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Source: (consider it) Thread: Remembering Erin

# 2173

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Originally posted by chalky:
Shocker. Not that I could, but if I said anything remotely sappy I fear she would shoot back to bite me. As others have said - rock solid and gracious behind the scenes. Great appreciation for what she enabled here, although I didn't always appreciate the methods! Much respect though and a very real loss here - thinking of all those of you here and elsewhere who are directly affected.

A gaping hole in the ship now, which will rightly take some time to repair and always leave its mark.

I do remember one time, I think not long after the two of you had had a big disagreement about something, that someone (no idea who) was having a go at you about something you said about 9/11. Erin came back with "Listen, I disagree with Chalky about pretty much everything, but she was there. If she says that's how it was, that's how it was".*

I think at that point I realised that although there were things I wasn't sure about her ways of doing things, she was fundamentally fair and honest, and would defend someone she also very publically disagreed with. I like that.

A few years later, I sent her chocolate, and included in the parcel a bunny I'd made, because I thought it would be hilarious to send her a fluffy bunny. As far as I know she had no reason to know who I was as we had had no interaction before or since, but the pm she sent me afterwards was genuinely lovely, and I was really touched.

*I paraphrase, it was a long time ago.

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness."
Captain Jack Sparrow

Posts: 1290 | From: the edge | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 242

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I think my earliest memory of Erin is the day she went to the beach. I can't find the thread but it was a deeply doomed day in which everything went wrong. I remember I could almost hear her and picture the scene, such was her power of communication.

I think I only had two or three interactions with Erin - but I had so much respect for her and as a very part time lurker rather than a poster, her post always sparked me. She had the most powerful command of the english language and remarkable way with words and probably the most exciting wit I have ever seen. Her strong opinions were always backed up with evidence of why she thought what she did, hence her views were so respected - even if not agreed with. She gave much more to the world and touched so very many lives through these boards in her short life than most of us ever would - if we lived for - I don't know how many years. What a godsend, what a legend.

My heart is with those who knew her and loved her.

Posts: 1885 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

I am
# 21

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I may be mis-remembering (it was a long time ago, and I wasn't directly involved) but I seem to recall Erin starting a thread just saying, "I'm bored - entertain me." Such was the respect she was held in, people did (or tried to).

What a woman.

At times like this I find myself thinking, what would the Amish do?

Posts: 9123 | From: Near where I was before. | Registered: Aug 2001  |  IP: Logged

Semi-Sagacious One
# 9265

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The Ship's Who's What page sums it up
Erin (US) is the community editor, with overall charge of the boards, particularly board policy and admin selection.
... the twin responsibilities that have set the entire culture of the Boards.

The Benedictine Community at Alton Abbey offers a friendly, personal service for the exclusive supply of Rosa Mystica incense.

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Ship's elephant
# 1438

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Fluffy Bunny that I am, I'm definitely one of the posters who stayed firmly under the gator radar. I vaguely remember contacting her once about some of the arrangements for the Nativity Play, but that's about it.

But, as I said on FB when I heard the news: Erin

was the Ship, and the fact that I've stuck with SOF over and above other more 'Christian' [Biased] sites must in part be due to her...how can I put it....'practical' robustness.* It appealed to the secret subversive in me. I never dared try and wind her up directly , of course, but did get quite a thrill out of doing it at one degree removed, sheltering behind other, braver souls in the Ship's Soap Opera, one of my favourite threads, Urinal Cakes apart.

[Can't get instant UBB to work tonight, sorry Simon, this'll have to do for now] The thread's in Limbo, check it out.


And it gave an extra edge to my first ever visit to the States in 2007, to Florida, knowing that we were in Erin territory.

She'll be greatly missed.


"I don't feel like smiling." "You're English dear; fake it!" (Colin Firth "Easy Virtue")
Growing Greenpatches

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Lynn MagdalenCollege
# 10651

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Originally posted by comet:
Thank you Simon. Tonight i'll sing sarah mclaughlan's "I Will Remember You" for Erin. It's perfect.

