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# 16427

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It's actually not raining! [Yipee] I am off for a walk [Smile]

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011  |  IP: Logged
Jack the Lass

Ship's airhead
# 3415

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Hoping Mrs Shrew and others in York/shire are safe and (relatively) dry. We have friends in Osbaldwick, the beck (which runs in front of their house, down the middle of the street) peaked before it reached their house thankfully, but it's still a worry. And I was sad to see pictures of water sloshing along Peasholme Green - we got married at St Cuthbert's church, at this time of year (anniversary is tomorrow), so that was a bit close for comfort [Frown]

On Wednesday our York friends are coming together for a funeral of a friend (we are not able to go), in the city centre. So I'm also praying that the water subsides enough that people can get to the funeral without disruption, it's a hard enough occasion as it is without having to deal with extreme weather as well [Frown]

In other news, the Christmas break means that we all (including the Elf Lass, who is just 2) have got used to later bedtimes and later waking/getting-up times. I think tomorrow (when the Elf Lass returns to nursery) will be a bit of a shock to all our systems!

"My body is a temple - it's big and doesn't move." (Jo Brand)
wiblog blipfoto blog

Posts: 5767 | From: the land of the deep-fried Mars Bar | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
Mrs Shrew

Ship's Mother
# 8635

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The waters seem to have peaked here( below the top of the flooddefences) and the nearest floody bit to our house is starting to drop down a bit.

More rain forecast on Wednesday, apparently, but hopefully it is enough of a gap that the waters won't be so high again.

Selby, who are downstream from us, are looking at a peak at about 1am, and are getting the sandbags further ready. Hoping that it starts to fall there too.

"The goal of life is not to make other people in your own image, it is to understand that they, too, are in God's image" (Orfeo)
Was "mummyfrances".

Posts: 703 | From: York, England | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged
St Everild
# 3626

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We went for a walk today. We planned to walk around the lake of a local beauty spot, but the queue for the top car park was massive, so we parked in the lesser car park and realised that the planned meander around was more likely to be a yomp up and back on the same side before the exit gate closed for the day. 2 miles in 40 mins...
Lots of people out.

Posts: 1782 | From: Bethnei | Registered: Dec 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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Having been given a "risotto-themed" Christmas present (a packet of Arborio rice and a cookbook) I made my first proper risotto for lunch today and though I say it what shouldn't it really wasn't half bad - definitely something I'll do again.

After an unseasonably mild Christmas Day (8°), the temperatures here are merrily plummeting; it's currently minus 9°, with a wind-chill of -18, and sinking. At least when it's this cold it's unlikely to actually snow, which is always a Good Thing.

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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I used to make risotto a lot when I was younger. They were a great way of using up leftovers. Just add a splash of wine and stock, cook and serve with a generous amount of grated cheese sprinkled on top, and there you were, fridge problem sorted and dinner provided. Chicken and peas seemed to feature a lot.
Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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Mushroom risotto is a favourite of mine - and in UK I made it even more tasty by stirring in a spoon of [full fat!] Creme Fraiche just before serving.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
Mrs Shrew

Ship's Mother
# 8635

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Oooh! Feeling inspired to make Boxing Day risotto now (I have some gammon and veg that might work nicely!). Mr shrew also likes Orzo, which is pasta that you use to make risotto like things. He likes the slightly softer texture it gives.

"The goal of life is not to make other people in your own image, it is to understand that they, too, are in God's image" (Orfeo)
Was "mummyfrances".

Posts: 703 | From: York, England | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged
Wet Kipper
Circus Runaway
# 1654

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Originally posted by Piglet:

I am now, I hope, officially organised. ...., production of kipper pâté and pressie-wrapping.

if anyone was worried by my absence over the Festive period, fear not. I have not been pate-ed

- insert randomly chosen, potentially Deep and Meaningful™ song lyrics here -

Posts: 9841 | From: further up the Hill | Registered: Nov 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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I wouldn't dream of it, WK - mine came in a tin from the supermarket. [Big Grin]

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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Pate - real Christmas food, that is. We only ever have it at this time of year. It is processed, and pork (which I know it doesn't have to be but it's the one we prefer), neither of which I usually buy or eat on principle. But somehow principles go out of the window at the festive season.

