Source: (consider it)
Thread: Happy to help
Lamb Chopped
Ship's kebab
# 5528
TubaMirum, you should be ashamed of yourself. Not for your theological views, which are eminently arguable in Purg. You should be ashamed of dumping on a fellow human being what, if it were true, would be virtually the worst news possible--and then adding "Happy to help."
What kind of a human being are you? This just astonishes me. link here
-------------------- Er, this is what I've been up to (book). Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!
Posts: 20059 | From: off in left field somewhere | Registered: Feb 2004
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# 8282
Actually "HTH" means "Hope that helps."
Didja happen to notice the nasty, arrogant, dismissive intro that "Taliesin" started out with at all? That "if you're a trendy liberal who can't see why people fuss about marriage in general and same sex marriage in particular, then obviously I'm not talking to you, savvy?"
In other words, for "Taliesin" (and for you, apparently), only her problems are serious; "same-sex marriage" is just stupidly "trendy" and kind of really beneath her even bothering with.
Because, little Lamb, as I noted, same-sex couples are in fact absolutely expected to break up their families in order to be part of the idiot Church; how about taking some notice of THAT, for a change? It happens every single fucking day; some people really DO break up their families.
Don't notice you getting the vapors over THAT.
And no, I have no sympathy at all for "Taliesin"; she started off a thread in Purgatory - a debate board - by snottily dismissing the pain of millions of OTHER people.
And frankly, I have no interest in talking with you, either. [ 08. March 2014, 20:43: Message edited by: TubaMirum ]
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
| IP: Logged
 Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: And frankly, I have no interest in talking with you, either.
Then why did you do it? Form of self-flagellation for Lent?
And the way to register your displeasure with someone else's unconcern for the feelings of others is to be unconcerned about feelings. Clearly then you think it's okay in some cases to be unconcerned about feelings, as long as one picks the right things about which to trash others' feelings. Clearly gay families are off-limits, but people anguishing about divorce and remarriage are fair game.
You disgust me.
-------------------- This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...
Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by mousethief: You disgust me.
Likewise. Deeply.
And if "Taliesin" is in "anguish," why the hell is posting on Purgatory? Frankly, I'm not at all buying the "anguish" thing, given her snotty, arrogant attitude.
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 8282
(In any case, if I remember correctly, Ship of Fools won't allow gay people to post about their "anguish" anywhere except in Dead Horses. What fucking hypocrisy.) [ 08. March 2014, 21:04: Message edited by: TubaMirum ]
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 8282
BTW, what is the fucking problem here?
The Bible DOES clearly say that divorce and remarriage is adultery. Just as the Bible DOES clearly say that homosexuality blah blah blah blah....
This is just another case of "one law for me, another for Thee." IOW: it's completely typical.
"Taliesin" starts off by telling us that same-sex relationships are just not worth talking about, whereas HER problems are really serious.
Then she tells us who can respond to her or not. On an open debate board.
Fuck that, and fuck her. Perhaps she'll actually think about somebody besides herself at some point.
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 14017
Hello darling, (tubamirum) I've just popped by to invite you to fuck off, righteously.
I've no idea what you thought you were doing, wading in with your completely deranged opinions, but I wish you'd read a thread before you post.
You couldn't be more wrong, if you were selling mouse traps for moon visits. What a moron.
Posts: 2138 | From: South, UK | Registered: Aug 2008
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 Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: Likewise. Deeply.
I see you're taking tu quoque lessons from IngoB. And scoring top marks.
quote: BTW, what is the fucking problem here?
The Bible DOES clearly say that divorce and remarriage is adultery. Just as the Bible DOES clearly say that homosexuality blah blah blah blah....
And "ignoring the fact that it's the mode and not the message that is being objected to" lessons from the same source.
I'll bet you two can finish each other's sentences.
-------------------- This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...
Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by Taliesin: Hello darling, (tubamirum) I've just popped by to invite you to fuck off, righteously.
