Thread: Big sister Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by mdijon (# 8520) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
.. Soror Magna could find out if someone in the family had cancer and say, "Your mind is more rotten than your brother's lungs." ...

Originally posted by Soror Magna:
No, I wouldn't. Lung cancer isn't funny. Mental illness is.

Not all that big sisterly really. On the plus side some of us found out about Maria Bamford who seems worth listening to. And on the mitigation side there was a (terse) mea culpa;

Originally posted by mdijon:
Is this some sort of clever self-deprecating ironic comment that doesn't quite work or just as breath-takingly stupid as it looks?

Originally posted by Soror Magna:
It was an attempt at the first, resulting in the second.

But personally I find this really beyond the pale and unaccounted for;

Project much? And since you think we're being mean about your son's schizophrenia - news to me - I'll say that the voices in his head probably make a hell of a lot more sense than you do.

And I'm finding it pretty dissonant trying to post on threads and read SM's posts as if this didn't happen.

I don't particularly do hellish invective in any setting, but I do want to make a personal comment which is tangential to the original thread, hence this post. That is to say that I think the comments are really unacceptable, irrespective of the provocation, and reflect badly on the poster. It also reflects badly to simply ignore the issue and carry on like nothing happened. I'd like to ask for some reflection on this. No need for a dog pile though.
Posted by alienfromzog (# 5327) on :
Originally posted by Soror Magna:
No, I wouldn't. Lung cancer isn't funny. Mental illness is.

No it isn't. Well not in the way you mean.

I'm well known for my black humour. Let me tell you my mother died when I was a teenager (cancer), my father was a nightmare with complex mental health issues. I have had depression and I am a doctor.

I would chose cancer over schizophrenia every day of the week and twice on a Sunday.

One of the hardest thing about mental illness (depression in my case) is that there is no escape from it. If you have a horrible physical disease that threatens your life, you may be distracted for a time - enjoy a meal or time with friends or cartoons (in the case of Roy Castle) etc. but if you have depression with anhedonia it is mental torture for every waking hour.

This is where I am coming from.

And now some jokes....

You're just jealous because the voices are talking to me.

My wife's star sign was cancer, which is ironic, given how she died.
She was eaten by a giant crab.

When will people see that mental illness is real? Horrible? and that sufferers need compassion? I think (FWIW, i.e. not much) that jokes are possible once you get those three but until you do, it's simply rude and offensive.

Posted by The Phantom Flan Flinger (# 8891) on :
Originally posted by alienfromzog:

And now some jokes....

My wife's star sign was cancer, which is ironic, given how she died.
She was eaten by a giant crab.

I actually found that funny - bit like something Tim Vine might say.
Posted by mr cheesy (# 3330) on :
Originally posted by alienfromzog:

One of the hardest thing about mental illness (depression in my case) is that there is no escape from it. If you have a horrible physical disease that threatens your life, you may be distracted for a time - enjoy a meal or time with friends or cartoons (in the case of Roy Castle) etc. but if you have depression with anhedonia it is mental torture for every waking hour.

This is where I am coming from.

And now some jokes....

You're just jealous because the voices are talking to me.

My wife's star sign was cancer, which is ironic, given how she died.
She was eaten by a giant crab.

When will people see that mental illness is real? Horrible? and that sufferers need compassion? I think (FWIW, i.e. not much) that jokes are possible once you get those three but until you do, it's simply rude and offensive.


I don't really understand the above. So you're saying mental illness is horrible and that one shouldn't joke about it unless you have actually experienced it - which SM says he/she has - or am I misunderstanding your point?

Personally, I thought the jab was far less insulting than implying that a named fellow poster on the thread was somehow responsible by omission for any potential rape of their daughter in the future. And I wouldn't really say it is any different (for example) for implying that someone else has a deformity whereby they have replaced their brain for shit/penis/sawdust.

That said, it was needlessly cruel given that the person concerned had mentioned a personal connection to mental illness and SM used it in such a spiteful way.

A general jibe would have been fine, making it this personal was horrible.
Posted by alienfromzog (# 5327) on :
I'm saying that I like dark humour. I'm saying that joking is possible. Experience is not necessary. Sensitivity to those with such experience is.

I am also saying that pointed comments are not funny.