In other news, a round yellow orb was observed in the sky around here today. We can't remember what it's called but we're not going to worry as we don't think it will be making another appearance any time soon.

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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It was probably a UFO.

If it wasn't that it might have been a large cheese. Strange things happen at this time of year.

Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Boogie on down!
# 13538

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We had an exhausting but very pleasant day with 15 relatives visiting, the tidying up has just been completed. Phew!

Garden. Room. Walk

Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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We all failed to get up at the designated times today and over a rather late breakfast it was a greed that today should be designated as Do Nothing More Than Is Absolutely Necessary Day. I think it may well be necessary to go back to bed fairly soon.

[Big Grin]

Last night was fun as Himself and I went to a festival at a sort of local-ish temple for an hour after supper. Five caparisoned Heffalumps, lots of noise and fun and people. I took some bits of video but at the bits where there are sudden loud explosions behind me the picture jumps a bit!

I had Stilton and crackers for a late supper - the Stilton was superb! Then during the night had a very odd dream involving me and a group of other people who have all been dead for quite a while - it was most strange.

[ 30. December 2015, 02:56: Message edited by: Welease Woderwick ]

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
We all failed to get up at the designated times today ...

At this time of year, we don't have designated times. [Big Grin]

I'd like to say a huge thank-you to whoever it was who sent us (well it was actually addressed to D.) a lovely gift-basket with an almost (but not quite) indecent amount of CHOCOLATE in it.

It wasn't Secret Santa - I had my present from her in November - and we've asked all our respective siblings and it wasn't them either ...


puzzled but happy piglet

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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What a contrast to yesterday's calm sunny afternoon. The wind is howling round the place like a banshee and the windows are best kept completely closed. Once the heavy rain that's been forecast sets in, it certainly won't be a day for going far. Time to rediscover books and my DVD collection methinks.
Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 9442

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The wind is howling in the chimney here, luckily I don't have work today as most routes to my work are closed due to flooding... It's been raining here every day since Friday

formerly cheesymarzipan.
Now containing 50% less cheese

Posts: 917 | From: nowhere in particular | Registered: May 2005  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
...Then during the night had a very odd dream involving me and a group of other people who have all been dead for quite a while - it was most strange.

Hmmm, I could have worded that better - I did not mean to imply that I have been dead for quite a while!

At least I don't think I did, or that I have for that matter.

I have just done an online search about my right to remain and it seems to imply that the answer is a YES!!! - I am a very happy WW but will wait for the documents to be received here and as it is over 2,000 kms and they don't do this bit electronically and there is, as yet, no record of the papers leaving Delhi I think I'll have to wait until next week to get the papers in my hand - but it might just conceivably be tomorrow.

[Yipee] [Yipee] [Yipee]

But actually Tuesday afternoon would suit us better as we have to go to within 200 metres of their office then as we are picking up some friends at the airport.

[Yipee] [Yipee] [Yipee]

Do you want the weather report from here as well, or would you rather not know?

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
Jack the Lass

Ship's airhead
# 3415

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Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
Do you want the weather report from here as well, or would you rather not know?

Depends how frequently the word 'monsoon' features [Smile]

Heavy rain here too, there is some flooding in Scotland but not anywhere near us, here it is more 'surface water' as the travel reports put it. The Elf Lass did let out a concerned "Oh no!" when she spotted water slooshing past her window as I went through a not very obvious puddle a bit too fast on the way to nursery, but no harm done luckily (our last car wasn't so fortunate and ended up meeting its Maker after first meeting a very big puddle in Glasgow a few years ago, so I'm always a bit anxious when driving in weather like this!).