I've no idea what you thought you were doing, wading in with your completely deranged opinions, but I wish you'd read a thread before you post.
You couldn't be more wrong, if you were selling mouse traps for moon visits. What a moron.
Fuck off, yourself. You wrote the opening post yourself; nobody forced you to say what you said there. And no, I'm not required to slog through a million other posts if I'm responding to what you said there.
I'd be interesting in hearing, BTW, why you felt the need to include a gratuitous, dismissive throw-away comment about "same-sex marriage" in your post - since it has literally nothing at all to do with the topic, and since you claim I "couldn't be more wrong." Not honestly buying that, either, sorry.
(I suppose you could just be an insensitive dunderhead, without any idea of how what you say comes across....)
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by mousethief: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: Likewise. Deeply.
I see you're taking tu quoque lessons from IngoB. And scoring top marks.
quote: BTW, what is the fucking problem here?
The Bible DOES clearly say that divorce and remarriage is adultery. Just as the Bible DOES clearly say that homosexuality blah blah blah blah....
And "ignoring the fact that it's the mode and not the message that is being objected to" lessons from the same source.
I'll bet you two can finish each other's sentences.
Oh, boy: more lessons in "debate" from mousethief. You just really love to hear yourself talk, don't you?
Do let me know if you think you might actually discuss a topic at some point; that would certainly be a nice, refreshing change.
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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Lamb Chopped
Ship's kebab
# 5528
If you feel that way, why didn't you call the church as a whole to Hell? Or God? Or Taliesin?
Why take a very public and nasty dump all over another person's life?
-------------------- Er, this is what I've been up to (book). Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!
Posts: 20059 | From: off in left field somewhere | Registered: Feb 2004
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# 14333
The OP said this: quote: Originally posted by Taliesin:
And if you're a trendy liberal who can't see why people fuss about marriage in general and same sex marriage in particular, then obviously I'm not talking to you, savvy?
Which I found rude. However, subsequent posting on the thread by Taliesin softened my interpretation. quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: You are committing adultery (Luke 16:18); separate from your husband at once. HTH.
This post appears to show nothing but anger and fails to engage the thread as it had developed by this post. I think my Purg response is as contentious as I wish to be so far.
-------------------- I put on my rockin' shoes in the morning Hallellou, hallellou
Posts: 17627 | From: the round earth's imagined corners | Registered: Dec 2008
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by Lamb Chopped: If you feel that way, why didn't you call the church as a whole to Hell? Or God? Or Taliesin?
Why take a very public and nasty dump all over another person's life?
First of all, Hell is stupid, and I don't "call people" there.
Second, I took no "dump" on anybody's life; please let's not get all drama-queen about this. I simply responded to the question asked in the opening post; it was a perfectly legitimate response, in fact. Particularly when a person decides to be gratuitously nasty about something entirely unrelated to the question in the opening post itself.
In any case, it's a debate board, and "Taliesin" is perfectly free to ignore me. And for the hundredth time: why bring up a source of "anguish" in Purgatory? I'm just not buying this whole drama, sorry.
Somebody else, please note BTW, wondered if I was actually being serious. You, OTOH, decided to "take me to Hell." And of course mousethief came along in short order to blather on, the way he does.
IOW, everything's just as it was 5 years ago when I was last here. Sheesh....
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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Sioni Sais
# 5713
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: Actually "HTH" means "Hope that helps."
Didja happen to notice the nasty, arrogant, dismissive intro that "Taliesin" started out with at all? That "if you're a trendy liberal who can't see why people fuss about marriage in general and same sex marriage in particular, then obviously I'm not talking to you, savvy?"
In other words, for "Taliesin" (and for you, apparently), only her problems are serious; "same-sex marriage" is just stupidly "trendy" and kind of really beneath her even bothering with.
Because, little Lamb, as I noted, same-sex couples are in fact absolutely expected to break up their families in order to be part of the idiot Church; how about taking some notice of THAT, for a change? It happens every single fucking day; some people really DO break up their families.