Posted by Liopleurodon (# 4836) on :
Mental illness should not be used as any kind of attack on another person - that's the key thing. Particularly when it's something that has caused them great pain. That's a completely different thing from joking about your own experience.
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
Mr Cheesy - implying that someone has shit for brains is very different from comment on the voices in someone's head. We all know that someone's brains turning to shit doesn't actually happen, but some people do have the experience of hearing voices in their heads.

I think those two insults are very different because of that.

Thanks for your opening post mdijon, I was feeling uncomfortable about some of the stuff on that thread, and a couple of times started posting, but deleted because I couldn't express what I wanted to say clearly. Also, I am always very aware of painting a target on myself when posting in hell, and I would have found being on the receiving end of something as pointed as either of the posts aimed at Twilight, or Twilight's post to Mousethief, very difficult to cope with. Which I know is pusillanimous of me. I dislike it intensely when someone sees an injustice and stands by saying nothing - and that is what I did.

Posted by mr cheesy (# 3330) on :
Originally posted by Huia:
Mr Cheesy - implying that someone has shit for brains is very different from comment on the voices in someone's head. We all know that someone's brains turning to shit doesn't actually happen, but some people do have the experience of hearing voices in their heads.

Well yes - but the jibe was about the sense that the poster was making and comparing it to the heard voices in another person's head.

It is certainly unpleasant, I'm not defending it, particularly given the circumstances where it was used. But I'm equally not sure the insult as an insult is in-and-of-itself beyond the pail.

Of course, I'd rather everyone stuck to the insults about shit for brains rather than moving into dubious territory of suggesting things about other people's children.
Posted by Soror Magna (# 9881) on :
It's 5:49 am local time, so I won't be able to respond until later today.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Twilight made a comment directly regarding a shipmate using their hypothetical* child as an example.

Soror Magna made a comment about a shipmate's actual child.

If one is going to compare offences, compare them properly.

*She did not know he had a daughter when she made the comment
Posted by mr cheesy (# 3330) on :
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Twilight made a comment directly regarding a shipmate using their hypothetical* child as an example.

Soror Magna made a comment about a shipmate's actual child.

If one is going to compare offences, compare them properly.

*She did not know he had a daughter when she made the comment

No, sorry. That doesn't wash - if the intention was to talk about hypotheticals, then everyone is aware of how to word things so it doesn't sound like you're talking about someone in particular. Why should anyone who happens to have daughters have to listen to some other poster "hypothetically" suggesting that they're deliberately putting their daughter at risk of rape?
Posted by Ricardus (# 8757) on :
If one's Shiply persona is heavily inclined towards OUTRAGE at the OFFENSIVE things other people say, it's probably not a good idea to tell jokes that other people will find outrageous and offensive.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Twilight has been around so long that I find it hard to believe she didn't know both Mousethief and Alan had actual daughters. What I remember her saying is that she meant to single one daughter out in a harrowing way and not the other. And even when it was pointed out, didn't matter which daughter, girl, you don't go there, she defended her choice of tableau.

From my view of things, SM tried a cheap tit- for tat manoever that didn't go over. Her lame attempt to backpedal with the Bamford clip (See? Here's a clip of someone being self- deprecating to justify my punching down) lead to a loud call of bullshit, and she backed off completely.

The thing is, SM stepping in it so badly kind of guaranteed the dogpile on Twilight would end abruptly, and we could then go back to expressing our outrage/ counter outrage/ whatever at Turner or the state college system and not each other's relatives. First of all, like I said, if someone is interested and Fair and Balanced dogpiling they should get on it themselves-- good show, mdijon-- but as for the other thread at that particular point in time, I think people were kind of done with dogpiles altogether. It gets exhausting after a while.
For me it sufficed to call SM an asshole and thank her for deciding not to be one. ( The asshole comment is right above the thank you, if you are interested in tracking it down.)

