very annoying! [Smile]

I'll see if I can change the password ... ...
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on :
Yay! [Big Grin]
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Yay! [Big Grin]

Yeah, good, innit?!!

I think, on the whole, that instructions for changing password would be helpful, otherwise I might log myself out! No rush.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Golden Key

Thank you for your pm with info about what is on the new page, it is already being most helpful.
Posted by Mili (# 3254) on :
Originally posted by Gee D:
Originally posted by Freddy:
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
Why do I keep being asked to confirm my email? I have clicked on that about six times.

Same thing happened to me. I ignored it.
I've tried ignoring it, but the box remains on the screen, which is a bit of a nuisance. Also, I can't post.
Hi Gee Dee,

I had the same problem and realised I was clicking the wrong link in the confirmation email. There's a link to the new website at the top of the confirmation email, and further down another link which is the one you need to click to confirm your email account. I didn't realise I'd clicked the wrong one until I couldn't change my profile pic and realised the box asking me to confirm my email was still there.
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on :
Judging by comments here, and info gleaned from examining logs at the other end, I think we can clarify issues about the emails.

  1. Emails are autogenerated and many email clients interpret them as spam. Check your spam or junk folder if you don't seem to have got the emails.
  2. Some ISPs seem to deliberately delay delivery of the emails, sometimes by 5 minutes or more. Added to the manual approval process by an admin means that it could take longer than expected to receive an email. Be patient, but if it really does take a long time (>15 mins) then flag it up here or send us an email and we'll try our best to sort it quickly.
  3. If you enter your email incorrectly then the whole system fails. Take care to correctly enter your email address
We've had over 300 people register on the new boards, and only a very few difficulties. We apologise if you're one of the few, and we're doing our best to get you onboard the new Ship, but overall it's gone a lot smoother than we might have expected.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
On the new board, is there a link which allows me to 'jump to first new post' in a topic?
Posted by Abigail (# 1672) on :
Hello, I've registered and I've had an email saying I'm approved [Smile]

I've actually registered with a different user name (I've been wanting to change it for ages) and I was wondering if there is anywhere I can say that I used to be Abigail? (apologies if this has been asked before)
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on :
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
On the new board, is there a link which allows me to 'jump to first new post' in a topic?

It figures you'd want to go to the oldest post you haven't read. So, the first new post is where it will always go. Which means that you'll need to scroll back to any posts you want to read again (including the OP), but it's a lot better than the system here which takes you to either the first or last post, and so usually doesn't take you to the post you want.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
On the new board, is there a link which allows me to 'jump to first new post' in a topic?

It figures you'd want to go to the oldest post you haven't read. So, the first new post is where it will always go. Which means that you'll need to scroll back to any posts you want to read again (including the OP), but it's a lot better than the system here which takes you to either the first or last post, and so usually doesn't take you to the post you want.
Thank you - yes that certainy sounds like a better idea.
Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on :
Originally posted by Abigail:
Hello, I've registered and I've had an email saying I'm approved [Smile]

I've actually registered with a different user name (I've been wanting to change it for ages) and I was wondering if there is anywhere I can say that I used to be Abigail? (apologies if this has been asked before)

What a number of Shipmates are doing is adding "used to be xxxx" on all their posts. You won't need to do that for too long!
Posted by Gee D (# 13815) on :
Mili and Barnabas, Thanks both. I went to the junk email section and found no fewer than 17 emails from the Ship. I had not realised I tried that many time. Clicked on the last of these and now have an email saying successfully confirmed. What next please?
Posted by Gee D (# 13815) on :
And of course to Alan Cresswell for the vital clue.
Posted by Abigail (# 1672) on :
Originally posted by Barnabas62:
What a number of Shipmates are doing is adding "used to be xxxx" on all their posts. You won't need to do that for too long!

Oh I see. OK I'll do that then. Thank you!
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
Posted by Silver Swan (# 17957) on :
I'm stuck at the 'confirm email' stage. I've checked my spam folder and wonder if I made a typo filling in my email address.
Posted by QLib (# 43) on :
I've had nothing that I can see, and as far as I know, my email is still current. Admit it.... this whole palaver is just an elaborate plot to get rid of me isn't it? Hm? Isn't it? [Paranoid]

Seriously, I'm not doing a 'farewell, cruel ship' thing, but I haven't been around much for - oh - ages now, so I haven't yet decided whether I'll register on the new forum. I'd like to for sentimental reasons, but if I'm honest I'd have to admit that at the moment my time and energy is going elsewhere. Maybe when I finally retire...