Can you do that? I cannot sing and allow anything remotely like tears to get close because the throat clamps down like a fist-- I'll think of you singing and remembering Erin as I remember Erin.

Erin & Friend; Been there, done that; Ruth musical

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# 4992

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I've flicked through some of the music Simon posted. It's beautiful, really beautiful. But for me, tonight, no music: Edna says it best.

"What is broken, repair with gold."

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Mother-Hatting Cat Lover
# 9098

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Thanks for digging up the history thread.

"Ineffable" defined: "I cannot and will not be effed with." (Courtesy of CCTooSweet in Running the Books)

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# 4708

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I've always loved being on the Ship, but never have I been so proud of it as in these last few days. RIP Erin.

Our first words on getting to heaven will be "Ohhh!", with an air of "Now I understand!" - CS Lewis, via Philip Yancey, "What Good is God", 2010

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# 13712

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RIP Erin job well done PaulBC [Waterworks] [Angel]

"He has told you O mortal,what is good;and what does the Lord require of youbut to do justice and to love kindness ,and to walk humbly with your God."Micah 6:8

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Snowball in Hell
# 10353

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Originally posted by Lynn MagdalenCollege:
Originally posted by comet:
Thank you Simon. Tonight i'll sing sarah mclaughlan's "I Will Remember You" for Erin. It's perfect.

Can you do that? I cannot sing and allow anything remotely like tears to get close because the throat clamps down like a fist-- I'll think of you singing and remembering Erin as I remember Erin.
it's tricky. it's like going into stage-brain when I'm doing drama. shut down all meaningful thought and be the character or be the song. I then bawl afterwards! I've been asked to sing at a number of friends' memorials so I've kind of got a system.

it wasn't sterling tonight but I stayed on key and got a good applause. it would have been better with more than 20 minutes rehearsal! but it worked. just my little part.

Evil Dragon Lady, Breaker of Men's Constitutions

"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.” -Calvin

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Golden Key
# 1468

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The lyrics and music of "Lord of the Dance" popped into my head Thurs. afternoon, and helped me in coming to terms with things. Particularly the chorus.


Blessed Gator, pray for us!
--"Oh bat bladders, do you have to bring common sense into this?" (Dragon, "Jane & the Dragon")
--"Oh, Peace Train, save this country!" (Yusuf/Cat Stevens, "Peace Train")

Posts: 18601 | From: Chilling out in an undisclosed, sincere pumpkin patch. | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged
Golden Key
# 1468

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Forgot to post these bits from the end of the song:

They cut me down and I leapt up high
I am the life that will never, never die
I'll live in you if you'll live in me
I am the Lord of the dance, said he

Dance, dance, wherever you may be
I am the lord of the dance, said he
And I lead you all, wherever you may be
And I lead you all in the dance, said he

Blessed Gator, pray for us!
--"Oh bat bladders, do you have to bring common sense into this?" (Dragon, "Jane & the Dragon")
--"Oh, Peace Train, save this country!" (Yusuf/Cat Stevens, "Peace Train")

Posts: 18601 | From: Chilling out in an undisclosed, sincere pumpkin patch. | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged
Marvin the Martian

# 4360

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I have been resolutely avoiding even thinking "Abide With Me". Then it popped into my head while praying at house group last night. Damn. [Tear]

Hail Gallaxhar

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From the edge
# 3081

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"Llorando" from the movie Mulholland Drive?

[ 07. January 2011, 11:42: Message edited by: Eutychus ]

Let's remember that we are to build the Kingdom of God, not drive people away - pastor Frank Pomeroy

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La belle Dame sans merci
# 1012

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Calling God to Hell and Calling Erin to Hell - two of my favourite threads to host.

“Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.”