Don't notice you getting the vapors over THAT.
And no, I have no sympathy at all for "Taliesin"; she started off a thread in Purgatory - a debate board - by snottily dismissing the pain of millions of OTHER people.
And frankly, I have no interest in talking with you, either.
What the "fuck" is it about "quotes"? (or should that be "quotes?"?). This isn't the BBC News "website".
I don't think they make arguments "more convincing?, but they definitely make the "quote user" look more of a "tosspot".
-------------------- "He isn't Doctor Who, he's The Doctor"
(Paul Sinha, BBC)
Posts: 24276 | From: Newport, Wales | Registered: Apr 2004
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by lilBuddha: The OP said this: quote: Originally posted by Taliesin:
And if you're a trendy liberal who can't see why people fuss about marriage in general and same sex marriage in particular, then obviously I'm not talking to you, savvy?
Which I found rude. However, subsequent posting on the thread by Taliesin softened my interpretation. quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: You are committing adultery (Luke 16:18); separate from your husband at once. HTH.
This post appears to show nothing but anger and fails to engage the thread as it had developed by this post. I think my Purg response is as contentious as I wish to be so far.
I responded to the opening post itself, which I quoted in my response.
That seems clear enough. "Taliesin" asked a question; I answered it. That's the process on discussion boards, as I understand it.
Furthermore, I was specifically instructed that I was NOT to respond, as she was NOT talking to me. Why in the world would I bother to "engage the thread" at that point?
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by Sioni Sais: What the "fuck" is it about "quotes"? (or should that be "quotes?"?). This isn't the BBC News "website".
I don't think they make arguments "more convincing?, but they definitely make the "quote user" look more of a "tosspot".
I only put extra "quotes" around the name "Taliesin." Otherwise my "quotes" were all "fine" and in fact "necessary" in order to convey "meaning."
Sorry you can't handle that. I enjoyed it, though, and will probably continue to do it.
You guys really need to learn to talk ABOUT something at some point, I think, instead of continually advising other people how to argue or write or think. It gets "tiring" listening to you.
Of course, I have noticed that "religious" people sure do love giving "advice" to others....
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 14322
I don't normally post in Hell. I'm not going to say anything more on this thread apart from what follows. If this provokes anyone, I don't intend to respond, and may not even come back to read it.
If one had read Taliesin's original post and her subsequent contributions, it would have been quite clear that she was writing about, and seeking shipmate's views on something that is a personal anguish for her. This is, that she is divorced. She has remarried. Her first husband is still living. Some people have been saying, or implying to her, that she isn't really married to her present husband, that she should leave him and either be single or return to her original husband either now, or should he ever happen to call her back again. There are some biblical texts and some peoples' interpretations of them that would encourage that view but most of us would regard it as personally and humanly a road to disaster. It would also be breaking solemn commitments she has entered into. It was also clear that she had parted from her first husband in some pain, and that she loves and has built a successful new life with her new husband. There are also children who would be affected by such a course.
Even those who advocate the absolute RC position normally recognise that this is hard counsel, and the pain this will cause.
As we are on a Hell thread, I think I'm entitled, without breaking ship rules, to say that for anyone, suddenly to butt in with a simple absolute statement, untempered by any pastoral sensitivity, even if they were someone who believed in that teaching, is totally unacceptable, and beyond the pale.
Same sex relationships were not part of the discussion and are irrelevant to it. I can't see, and am not particularly interested to find out, why anyone should maintain either that they are relevant, or that their personal views on them entitles them to trample over someone else's pastoral raw nerves.
As we on the Hell board, and I can use hell language, here goes. Having a personal issue about same sex relationships no more entitles one to be a plonker than having a personal issue about any other subject. If a person can't see any of this, or can't see why I'm saying it, he or she is not the sort of person I want to meet or spend time with.
