Thread: Yoked together with unbelievers... Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by starbelly (# 25) on :
For the last two years I have been attending a wonderful group in Henley that meets monthly to discuss 'big issues'. The twist is that both Skeptics and Believers are invited to speak, and take part in the discussions. I have met many lovely people from both sides or the argument during these evenings, made friends and had my thinking challenged!

I also take part in a local Sharing of Faiths dinner party where people of all faiths (and none) are randomly allocated to a dinner party. Always great fun, great food and again thought provoking.

What 'interfaith' (for want of a better phrase) are you involved in, what are your experiences?

Posted by Aravis (# 13824) on :
How is it a "twist" to have a discussion group containing sceptics and believers?
Posted by starbelly (# 25) on :
Originally posted by Aravis:
How is it a "twist" to have a discussion group containing sceptics and believers?

Well, in my experience Christians tend to have discussion group own their own, as do skeptics.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on :
I suppose it depends on where the social group originated from. If it was an environment where there are likely to be roughly equal numbers of believers and unbelievers, I could easily see the discussion group being balanced. If it was the bright idea of somebody in a church setting (or the local atheist equivalent, whatever that might be), I wouldn't expect a balance. Groups tend to perpetuate whatever culture they came out of.
Posted by starbelly (# 25) on :
This group was set up by both an atheist, and his best friend who is a Christian. The balance in number swings towards the unbeliever, but only just.

I think it is a great thing to bring people together and break down the demonising tendencies of both sides!
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on :
Of course, one of the places where believers, atheists and sceptics can have discussions together is called Ship of Fools.

However, my experience with these discussions have been mixed (why this is so would be more Purgatorial than All Saintsy).
Posted by starbelly (# 25) on :
Originally posted by LeRoc:
Of course, one of the places where believers, atheists and sceptics can have discussions together is called Ship of Fools.

Amen to that!
Posted by starbelly (# 25) on :
Although a face to face conversation is very different to an online one, there was one person who online seemed quite aggressive, but when I met him in person he was very gentle and nice... like Jekyll and Hyde!
Posted by Agnostic Believer (# 18566) on :
Originally posted by starbelly:
Although a face to face conversation is very different to an online one, there was one person who online seemed quite aggressive, but when I met him in person he was very gentle and nice... like Jekyll and Hyde!

Putting someone behind a computer screen often has much the same effect as putting someone behind a car windscreen.....they suddenly sprout devil's horns.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on :
Nothing organised, although I have always felt it to be too claustrophobic to only mix with other Christians, so have tended to make friends with all sorts of people, whatever their personal beliefs (or none).

One of my best friends / discussion partners described herself as a 'white witch', another as a 'new age believer'. We had some great discussions about all sorts of things and I felt the richer for these insights. I hope they felt the same.

Sadly, they have both now moved away (and online communications tend to be more of the grandparent and fluffy kitten variety).
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
As the closest Quaker community is 2 days train ride away and I am surrounded by Muslim & Hindu neighbours, with the odd Christian household here and there, most of my life is spent in a sort of interfaith manner - it is fun.

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