Meanwhile, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank the ship: captain, crew and passengers. It's (mostly) been a great pleasure and there are many still on board who I'll miss. [Axe murder]
Posted by aliehs (# 18878) on :
I am not quite sure where I am, but think I have crawled under a life boat, as it is very dark and mysterious. Anyway I am on board. Somewhere.
Are we going to Atlantis? or the Sea of Galilee?
And do I maintain my old sign off?
Posted by aliehs (# 18878) on :
Yes. I see that I do retain the signoff.

Where is the circus?
So I can "send in the clowns?"
Posted by QLib (# 43) on :
Originally posted by QLib:
I've had nothing that I can see, and as far as I know, my email is still current.

whoops, sorry - it is current, but my regular mail program is no longer automatically collecting from there, due to password issues.
[Hot and Hormonal]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
aliehs, we don't have signatures enabled on the New Ship™.

QLib, we all have to navigate to the New Ship™ and register a fresh account on the fresh software.
Posted by aliehs (# 18878) on :
Well, I am still on board under my life boat; and I can get to the circus, but I can't post. It keeps asking me to re-register(which I have done).
Doesn't one registration cover one for eternity?

This is developing into one of Dante's Inferno, and I am on a turntable, going around and around.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :


May I make a small but IMHO important suggestion?

Please put a very noticeable *banner* on the front page of the forums on this vintage Ship, saying something like "We've got a new Ship. Sign up and board at (URL)".

Someone has to be really looking--and know where to look--to find that info. And that means that many Shipmates just won't see it--especially if they're freaking out about the Vintage Ship being mostly closed, or haven't been on board for some time.

Thx! And thanks for all your work. [Overused]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by aliehs:
Well, I am still on board under my life boat; and I can get to the circus, but I can't post. It keeps asking me to re-register(which I have done).
Doesn't one registration cover one for eternity?

There are probably system-generated confirmation requests piled up in your spam folder. The idea is that you use the personalized confirmation link in that email to activate your account. However, I've gone ahead and pre-authorized your account. You should be able to just log in and start posting.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Golden Key, it should be pointed out that this current phase of boarding is for all the loyal In Crowd who have been paying attention, to make sure they get first dibs on berths. There is a more-public COME ONE, COME ALL phase upcoming.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by RooK:
There are probably system-generated confirmation requests piled up in your spam folder. The idea is that you use the personalized confirmation link in that email to activate your account.

OK, I stand corrected. I just noticed the handful of messages you mailed - not following the confirmation link, but replying to the system. And saying the word "confirm". So, not the spam folder problem. A different problem. But whatever; it worked.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Alan Cresswell

No rush for answer of course, but could you please tell me how to change password? Thank you.
Posted by Spike (# 36) on :
Click on the cog on the top right hand corner and choose "Edir Profile". From there you should see the option "Change my password"
Posted by QLib (# 43) on :
Originally posted by RooK:

QLib, we all have to navigate to the New Ship™ and register a fresh account on the fresh software.

Thanks, RooK, I was only kidding about the paranoia, but serious about thinking of a parting of the ways. However, on further reflection, I think I'll sign up as a slumbering stowaway for old times' sake.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Originally posted by Spike:
Click on the cog on the top right hand corner and choose "Edir Profile". From there you should see the option "Change my password"

What is a cog? I put the magnification up and tabbed from top left but could not hear anything that might lead to 'ed profile'.
However, I did manage to see the rocking ship in one tab!! [Smile]
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
Ah, sorry! I have had another look and have clicked on my name and hear 'edit profile' So I'll have a go.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on :
I think I have done it, but I don't think I'll log out to test it!!
Posted by Jay-Emm (# 11411) on :
And as I've now found. My ISP has a spam folder that is only picked up by Webmail (I also had another reply that "hadn't" been sent over something else).
Hopefully now I can have permission to post, etc...
Posted by aliehs (# 18878) on :
Dear RooK, from Canada, by any chance, looking at the flag,

thank you, but it still won't let me post, despite your efforts. I am beginning to feel that I am a stowaway, and will be forced to walk the plank.
I will have another try. But why is this problem occurring? I don't think it's just me. I have checked my spam folder which is empty..
Wait I have it! It's the boat people's revenge for being Australian! So much for my support of their cause; we have all been branded with the same brush, to mix a metaphor or two. Maybe if I use the brush to scrub the decks?
Posted by aliehs (# 18878) on :
Dear Rook,
You have indeed waved me through the gates of pearl. Thank you.
Can I keep the picture I had from the avatars , or do I have to put a photo I? Being a technolo9gical luddite, I have tried several times, without success. I am indeed an elderly bear of very little brain.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Hello aliehs,