Twilight's leaving is sobering, but I am holding out hope that she will change her mind. That's another thing, I think her announcement that she was leaving took the dogpile wind out of everyone's sails. When you've just got a reminder of how out of hand it can get, the thought of doing it all over again isn't appealing.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
I probably am not tracking all of this completely because I haven't been around as long. But people being personal and cruel in Hell seems to both something revelled in and enjoyed, and also something people also react to. Is it even or uneven depending on who? I didn't know Erin, and realize she's essentially considered a saint on these boards, but did see reference to her approach to someone's Asperger's or other mental illness - not fully explained which made me wonder. Has the tone and etiquette shifted then for how people should be treated in Hell, whether it can be personal and how personal?
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on :
I can't read that person's mind, but what I recall of Erin is that she didn't suffer fools (or trolls) willingly, and would chomp the leg off such people without allowing Asperger's etc. to be used as an excuse. She was good at recognizing real issues, yes--but she also recognized that people with various conditions are just as human as the rest of us, and just as prone to being arseholes on occasion. Eminently fair.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
I believe I was the one who referred to Erin's memory being flung at me. I don't remember the context, exactly, except a vauge sense of it being one of the number of times I questioned why people who offered the opinion that dogpiles were getting out of hand were not allowed to express that opinion without someone suggesting they were trying to abolish Hell altogether. ( Because for a while, people really did act that way.) I do remember that it seemed to have less to do with what I was actually saying and more to do with cutting deep.

Yeah, maybe it's petty, but I still have some burn from the times I gritted my teeth and tried to find the most diplomatic way to phrase that idea, knowing that at best I would get laughed at and at worst I would become the target of intensely personal remarks.
Posted by AmyBo (# 15040) on :
Twilight's attack on anybody's daughter was unexcusable. Soror Magna's reply was equally disgusting. Everybody lost.

The only saving grace of the latter is that those of us with mental illness - depression in my case, fwiw - use humor as a coping mechanism. But it's like any other microculture; you don't use the jokes unless you're part of that culture. There was no way to get that across in this context, though.

I only chime in because I recently instigated a conversation (by posting on the Difficult Relatives thread) that ended up in a Twilight mini-dogpile that included her calling herself to hell. I got the impression that she was struggling here, and grappling with some big ideas. I hope she can come back.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
I think the accusation of "dogpiling" gets tossed around too readily.

From page 2 of the Stanford Rapist thread, Twilight was making long and egregious statements, attacking or at least imprecating the motives of fellow shipmates (e.g. Alan, whose honest question she called "high-fiving"), and in general being about as offensive as she could possibly be. And when called on it, she doubled down, even on making nasty remarks about other people not protecting their children.

Should she not get called on any of this? Everyone who was offended by her words has a right to say so. If that's "dogpiling," then the word has no ethical component at all.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
The think is, Mental Health issues are not funny. End of. It is not funny when you no longer want to live, because life is so fucking hard. When you consider that suicide is the best answer for you and everyone else too, because you are such a complete fuck-up. That is not funny.

However, there is a place for humour around mental health issues, but it is incredibly hard to do. I have seen some good humour around mental health. It is usually only funny when it starts by an understanding that mental health is not funny. It works in a long-term context when there is time to understand the problems and show appreciation prior too any humour. It can be stunning when done well, but it is really offensive when done poorly.

But this means that cheap one-liners are not funny, not ever. The fact that some of these comments are common expressions doesn't make them any less offensive. The fact that I might sometimes refer to my own issues in a self-deprecating and humourous way doesn't mean that it isn't offensive when other people say the same things.

Just because I don't call you out for being an insensitive fucking twat every time doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. Just because I laugh it off doesn't mean you are not a knob. We can be very good at hiding our real emotions.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by AmyBo:
Twilight's attack on anybody's daughter was unexcusable. Soror Magna's reply was equally disgusting. Everybody lost.

Yeah, and like I said, my interpretation of everyone shutting up all of a sudden was just that-- we realized how ugly it got.
Posted by mdijon (# 8520) on :
Seems plausible. Perhaps that is why the return to business as usual in discussion elsewhere felt particularly difficult and dissonant for me.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Fair enough.

Also, IMO it eally needed a different thread to hash it out properly, so again, well done.

What I've learned from my three post participation in this mess is, no matter how bored and stir crazy you are, don't try to express complicated feelings via one- sentence posts when you are coming down from a 101 degree fever. No matter what you say it will include stupid.