I stand by what I said to Taliesin on the 'real' thread. I agree with Lamb Chopped. I've said my piece on this one and will now shut up.
-------------------- Brexit wrexit - Sir Graham Watson
Posts: 7610 | From: Bristol UK(was European Green Capital 2015, now Ljubljana) | Registered: Nov 2008
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 Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: Do let me know if you think you might actually discuss a topic at some point; that would certainly be a nice, refreshing change.
Get your head out of your ass, then. I discuss topics on many boards here. Perhaps, since you appear only to troll for things to take offense at, you haven't noticed.
quote: IOW, everything's just as it was 5 years ago when I was last here. Sheesh....
Ah, there's the reason you don't know what I've posted. You haven't been here. Yet you skate back in and start pontificating about what I've been doing for the last 5 years. What a pathetic loser.
quote: You guys really need to learn to talk ABOUT something at some point, I think, instead of continually advising other people how to argue or write or think. It gets "tiring" listening to you.
You should really find out something about things you shit on before shitting. We all talk about things all the time. Why don't you go away for another 5 years? We were perfectly happy without you.
-------------------- This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...
Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by Enoch: Same sex relationships were not part of the discussion and are irrelevant to it. I can't see, and am not particularly interested to find out, why anyone should maintain either that they are relevant, or that their personal views on them entitles them to trample over someone else's pastoral raw nerves.
Taliesin decided, for some reason known only to her, to make same-sex marriage "part of the discussion." She said, quite plainly, that people who supported it had nothing to offer in the thread.
I didn't bring it up; she did.
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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Dark Knight
 Super Zero
# 9415
Enoch: I second MT's sentiment. TM can fuck off for another five years, and I hope that helps. I have my doubts, though.
-------------------- So don't ever call me lucky You don't know what I done, what it was, who I lost, or what it cost me - A B Original: I C U
---- Love is as strong as death (Song of Solomon 8:6).
Posts: 2958 | From: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road | Registered: Apr 2005
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by mousethief: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: Do let me know if you think you might actually discuss a topic at some point; that would certainly be a nice, refreshing change.
Get your head out of your ass, then. I discuss topics on many boards here. Perhaps, since you appear only to troll for things to take offense at, you haven't noticed.
quote: IOW, everything's just as it was 5 years ago when I was last here. Sheesh....
Ah, there's the reason you don't know what I've posted. You haven't been here. Yet you skate back in and start pontificating about what I've been doing for the last 5 years. What a pathetic loser.
quote: You guys really need to learn to talk ABOUT something at some point, I think, instead of continually advising other people how to argue or write or think. It gets "tiring" listening to you.
You should really find out something about things you shit on before shitting. We all talk about things all the time. Why don't you go away for another 5 years? We were perfectly happy without you.
You literally never shut up, do you?
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by Dark Knight: Enoch: I second MT's sentiment. TM can fuck off for another five years, and I hope that helps. I have my doubts, though.
Good thing I don't give much of a shit what you think, then! [ 08. March 2014, 22:41: Message edited by: TubaMirum ]
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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 Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: You literally never shut up, do you?
Translation: "Waaah! Waaah! You won't let me have the last word! Waaaaaaaaaah!" ![[Waterworks]](graemlins/bawling.gif)
-------------------- This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...
Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by mousethief: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: You literally never shut up, do you?
Translation: "Waaah! Waaah! You won't let me have the last word! Waaaaaaaaaah!"
Well, at least we all now know what motivates you....
(You do sound, BTW, kind of like a 5-year-old on this thread.)
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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 Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953
![[Killing me]](graemlins/killingme.gif)
-------------------- This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...
Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001
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Dark Knight
 Super Zero
# 9415
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: quote: Originally posted by mousethief: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: You literally never shut up, do you?
Translation: "Waaah! Waaah! You won't let me have the last word! Waaaaaaaaaah!"
Well, at least we all now know what motivates you....