I've copied over your previous avatar image to your profile on the new Ship.
Posted by molopata (# 9933) on :
Obviously, being as ever a bit behind the mass, I missed the speedy-boarding process and am only now look forward to the second confirmation e-mail (maybe a little optimistic in my expectation that you'll take me back). Meanwhile, I've taken a little mosey around the new decks, even though I'm still prevented from speaking to anyone. Looks very nice!

In any event, I wanted an excuse to write a last post on the old ship and thank Ye Admins for all the work they've done in this place over the last years. Although I wouldn't qualify as a frequent-sailor, I do look forward to taking cruises on the new discussion fora in the years to come.

Good sailing!
molopata (formerly The Rebel)
Posted by Forthview (# 12376) on :
In attempting to register I have confused login name and username and registered with my login name. I don't want that to be used on possible posts so does that mean that I cannot post anything until there is an opportunity ,no doubt sometime in the future, to change one's user name ?
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by Forthview:
In attempting to register I have confused login name and username and registered with my login name.

There is only one name - no separation of login ID and username. Tell me what name you would prefer.
Posted by Forthview (# 12376) on :
Hello Rook I would prefer to be known by my username on these boards which is : Forthview
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
As you say it, SO MOTE IT BE.
Posted by Forthview (# 12376) on :
thankyou Rook.Everything seems to be in order now (for me,at least)
Posted by Chelley (# 11322) on :
I’m suddenly getting ‘this connection is not private’ when trying to use the new boards (phone and iPad). Had no problems up until yesterday! I think someone had commented on this over there, but can’t access to read what was done. Any thoughts?
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on :
It appears to be a problem with the way Chrome-based browsers and Safari handle the certificate for the site, we're still working on a) why they sometimes mis-load the certificate and b) why they don't immediately try again and get it properly.

One work around that seems to work sometimes is to go to which uses the same certificate. That certificate may then be loaded, and hence when you go back to you have a valid certificate.
Posted by Chelley (# 11322) on :
Thanks AC, I’ll try that!
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on :
I tried to register the day the new boards opened. Thanks to work and stuff, it's taken me this long to realise I haven't heard anything. Therefore, a couple of minutes ago I tried to Log In, and nothing happened. Can anyone help to sort me out?
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by Robert Armin:
I tried to register the day the new boards opened. Thanks to work and stuff, it's taken me this long to realise I haven't heard anything. Therefore, a couple of minutes ago I tried to Log In, and nothing happened. Can anyone help to sort me out?

Certainly. I've found your application and set the email to being confirmed, which should allow you to log in and post. There is likely an email sunk in your junk folder asking you to confirm your email address - you don't have to worry about that any more.

Posted by RuthW (# 13) on :
You are registered. I've had the system re-send the confirmation email; it will require you to change your password. Post here if it doesn't work!
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on :
Whoops! x-post, following x-work. You should be able to ignore the re-confirmation email.

[ 12. March 2018, 21:43: Message edited by: RuthW ]
Posted by Komensky (# 8675) on :
Sorry to be 100th person to say so, but my username is not recognised on the new board. What have I done wrong?
Posted by Komensky (# 8675) on :
Sorry, ignore my earlier post.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
<whistling innocently>
Posted by Silver Swan (# 17957) on :
Please help me with the confirm email. I registered on the first of March and posted on this thread on 2/3 that I haven't received my confirmation email. Still no sign of it it. I checked my spam folder..
I'm only a very occasional poster, but I enjoy reading sporadically and would appreciate the privilege of being able to participate.
Thanks. [Smile]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by Silver Swan:
Please help me with the confirm email.

You are hereby confirmed. You should be able to post on the New Ship now. Enjoy!
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on :
Sorry, but I still can't get on. Bloody tech!
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Yes, it's possible that you will need to reset your password before you can proceed. Sorry about that.

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