Good news about the Right to Remain, wodders! [Yipee]

"My body is a temple - it's big and doesn't move." (Jo Brand)
wiblog blipfoto blog

Posts: 5767 | From: the land of the deep-fried Mars Bar | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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Yay, WW! [Yipee]

I did a foray to the supermarket this morning and have no intention of going out again today. Howling gales and lashing rain. [Eek!] I intend to update next year's diary with all the necessary dates, etc, finish off some other home admin stuff and do some colouring in the lovely new book I received from Nenlet1 for Christmas, using some of the lovely new pencils I got from Nenlet2. The Nen Household Major Sortout continues and I guess I should also contribute to that today. [Help]

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011  |  IP: Logged
Jack the Lass

Ship's airhead
# 3415

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I got a colouring book for Christmas too, Nenya; I am waiting for the pencils I ordered to arrive before starting it (I promised the Elf Lass I would stop using her pencils. As she's only 2 I'm pretty sure she barely noticed, but I did feel a bit cheeky constantly raiding her pencil box!).

I too am procrastinating from a big sort out. There's just too much on the internet today [Help]

"My body is a temple - it's big and doesn't move." (Jo Brand)
wiblog blipfoto blog

Posts: 5767 | From: the land of the deep-fried Mars Bar | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged

# 5358

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That's very good news WW. [Big Grin]

I, too, have ventured as far as the supermarket and back again with no intentions of setting foot outside until tomorrow afternoon. Fortunately, most of those who live between here and the supermarket had decided they were not venturing out at all so the bus journeys were remarkably pleasant, quiet and peaceful.

It's blowing quite a hoolie out there and has been for most of the night. But nothing in comparison to other parts of the UK.

Blog may or may not be of any interest.

Posts: 2013 | From: Somewhere in the middle | Registered: Dec 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 11707

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I've just been writing to someone based in Chennai on our work instant messaging system, and he told me that it's been down to 0 recently in both Delhi and Bombay.

I said that it's not been even close to 0 in London so far this winter, so we agreed that India is officially colder than the UK !

We've evolved to being strange monkeys, but in the next life he'll help us be something more worthwhile - Gwai

Posts: 2210 | From: london | Registered: Aug 2006  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
Do you want the weather report from here as well, or would you rather not know?

Dunno about the rest, but I could do with a nice picture to cheer things up and remind me that not everywhere is rainsodden and windswept.

Something like this, or this...

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St Everild
# 3626

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A fair old blow overnight here...the covers from our garden furniture blew off and were only stopped from departing for the next county by the fact that they were attached to the said furniture by their drawcords.

The wind chimes that were hanging too far up the tree to retrieve safely in the dark and with a howling gale have solved that by being blown down overnight (which must be a relief to the neighbours).

It really is a day for staying indoors if you possibly can. And my heart goes out to people facing floods for the second or even third time. It must break your heart.

Posts: 1782 | From: Bethnei | Registered: Dec 2002  |  IP: Logged
Sioni Sais
# 5713

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Yesterday was fine for at least a few hours and for once my flat cap was keeping the sun out of my eyes rather than the rain off my head.

Back to the same old. I think we are on Frank's flank. Prayers to everyone in the thick of it, again.

"He isn't Doctor Who, he's The Doctor"

(Paul Sinha, BBC)

Posts: 24276 | From: Newport, Wales | Registered: Apr 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 9442

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Today turned out fairly nice in the end, I even went for a walk so the UK should be rid of Frank some time tomorrow too (Ireland is generally about a day ahead of Britain weather wise)

formerly cheesymarzipan.
Now containing 50% less cheese

Posts: 917 | From: nowhere in particular | Registered: May 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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[Yipee] [Yipee] Wodders! [Yipee] [Yipee]

Originally posted by moonlitdoor:
... it's been down to 0 recently in both Delhi and Bombay ...