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Contributing Editor
# 17

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Been thinking about what to say - because words are what we have here in internetland – I couldn’t claim her as a friend in the straightforward sense, and as someone who never ventured into Hell, our public paths didn’t crossed that often. Quite a few of my shipmate friends were not fans of hers at the time, if you know what I mean.

But what always has been so brilliant about the ship has been the way that people from very different background, temperaments, interests get together and put the effort in. So in the days of hosting, admining and ultimately Ark-ing, Erin and I and others got things done together. And from being a bit in awe of her, we got to know each other, a bit, enough: shared crisis, exhaustion, ideas, first drafts, dilemmas, strange asides. We tussled about judgement calls. We passed the baton between the timezones and tried to teaze through the sometimes stickyness of what was meant over what was typed. Not that we always saw eye to eye, team working is hard enough without the absence of face to face or phonecalls. But the creative process is exhilarating, and I can remember times, especially during the ark, when we both just kicked back with a ‘yeah this is good’.

And she was brilliant. Utterly reliable, organised, smart, principled and clearsighted. She gave credit to what everyone bought to the table, a part of her justly fabled generosity. She brought to us all both sharpness and glimpses of grace. I upped my game.

And every so often, god forgive me (!), I do catch myself thinking "what would Erin do". She made a difference to this nicynicy, stiff upper lipped, wholesome and very english me.

Posts: 2317 | From: edge of the peak district | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
Miss Monica
# 16131

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I was going to say ...

Southern charmer as Grendel's mother.
Words did not fail her. Need eviscerating?
She could chop off your head and make you eat it.

I was going to say ...

Loving sister, daughter.
Enthusiast. Comedian. Worker.

I was going to say ...

Jesus knew what it was like to die young
and the hope that what is furrowed into earth
like a seed will come into life again.


Just a Closer Walk with Thee - William Matthews

Smoke rose and ashes fell.
Dad could explain and so could Mom:
Just wait until
you're older. Across the lawn

the sun dragged its relentless
blessing. A crow
let loose a laugh and two aunts kissed
him. Oh no, oh no.

The day went on and on.
Mom said sullen. Dad said tantrum.
Someone was gone:
the child burned like a lantern.


Here are two passages Erin wrote for a story called "the solicitor" we collectively wrote 10 years ago -- the story that went wildly where anyone wanted it to go, was obsessed with cheese, and eventually flogged to a kind of coherent ending.


Somewhere close to the beginning of the story:

Cheif Inspector Clueso
Scotland Yard
Re: Vinnie the roach

Dear Mr Clueso,

You don't know me or anything, but I'm pretty sure I thought you might want to know what I know. I'm a stewardess for Aquarian Air. Maybe you've heard of us? You know, the commercial that has the big stone thingee and the purple light, and all the happy people sitting around in a circle on First Class airline seats, and then the chairs move around and it kinda morphs like Arnold Schwartzenegger in that movie Terminater 2 and then they are all on Aquarian Air and everybody's happy and the flights are all on time and nobody gets bumped or anything because it's the Age of Aquarius. You know.

Anyway, I met this guy on one of the flights. He was real cute and all, with black hair and black eyes and a killer tan going and a really great butt. He talked like the Godfather though, so he was kinda scary. He was in business class -- that's where I work, business class, the men are so nice to me there, always calling me hon and sweetcheeks and giving me tips and keys to hotel rooms and stuff but the women are real bitches. Mean and nasty and everything. In fact, just the other day this one woman get all mad and yelled at me because I brought her the ham dinner instead of the kosher one. Like it would kill her to eat some ham. She was like the harpy wife in American Beauty. All nagging and stuff.