(You do sound, BTW, kind of like a 5-year-old on this thread.)
You really are about as self aware as a ceiling fan, aren't you?
-------------------- So don't ever call me lucky You don't know what I done, what it was, who I lost, or what it cost me - A B Original: I C U
---- Love is as strong as death (Song of Solomon 8:6).
Posts: 2958 | From: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road | Registered: Apr 2005
| IP: Logged
# 14017
If my name is in quotes, does it mean I am not 'really' Taliesin? As does that mean you think you are actually a tuba? Because it seems quite strange use of punctuation.
My OP was posted in dead horses, after I made the 39th post on the thread about young people leaving the church. I've never figured out how to link to specific posts.
In retrospect, the tone does look rude, but is meant to be ironic. If a person believes all sex is fine, then they are likely to tell me all is fine, and I wasn't looking for reassurance, I was trying, genuinely, to find out what churches think I should ACTUALLY DO. not hypothetically our metaphorically or ideally. And your response, that I should leave my husband to avoid adultery and further sin, is the one that no one actually advises. Except maybe the RCs.
So if you were posting honestly, I would have been interested to hear your ideas. But you weren't. So, bit pointless, really.
Posts: 2138 | From: South, UK | Registered: Aug 2008
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Sioni Sais
# 5713
quote: Originally posted by Dark Knight: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: quote: Originally posted by mousethief: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: You literally never shut up, do you?
Translation: "Waaah! Waaah! You won't let me have the last word! Waaaaaaaaaah!"
Well, at least we all now know what motivates you....
(You do sound, BTW, kind of like a 5-year-old on this thread.)
You really are about as self aware as a ceiling fan, aren't you?
Ceiling fans aren't self-aware but they do have their uses, even if it is only to give a free ride to flies.
-------------------- "He isn't Doctor Who, he's The Doctor"
(Paul Sinha, BBC)
Posts: 24276 | From: Newport, Wales | Registered: Apr 2004
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by Dark Knight: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: quote: Originally posted by mousethief: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: You literally never shut up, do you?
Translation: "Waaah! Waaah! You won't let me have the last word! Waaaaaaaaaah!"
Well, at least we all now know what motivates you....
(You do sound, BTW, kind of like a 5-year-old on this thread.)
You really are about as self aware as a ceiling fan, aren't you?
Oh, do tell me more. You seem so smart and wise.
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
| IP: Logged
 Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953
This juxtaposition strikes me as mildly amusing:
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: (You do sound, BTW, kind of like a 5-year-old on this thread.)
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: Oh, do tell me more. You seem so smart and wise.
-------------------- This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...
Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by Taliesin: If my name is in quotes, does it mean I am not 'really' Taliesin? As does that mean you think you are actually a tuba? Because it seems quite strange use of punctuation.
My OP was posted in dead horses, after I made the 39th post on the thread about young people leaving the church. I've never figured out how to link to specific posts.
In retrospect, the tone does look rude, but is meant to be ironic. If a person believes all sex is fine, then they are likely to tell me all is fine, and I wasn't looking for reassurance, I was trying, genuinely, to find out what churches think I should ACTUALLY DO. not hypothetically our metaphorically or ideally. And your response, that I should leave my husband to avoid adultery and further sin, is the one that no one actually advises. Except maybe the RCs.
So if you were posting honestly, I would have been interested to hear your ideas. But you weren't. So, bit pointless, really.
Well, actually, I do apologize to you if I took you the wrong way; I really DIDN'T read the rest of the thread, because I assumed you were serious that you didn't want any input from certain people "in particular."
So, I truly and honestly apologize if I was wrong about that, and I realize now how my comment might have sounded during the discussion that people are describing here.
Sorry again. [ 08. March 2014, 23:29: Message edited by: TubaMirum ]
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 8282
Lamb Chopped, you were right to put up this thread. I didn't do anything wrong purposefully, but it did turn out that I was wrong in the context of things, so you did the right thing here.