[ 21. June 2016, 19:38: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by Soror Magna (# 9881) on :
I honestly thought I would get my Hell call on the weekend, and I had a post ready, but when nothing happened, I deleted it. So here goes again. I understand the upset. I'm assuming that since there has been no Host or Admin direction, that I haven't violated the Commandments, but I have violated the community's standards.
Originally posted by mdijon:
But personally I find this really beyond the pale and unaccounted for;

Originally posted by Soror Magna:
And since you think we're being mean about your son's schizophrenia - news to me - I'll say that the voices in his head probably make a hell of a lot more sense than you do.

If you say it's beyond the pale, I'll accept that. If you want an accounting, I can only respond that it appears that Twilight interpreted my post exactly as I intended, and responded with a parallel phrase:
Originally posted by Twilight:
Soror Magna could find out if someone in the family had cancer and say, "Your mind is more rotten than your brother's lungs."

Horrible as that comment was, it wasn't the last post before the flounce. Now here's where I really blew it:
Originally posted by Soror Magna:
No, I wouldn't. Lung cancer isn't funny. Mental illness is.

This is the 'splainy part. I will do my best to not make it sound like one of those "I'm sorry you are so easily offended" non-apologies. One of my weaknesses in communicating is that sometimes I am too terse. What I meant - but which the community might have also thought beyond the pale - was this:
No, I would never say that, because I don't find that remotely funny. I can't think of any jokes about lung cancer. For better or for worse, mental illness has been a source of comedy since time immemorial, and many great comedians have lived with mental illness. Here's an example.

I am sorry that Twilight has left, and if she returns, she will get a full apology from me, and I promise to never, ever make those types of comments again.
Originally posted by alienfromzog:
I would chose cancer over schizophrenia every day of the week and twice on a Sunday.

This is kind of tangential, but as a professional you might find it interesting. My psychiatrist told me that the thing she liked most about psychiatry was the fact that her patients, if treated successfully, were as healthy or even healthier than they had ever been in their lives. That's not always the case for survivors of other kinds of illnesses.

My wife's star sign was cancer, which is ironic, given how she died.
She was eaten by a giant crab.

It will not surprise anyone that I think that's freakin' hilarious. [Killing me]

As for the insufficiency of dogpiling ... we can speculate ... I'd like to think it is because I admitted my mistake, but again, that was also too terse. And while this in no way excuses me, there were many, many other, shall I say, pointed comments on earlier pages from other Shipmates, and as others have suggested, perhaps we all decided to lower the temperature a bit.

So there you have it. Others have posted about the limits or appropriateness of comments related to mental health, whether insulting or humorous, and that's something the community has to decide; however, you won't see any more of these sorts of jokes or insults from me. And if I slip, REMIND ME!
Posted by alienfromzog (# 5327) on :
Good post SM.

In other news, I was really upset when they told me I had a tumour...
Now it's growing on me.

I'll get my coat.

Posted by mdijon (# 8520) on :
I don't feel I'm personally owed an apology and so I'm appreciative instead of a clear and honest post. If I don't say "great, all's well" that is partly because I was a bit too fast to say that before and also partly because I shouldn't try to be a spokesperson for any wider group.

But speaking for myself that is the sort of reflection I was hoping for and I don't have anything to add.

[ETA How many cancer patients does it take to change a light bulb?
One to change the lightbulb and 11 to say, “So brave”]

[ 22. June 2016, 06:47: Message edited by: mdijon ]
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :

Good post. One thing that might have made a difference, at the time: If you'd said "Mental illness is funny--I have it!" (Which I understand to be true, from things you later posted.) As you noted, the comment was best avoided--but making the humor partly about *you* might've made things less bad.

Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Just in case you thing I have lost my sense of humour, I do think all of the jokes on here are hilarious.

SM - I think you have given a masterclass in how to deal with this. Well done. I know it isn't easy.

I really wanted to add to the joke collection, but I cannot find an acceptable one, sadly.
Posted by mdijon (# 8520) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
I really wanted to add to the joke collection, but I cannot find an acceptable one, sadly.

I hear the hell hosts do a great straight-guy to your funny guy if we start piling on the jokes.
Posted by Jengie jon (# 273) on :
There are plenty of jokes about Cancer. No, I am not surprised. Round here if I was in the right communities I am pretty sure there is a rich seam of lung sickness jokes. This is a former Coal Mining and dying from destroyed lungs is fairly common place (emphysema rather than cancer but just as nasty), this goes with holes in the road*. The way people around here cope is with a very dark black humour, which you could say literally comes from the pits. Everyone knows the reality, but if you can find laughter then it is slightly less terrible.