WW doesn't have a thermometer that goes that far down ... [Devil]

After another nice lazy day - the only thing we really had to do was D's organ recital at lunch-time - we went to Granite for a bite of supper, and discovered that they'd taken our favourite thing - a charcuterie/cheese/bread platter - off the menu. [Waterworks]

However, the waitress consulted with the kitchen, and they were able to give us something similar, so we had a very nice eat (washed down with a nice bottle of NZ Sauvignon Blanc).

We're going to friends (the same ones we spent the evening of Christmas Day with) to take in the New Year tomorrow evening; the rest of tomorrow will be spent tidying and organising for having them round to us on New Year's Day evening, and in producing a bulletin for the Cathedral for Sunday.

I'm going to be quite a busy little piglet ...

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
Curiosity killed ...

Ship's Mug
# 11770

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The Isle of Skye Bakery does a selection of cheese and charcuterie platters - five kinds of Scottish cheeses with a selection of breads (or gluten free bread and oatcakes). There was also a venison platter that we would have sampled had we gone back.

We met Storm Eva in Portree for Christmas, staying in a private room in the newly opened SYHA there. Storm Eva sent us to the Bakery. Storm Frank was due the day we left and hit most of the route home. Seeing pictures of where we'd travelled now under water was chastening.

What I hadn't calculated for (and we have spent Christmas in the SYHA at Oban) was that Portree is one of the stops on the see Scotland in 3 or 5 days tours that the international students take in the university vacations (and others). One company specialises in using hostels and the Swiss guy, who chatted to everyone, asked one of the tour guides who said that the hotels have put their prices up to £200 a night, so even the mainstream tours are using the hostels.

The Christmas crew consisted mainly of very serious photographers, one English, one Swiss and one of two Norwegians who stayed on. There was also a refugee from Benbecula. The one morning where it was clear enough to have some colour in the sky they were in the kitchen debating where to go to catch the dawn. We enjoyed the stunning colours over the Cuillins on the bus heading to Eilean Donan as they headed to Kilt Rock and missed the best of it.

As the bus only ran the one day we were there, we skipped the tour of Eilean Donan, paused at Kyle of Lochalsh and took the next bus up the island to Uig where we watched the last ferry for Harris depart before Storm Frank. One passenger was transported on board with her dog and luggage but minus her car as it broke down on the jetty. The refugee from Benbecula made his attempt to go home the day after. I suspect he had to wait two days for a ferry and that we'd done the right thing opting for the overground route, rather than the Armadale to Mallaig ferry and West Coast Railway.

Storm Frank looked pretty dramatic coming in across the hills. We had a good view from the Necropolis in Glasgow above St Mungo's. I had to bring my daughter back here as she lives in Yorkshire, with limited to no routes home following Storm Eva and more forecast with Storm Frank.

Mugs - Keep the Ship afloat

Posts: 13794 | From: outiside the outer ring road | Registered: Aug 2006  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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Sorry to harp on about this - the website shows that my papers have now departed New Delhi en route for down here - it is only a few hours flight so, if they've sent them by plane, I might hear tomorrow. The office is actually in part of the airport buildings so hopefully won't have to be trekked into the city and out again!

Himself now has his new glasses and can see loads better - his myopia hardly registers on the machine but his astigmatism is another matter.

Absolutely gorgeous day here: a gentle zephyr of a breeze, cloudless blue sky and temperature not too bad at 29.5C here in the study - cool enough not to require the ceiling fan.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
St Everild
# 3626

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A cold clear and bright day today - I have been lulled into a false sense of security weather-wise and wished I had put gloves on when I went out.
Posts: 1782 | From: Bethnei | Registered: Dec 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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Squally showers here, and colder. I slept badly and am off for a rest - otherwise I've no chance of staying awake all evening. [Roll Eyes]

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011  |  IP: Logged

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