Sorry for what must have sounded jarring in the context of the discussion; you were right to take issue with that. (And sorry for being Hellish for awhile with you.) [ 08. March 2014, 23:46: Message edited by: TubaMirum ]
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 8282
And fuck you, mousethief, and the rest of you pricks.
(Not Enoch.)
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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# 14017
It's very gracious of you to apologise so unreservedly, and it's illustrated to me how ambiguous and/unclear my initial post was.
I'm not sure how I feel about the use of such savage irony if you had been 'right' though.
Posts: 2138 | From: South, UK | Registered: Aug 2008
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by Taliesin: It's very gracious of you to apologise so unreservedly, and it's illustrated to me how ambiguous and/unclear my initial post was.
I'm not sure how I feel about the use of such savage irony if you had been 'right' though.
It really was my fault; I totally took you the wrong way. And I have been really, really angry, especially lately, at the Church and its vicious awfulness. I really would have a great deal of sympathy with what people here say you were talking about in the thread, ordinarily.
Sorry for the "Fuck you" above, too - but it's Hell, you know. You have to.
Lamb Chopped was smart to open this thread here, I guess....
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
| IP: Logged
 Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: And fuck you, mousethief, and the rest of you pricks.
(Not Enoch.)
Damn, and here I congratulated you over in the divorce thread for apologizing. Guess I was too fast; your contrition was shallower than I gave you credit for. Oh well, still better to think better of someone than they deserve than worse. The shame is thus all yours.
-------------------- This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...
Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by mousethief: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: And fuck you, mousethief, and the rest of you pricks.
(Not Enoch.)
Damn, and here I congratulated you over in the divorce thread for apologizing. Guess I was too fast; your contrition was shallower than I gave you credit for. Oh well, still better to think better of someone than they deserve than worse. The shame is thus all yours.
Oh, gee, mousethief; I guess you're right; how could I be so silly? This is actually definitely all about you.
And of course I should naturally be immediately so tremendously grateful now that I apparently don't "disgust" you anymore....
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
| IP: Logged
Lamb Chopped
Ship's kebab
# 5528
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: Lamb Chopped, you were right to put up this thread. I didn't do anything wrong purposefully, but it did turn out that I was wrong in the context of things, so you did the right thing here.
Sorry for what must have sounded jarring in the context of the discussion; you were right to take issue with that. (And sorry for being Hellish for awhile with you.)
-------------------- Er, this is what I've been up to (book). Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!
Posts: 20059 | From: off in left field somewhere | Registered: Feb 2004
| IP: Logged
 Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: And of course I should naturally be immediately so tremendously grateful now that I apparently don't "disgust" you anymore....
Your behavior was pretty disgusting. For a shining moment it stopped being so, and I congratulated you. Now it's right back in the gutter.
Who said anything about grateful? I'd settle for graceful.
-------------------- This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...
Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by mousethief: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: And of course I should naturally be immediately so tremendously grateful now that I apparently don't "disgust" you anymore....
Your behavior was pretty disgusting. For a shining moment it stopped being so, and I congratulated you. Now it's right back in the gutter.
Who said anything about grateful? I'd settle for graceful.
Tell it to somebody who's interested....
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
| IP: Logged
 Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953
-------------------- This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...
Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001
| IP: Logged
 Boogie on down!
# 13538
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: First of all, Hell is stupid, and I don't "call people" there.
No it isn't - it's a useful place to air differences, as this thread shows.
Could you explain why you put people's names in "quotes"?
-------------------- Garden. Room. Walk
Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008
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Kelly Alves
 Bunny with an axe
# 2522
Does anybody remember Amazing Grace's story about some weird-ass lady doing that to her, too? For a moment I was afraid she'd tracked her down...
-------------------- I cannot expect people to believe “ Jesus loves me, this I know” of they don’t believe “Kelly loves me, this I know.” Kelly Alves, somewhere around 2003.