I know there are puns and worse in that paragraph. I was raised enough around here, though cushioned, to have my share of it. I know of nothing that can not be turned into humour. As a rule, the darker the more likely it is someone has. The question is whether the humour is generous or mean. Does it seek to make life slightly better or to hurt someone? Dark humour and humour about dark situations can be generous in that it seeks to make the terrible slightly less terrible. You cannot be afraid if you are laughing.


*Not the hole in the road but numerous ones that occur every winter when weather causes changes in former mines. No I am not comparing them.
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
SM: beautifully and thoughtfully done. Thank you.

I, too, hope Twilight returns.
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Well, well. I know I said I was leaving but that was before I knew the argument would be given a separate thread and I wouldn't be able to defend myself against all the misrepresentations. I can't take it. It's just too hard to hear how I "attacked somebody's daughter," when it was clearly a "How would you feel if," warning post. It was no different than a "Go ahead don't immunize your kids but think how you would feel if they died of polio," sort of thing. Certainly not nice, but not an attack on their specific child.

My post to Alan was flailing and hysterical. the reports of rape on campus make me feel that way. But like all my posts on that thread, it was in the vein of "We (the village) must better protect out young girls!" At no point did I mean to be saying any individual was being a neglectful parent. If the village raises children the village can also turn a blind eye to some very bad situations.

I did not know Alan actually had daughters, the last I heard about his personal life was when he was getting married to a shipmate. Alan followed my hysterical post with an example of what he plans to teach his daughters which I thought was brilliant.

My most grave mistake was halfway through my response to Alan, when I mistakenly called him Mousethief. This was like throwing a grenade on the thread causing this response from Mousetheif:
Twilight: You are a despicable excuse for a human being. Your presence on the planet is a blight for which God should be held personally responsible. All good human beings should become queasy at the sight of your name, knowing that you would post something like this. In any decent society you would never be invited to another event again. Do not ever mention my daughters again, you pustule on the anus of the world.
So I apologized a little more and reminded everyone that I was not talking smack about anyone's specific daughter but all of our daughters who are at risk.

Kelly Alves said that it was my talking about pole dancing that really set her off. Pole dancing being something I definitely did not mention. My hypothetical drunk girl was dancing naked on a table. I should have left out the naked part it being rare and too graphic a visual but drunk girls have danced on tables since the invention of alcohol and tables. I know, I've been on that table. I took huge risks when I was young -- lived alone -- went to bars alone -- drank to excess -- walked home alone in a big city. There but for fortune.

It would be great if girls could do that without fear of anything bad happening, just as I once (foolishly) did. It would be great if men never raped. It would be great if men had to follow all the same warnings as women. It would be great if we could warn girls not to walk home alone or drink too much without some overflow of "victim blaming." We just have to pick which we think is worse, unfairness, victim blaming, or rape. I think being raped is the worst, so that was my focus.

What I don't see is how what I said to Mousethief-meaning-Alan was equal to what Soror Magna said to me as some of you keep saying. It would only be equal if I knew someone's daughter had been raped and directed a joke to them about it. Then said it was funny because rape is funny and linked to a comedian like Bill Cosby doing a routine about rape.

Soror Magna's "but I have mental illness myself," defense doesn't work when it's aimed at someone's child. Sure, adults with lung cancer may chose to relieve some stress by joking about it among themselves. That's a far cry from me finding out your child has it and telling you how funny I think it is.

Then there's the whole idea here that all mental illness is the same thing. It's not. No more than all physical illness is the same. That psychiatrist above who says mental illness can be cured so that the ill person is healthier than ever before must not have been talking about schizophrenia. It's almost never completely cured and the medication needed to treat (only some of) the symptoms usually causes a weight gain of around 60 pounds just in the first few years. Risk of stroke and diabetes soars. On average they don't live as long as other people and that's not counting the 80% who attempt suicide. Daily life is hard.

I watched the linked "mental illness is funny" and didn't care for the grimacing comedian. Her experiences in mental hospitals may speak to many people with similar troubles, but they didn't relate to the screaming psychotic breaks from reality I've witnessed. I was reminded of what George Carlin said about the 60's, if you remember it, you weren't really there.