But anyway, he went my name's Vinnie the roach. He didn't quite say his "the" right, though, it sounded funny. I guess it's cause of his Godfather accent. I went Vinnie the roach, that's a weird name. He looked at me funny and was like no, hon, it's Vinnie THE ROACH. I went, I heard you the first time, Vinnie, but why'd your mom give you such a weird name? He went never mind, Jennifer. I was like how did you know my name? He said it was on my name tag. Oops! I forget that sometimes. He laughed and winked at me and patted my butt and pulled out the complementary copy of New Age Travel magazine. That's our flight magazine and it's really good. It has lots of tips on how to purify the water that's in hotel rooms and how to rearrange hotel furniture to match your chi and all sorts of really important stuff that everyone needs to know when you're flying somewhere else. The last month they had an interview with this really good dog psychologist on how to prepare your pets for travel -- you know, I've been in those luggage compartments and they can be a real tight fit, especially if the man is like really really built. Of course dogs and cats are smaller then a really built guy, but still, it has to be hard on them. But later on Vinnie rings my call bell and had me get him a vodka tonic, which is kinda expensive, so I was surprised. I mean, he was fine and all, but that's not a cheap drink, so I teased him and was like, where'd you get the money to pay for expensive drinks on a flight to London? He looks at me with these really dark eyes, sorta like George Clooney in the Perfect Storm, and goes, well, hon, I work for the mob. And I'm like yeah, sure you do. And he's like no, really, I do. And I was like well if you work for the mob, why are you going to London? There aren't any mob people in London. They're all in New York and Chicago. London people are in London. He leans forward and goes I have a top secret assinement in London. I'm like wait a minute, you said you worked for the mob, now you say you work for the government? He goes no, I work for the mob. I was like but you said a top secret assinement. He laughed and goes oh, it's for the mob. I was like oh, okay, whatcha gonna do? He was like, I have to get a guy named Dove rigged, and he was gonna take care of him for the boss. And then he grabbed me and gave me a kiss. That's code for something, right? I watch spy movies all the time, so I know they speak in code. So I pretended I knew what he meant, even though I didn't. He had this evil wicked laugh when he said it, too, so it must be a bad thing. I thought for sure you would know. He was scary then, and I thought about what happened to the guy in the Godfather movie after the Godfather kissed him.

That's why I'm writing to you. So maybe you can do something about this. I watch your movies and you're really funny and your accent is cute, too. I loved that time when the Housekeeper went You've ruined that piano! And you went What is the price of one piano, compared to the terrible crime that has been committed here? And the housekeeper went But that's a priceless Steinway! And you went Nyot Anymeur. I laughed until I hurt myself. I mean really, I bit the inside of my cheek and it bled and bled and I couldn't talk and none of the passengers wanted me to serve them with my mouth bleeding so I had to sit down for the rest of the flight. So maybe you would want to watch Vinnie the roach while he is in London, cause I think he's gonna do something bad.


PS When are you going to make another movie?


& Somewhere toward the end of the story:

Jason Argenot
West London, England

Dear Jason,

You don't know me or anything, but I'm pretty sure I thought you might want to. I'm a stewardess for Aquarian Air. Maybe you've heard of us? You know, the airline with the revolutionery new seating arrangement that's like one of those spiritual medicine wheel thingees, so all the flights are on time and all the customers are completely alined and spiritually cleared and nobody ever yells at the stewardesses. You know. Except the yelling part isn't working right yet, so something must be unalined somewhere. Maybe we should add Tibetan prayer wheels or something, or maybe little statues of Buddha. I tried to talk them into trying feng shui, but the airplane people in the government insist that the planes have to be set up in certain ways. I mean, sometimes it's no wonder that the passengers are all cranky and everything, the chairs are set up totally wrong.

Anyway, I saw your picture and the great story about you in the Moon. That's my favorite newspaper. It has all sorts of important information in it like the story about Timmy the Ratboy (wasn't that real wierd about his tail?) and the girl that was only 2 feet tall but sang in the church choir, and what you should do if you've been abducted by aliens. Not that I've ever been abducted by aliens -- at least I don't think so. Not recently, at least, not that I can remember. Of course, they say that most of the time they do something funny with your memory, so maybe I have been abducted and I just don't remember it. But then how would I know if I don't remember? I think that's not very fair, you know, if they are going to take you and do experiments on you they should at least let you remember it, because what happens if like two years down the road you come down with some wierd cancer like Scully did, and your only hope is the Cigarette Smoking Man but you have to rely on remembering that you were abducted in the first place?