Posts: 35076 | From: Pura Californiana | Registered: Mar 2002
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 Boogie on down!
# 13538
quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: Sorry for the "Fuck you" above, too - but it's Hell, you know. You have to.
No you don't.
You can do, but you don't have to. Personal choice.
-------------------- Garden. Room. Walk
Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008
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# 16840
I rather like it when folks kiss and make-up in Hell . Sort of makes life worth living really .
That, and a much needed blast of sunshine .
-------------------- Change is the only certainty of existence
Posts: 3206 | From: U.K. | Registered: Dec 2011
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 Boogie on down!
# 13538
quote: Originally posted by rolyn: I rather like it when folks kiss and make-up in Hell .
Fiery kisses!
So, time for me to be hellish to Rolyn.
Rolyn, please learn that there is no space before any full stop or comma.
The space always comes after. One space after each comma and two after each full stop, exclamation mark or question mark. Much easier to read.
Hellish thanks ![[Smile]](smile.gif)
-------------------- Garden. Room. Walk
Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008
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Lamb Chopped
Ship's kebab
# 5528
It's WAY too early in the morning here. I read "blast of sunshine" as "blast of..." something else.
Did someone let one in here?
-------------------- Er, this is what I've been up to (book). Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!
Posts: 20059 | From: off in left field somewhere | Registered: Feb 2004
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# 8282
quote: Originally posted by Boogie: quote: Originally posted by TubaMirum: First of all, Hell is stupid, and I don't "call people" there.
No it isn't - it's a useful place to air differences, as this thread shows.
Could you explain why you put people's names in "quotes"?
No, it's not a useful place at all. Here's what would be useful: if people have differences, they can work them out on another board, with one proviso: they must be entirely respectful to one another, and specifically may NOT say whatever they feel like saying.
In other words, the rules get MORE stringent, not less. THAT's the way to work out differences; I've seen it happen on other boards.
I know Ship of Fools just loves Hell for its entertainment value, but it's actually quite sick. People say things like "What kind of person are you?" and "You disgust me," and think there's absolutely nothing wrong with it - and then continue to scold when this is pointed out to them.
The only thing that matters in the end here is if you can get enough people to join your lynch mob and hound the victim out of town. This happens over and over again - and I'm not the first one to point this out.
I do find Taliesin's willingness to wonder about whether she had been "clear" or not to be heartening and gratifying - but nobody else here has evinced even the tiniest bit of self-doubt about this little event. Everybody's solidly convinced of their own righteousness, and absolutely sure I'm the villain.
And THAT is what Hell is about.
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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 Boogie on down!
# 13538
Fair enough, that's your opinion. But it's not mine.
I know another forum which didn't last due to the lack of a Hell (imv). Personal differences got in the way and there was nowhere to take them, so the hosts got heavier and heavier handed until the forum simply imploded.
Also - could you please explain why you put people's names in "quotes"?
-------------------- Garden. Room. Walk
Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008
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# 8282
The only reason Taliesin and I were able to "work out our differences" is because we both decided to ignore the bullshit and recognize where we might have been wrong. But you certainly don't need the lynch-mob atmosphere for that.
Seriously, Hell drags the rest of this site down its level. People think they just don't HAVE to be decent to anybody else. I can't count the number of really snotty, nasty comments I've been on the receiving end of here; it started, in fact, the very first time I ever commented on the site, and never got any better. There's an in-group mentality that's far, far worse here than anyplace else I've ever been - and I suspect Hell is the culprit.
I was friends with somebody here once, prior to coming to the site - but as soon as I criticized Ship of Fools along these lines, she turned on me instantly and viciously, joining up with the lynch mob. That's a problem - and who would want to be involved in such a place?
I left, so I don't really care. But really: there is something dreadfully wrong on these boards. There are some very, very nice people here - or at least, there were - but the atmosphere is simply awful generally.
Posts: 4719 | From: Right Coast USA | Registered: Aug 2004
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