So all Soror Magna's, "I get to make fun of schizophrenics because I've suffered from mental illness myself," doesn't really work for me. It might, if I had schizophrenia myself, but it's not me, it's my child. I've never thought it was funny to watch him punch himself in the face all night long, try to kill himself, or scream in terror when I approached because he didn't know who I was. I'm not down-playing other forms of mental illness, I know they can be horrible, but schizophrenia is high on any doctor's list of "worst diseases" and usually not really all that amusing.
Posted by Moo (# 107) on :
Originally posted by Soror Magna
My psychiatrist told me that the thing she liked most about psychiatry was the fact that her patients, if treated successfully, were as healthy or even healthier than they had ever been in their lives. That's not always the case for survivors of other kinds of illnesses.

"If treated successfully"

I suspect this is as true of survivors of other kinds of illnesses as it is of psychiatric patients.

You are comparing apples and oranges.

Posted by Soror Magna (# 9881) on :
Twilight, I'm very sorry, and I hope you'll stay. You have my word that it won't happen again.
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Oh, Soror, I'm sorry too. You didn't say anything all that bad it was just my touchy area. I am very quick to anger but I can't maintain it, I was over my mad at you a week ago.

I think we both agree on two things, rape is horrible and victim shaming is horrible, we just reverse our list of which is most horrible a little bit which really shouldn't matter because -- horrible.
Posted by mr cheesy (# 3330) on :
ok never mind.

[ 22. June 2016, 13:56: Message edited by: mr cheesy ]
Posted by mdijon (# 8520) on :
Heavens what a beautiful sunset.
Posted by Hiro's Leap (# 12470) on :
Re-reading that thread, I think it's a classic TV bar fight - mr cheesy started prodding you in the chest, you both threw a few punches, you got angry/disorientated and swung at some bystanders. They joined in, then you lobbed a bar stool across the saloon and hit Alan's head (possibly an accident), the crowd gasped and Soror Magna waded in with a broken bottle. Then a lot of awkward shuffling and wondering who's responsible for the repair bill.

Rape's a really, really tough subject to discuss without it turning into a brawl. Good to see you back Twilight, and good to see Soror Magna's apology.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Yeah, sorry, Twilight, you didn't say " pole dance," you said " Strip tease. "

Since you don't even remember saying it, I'm gonna assume it was a heat of the moment thing. Can I welcome you back?

[ 22. June 2016, 16:02: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by Hiro's Leap:
Re-reading that thread, I think it's a classic TV bar fight - mr cheesy started prodding you in the chest, you both threw a few punches, you got angry/disorientated and swung at some bystanders. They joined in, then you lobbed a bar stool across the saloon and hit Alan's head (possibly an accident), the crowd gasped and Soror Magna waded in with a broken bottle. Then a lot of awkward shuffling and wondering who's responsible for the repair bill.

Rape's a really, really tough subject to discuss without it turning into a brawl. Good to see you back Twilight, and good to see Soror Magna's apology.

We always come unglued during a rape discussion, it's just a matter of time before someone snaps at someone. And the US had another massive shooting event in the middle of resolving things.
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
Originally posted by Soror Magna:
Twilight, I'm very sorry, and I hope you'll stay. You have my word that it won't happen again.

Originally posted by Twilight:
Oh, Soror, I'm sorry too. You didn't say anything all that bad it was just my touchy area. I am very quick to anger but I can't maintain it, I was over my mad at you a week ago.

I think we both agree on two things, rape is horrible and victim shaming is horrible, we just reverse our list of which is most horrible a little bit which really shouldn't matter because -- horrible.

Welcome back, Twilight! I'm glad you gave us another chance.

What is this cool breeze I feel blowing thru the underworld?

[Axe murder]

...excellent analogy Hiro's Leap-- a perfect description.

[ 22. June 2016, 16:40: Message edited by: cliffdweller ]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Handsomely done, Soror Magna.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
I almost typed " Thank you" when I saw that, MT, but I didn't want the Wrath of God to descend on me. [Big Grin]

And every time I reread Hiro's Leap's synopsis, I like it more. Where you been, dude? [Cool]

[ 22. June 2016, 16:59: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by mdijon:
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
I really wanted to add to the joke collection, but I cannot find an acceptable one, sadly.