Anyway it must be really interesting to be a clone. What's it like? Can you speak dolphin? I think it would be so neat to be able to really talk to Flipper! The paper says you are really, really smart and that no girls want to go out with you because of not being human. So you must get pretty lonely, huh? I think that's too bad, because you are really, really cute.

And if you think about it, most men are really not human anyway. I mean, I really really like guys and all, but sometimes you just wonder are they for real or what???? I read the Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus thing. Or I heard about it, I forget which. But sometimes I think man this has got to be true, because sometimes guys just do not make sense at all.

I can tell we have a lot in common. You probably like to eat raw fish? Am I right? Since you are part dolphin, and everything. Well, I like sushi! Isn't that just a totally amazing coincidence? And this next part is really important -> I mean, some of my customers are really ugly, and if both the guy and the woman are both ugly then their kids are really, really ugly. So you wouldn't have to worry about our kids looking really ugly or anything, because you are really, really cute and me too! Plus both our names begin with J!! This is fate, hon, you know this, don't you? It's like the gods all said here are two really cute people, and both of them have names that start with J, and even though one isn't really human, they would still be like a really good match. For real. The only thing is that you are a little younger than me. Not that I'm old or anything. I'm only 21. Barely legal, you know? Although guys have been buying me drinks for years, so I don't know what the big deal is. So it's not like I'm robbing the cradel craddle a prevert or anything.

I'm going to be in London this weekend and I would really, really like to meet you. How about the Dove & Cheese Pub? I have this really killer dress that I got in Sedona that has all these really cool vibes flowing from it. It's all like desert colored and everything, you know, orange and purple and red and that really really awesome pinkish color that's not really pink but that's the closest color to it. I wonder why they never invented a word for that color. But it's got this flowing skirt that lets my chi go free and all that, because you know that if you love something you have to set it free and then it comes back to you. Most of the time, anyway.

So what do you say?


Posts: 2 | From: United States | Registered: Jan 2011  |  IP: Logged
# 20

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The old guard really are back in town.

I'm a bit nervous to welcome Miss Monica back - I remember those boots from last time...

"If ye love me, keep my commandments" John 14:15

"Commandment number one: shut the hell up." Erin Etheredge 1971-2010

Posts: 4345 | From: West of England | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ship's deaf genius
# 114

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Seeing this, reading everyone's shared shock, sadness, grief, I suddenly remembered the first thread I ever posted on waaaaaay back in the day before these boards even were like this. Someone had started a discussion on whether the Ship was a community. I honestly can't remember which side of the discussion Erin was on, but I was sure then, and remain convinced that Internet forums can (and do) create communities that are every bit as real as the towns, villages, and cities that we inhabit.

I'm sad that it's taken such an awful, awful thing to bring me back here. Like many others, I was in great awe of the Gator's bite, and flew well under the radar - but I did receive my Oreos from Erin, in her great generosity! [Smile] - and am sure that her influence will live on.


Who wants to be a rock anyway?

toujours gai!

Posts: 1309 | From: Here (and occasionally there) | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Completely Frocked
# 473

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Originally posted by Viola:

I'm a bit nervous to welcome Miss Monica back - I remember those boots from last time...

And they sure as hell weren't made for walking. [Eek!]

It's so encouraging to the rest of us to see so many former shipmates returning to take part in Erin's memorial.

Retired, sitting back and watching others for a change.

Posts: 34626 | From: Cream Tealand | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Tied to the mast
# 10290

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I don't really believe in serendipitous coincidences and all that malarky but I was driving today to pick up my neighbour's newly-castrated kittens (sorry, didn't think to ask for the sweetbreads as a treat for Campbellite) at 15.57 GMT, the radio started playing *See Ya Later, Alligator* [Eek!]