I hear the hell hosts do a great straight-guy to your funny guy if we start piling on the jokes.
I think you misheard. They do something straight if we have too many jokes.

A new psychiatric hospital was built.

The unit for Depression was in the basement.
The Bipolar was partly with the depression unit in the basement, but another part was on the top floor.

The Multiple Personality section has a unit in each floor.

The OCD team are on a mezzanine, slightly offset from the rest of the floor.

Anxiety issues are at the end of a long, unlit corridor.

The eating disorders are on the first floor. Just next to the canteen.

There is a PTSD team, protected by a bouncer. Just to keep everyone safe.
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on :
Old joke from Ronnie Laing. His psychiatric wing abolished uniforms for staff, and a visitor asked Laing how they distinguished staff from patients, and Laing said, the patients get better. Actually, not really a joke, something that Laing believed.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
I almost typed " Thank you" when I saw that, MT, but I didn't want the Wrath of God to descend on me. [Big Grin]

And every time I reread Hiro's Leap's synopsis, I like it more. Where you been, dude? [Cool]

If only someone had been saying that, repeatedly, the whole time during the kerfuffle. [Biased]

Though, fair do to him, Hiro's Leap was concise and more entertaining.
Posted by The Phantom Flan Flinger (# 8891) on :
It's an oldie but a goodie:

An inspecting Brigadier decides to visit the psychiatric ward of an army hospital. He wants to show an interest in the unit and asks the nurse how they decide if a soldier needs to be admitted as a patient or just seen in out patients.

"Well," says the QA psychiatric nurse, "we fill the bath with water and give the squaddie a mess tin and a spoon. He or she is then asked to empty the bath."

"Ah I see!" exclaims the Brigadier, "A normal person would use the mess tin because it is larger and will take less time to empty the bath."

"No Sir" sighs the psychiatric nurse, "A sane person would pull the bath plug. I'll get your bed ready Sir!"
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
I almost typed " Thank you" when I saw that, MT, but I didn't want the Wrath of God to descend on me. [Big Grin]

And every time I reread Hiro's Leap's synopsis, I like it more. Where you been, dude? [Cool]

If only someone had been saying that, repeatedly, the whole time during the kerfuffle. [Biased]

Totally right. Any asshole with a rich vocabulary can throw down insults, but it takes true fortitude to attempt peacemaking in Hell.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Hey! Insults in Hell are my stock and trade and I am not just any asshole.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :

Get a room.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
You just want to watch, pervert.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
It's nauseating enough to see you kiss and make up in public. Why would I want see any more bodily fluids get exchanged in private?

Why can't we have more of this?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Doc Tor:
It's nauseating enough to see you kiss and make up in public. Why would I want see any more bodily fluids get exchanged in private?

Why can't we have more of this?

Because this is a Christian website, not a Sith website. Duh.
Posted by Doublethink. (# 1984) on :
The art of the one liner
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
Originally posted by Doublethink.:
The art of the one liner

In a two hour long video? [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Doc Tor:
It's nauseating enough to see you kiss and make up in public. Why would I want see any more bodily fluids get exchanged in private?

Why can't we have more of this?

Because this is a Christian website, not a Sith website. Duh.
Posted by Doublethink. (# 1984) on :
Originally posted by Doc Tor:
Originally posted by Doublethink.:
The art of the one liner

In a two hour long video? [Roll Eyes]
Paradoxes make me tingly.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
Welcome back, Twilight!

And my contribution to the "humor at the expense of my own illness" parade:

Comics about Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS/CFS/ME) (and whatever other names they come up with). There are also links to more humor about CFIDS, Fibromyalgia, and other things.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by Doc Tor:
It's nauseating enough to see you kiss and make up in public. Why would I want see any more bodily fluids get exchanged in private?

Why can't we have more of this?

Aaaah, isn't he so cuuuuute? he thinks he's evil.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
He's a hothouse flower, is what he is. Good God, we got Battling Lunatic jokes going on here, and you saying, " you missed a spot" and me saying "Right, sorry" is what makes him squeal like a dowager aunt and break out the cootie spray?

Lord, man.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Everybody has their own limitations. It's good he knows them.

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