God bless.

“Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like its heaven on earth.” - Mark Twain

Posts: 6477 | From: Alice's Restaurant (UK Franchise) | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged

Completely Frocked
# 473

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The Circus has been understandably quiet over the last few days, although some people have wanted to come in and play a few games in a gentle way.

Then, quite naturally, one shipmate started to post about Erin on the Limerick thread and other posters joined in. The following is therefore an ad-hoc collaborative effort by Circus posters, which I think combines to provide a fitting 'Circus' memorial to Erin:

Meaning no disrespect, a pause to remember our Erin:

Today, the news is all sad
The 'gator has gone to God's pad
But instead of a harp
we're all fishing for carp
Trolls in Heaven? There are none to be had.

Erin gave God a piece of her mind
He laughed; for He sure didn't mind
He took hold her hand
And said, 'I understand'
Then yelped when she chomped his behind!

To the Gator we bid sad farewell
In heaven, sound the alarm, toll the bell
'Cos the Circus she hated
Never reciprocated
But she never once sent us to Hell.

Retired, sitting back and watching others for a change.

Posts: 34626 | From: Cream Tealand | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ship’s scrub
# 3076

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All my time on the ship, I have tried to be a good shipmate and stay away from the sharp gator's teeth. But I have always had the most profound respect for Erin, for her entertaining wit to the way that she sent trolls away with a quick chomp of the gator's jaws.

And I remember the humor and brilliance of her roles as Jesus' evil twin in the Nativity Play, and as the mighty higher power in The Ark!

[ 07. January 2011, 23:09: Message edited by: MrSponge2U ]

sig? what sig?

Posts: 3558 | From: where two big rivers meet | Registered: Jul 2002  |  IP: Logged

Ship's tough old bird
# 107

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Originally posted by Beenster:
I think my earliest memory of Erin is the day she went to the beach. I can't find the thread but it was a deeply doomed day in which everything went wrong. I remember I could almost hear her and picture the scene, such was her power of communication.

Here it is.


Kerygmania host
See you later, alligator.

Posts: 20365 | From: Alleghany Mountains of Virginia | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

1 of 6
# 1852

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When I first started working as an Admin, I asked Erin if she had some explicit marching orders for me. Her reply:
Arbitrarily enforce rules in an effort to suck the life out of the Ship.
Yes ma'am.

And so it is that, as often as I can deliberate it, I shall make my deeds answer the question: WTFWED?

(Nods to Dyfrig, who came up with the idea.)

Posts: 15274 | From: Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth | Registered: Nov 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 174

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Dear Miss Monica:

I nearly fell off my chair when I saw you had posted.

Nice poems.


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Golden Key
# 1468

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I was browsing old threads, and came across "Calling Erin To Hell", 2004, on the Oblivion board.

Great thread: 16 pages, ranging from April Fool's, ITTWACW*, Erin in her glory, to Ship's finances, with lots of humor, and characters not seen around here for a long time (like John Boot! [Eek!] ). A good read. [Smile]

*For new persons: we have an in joke about all the newbies who find something upsetting on the Ship and cry, "I Thought This Was A Christian Website!"
[Two face]

Blessed Gator, pray for us!
--"Oh bat bladders, do you have to bring common sense into this?" (Dragon, "Jane & the Dragon")
--"Oh, Peace Train, save this country!" (Yusuf/Cat Stevens, "Peace Train")

Posts: 18601 | From: Chilling out in an undisclosed, sincere pumpkin patch. | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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I am wondering about Erin, the verb. In years to come I can imagine someone saying to an Admin who had dispatched a troll in particularly articulate fashion you gave him a good Erining or perhaps just that someone needs a good Erining.

A note of being dispatched could be you have been Erined.

Surely the threat of a future Erining would keep most of us in line, it would me.

[ 08. January 2011, 07:34: Message edited by: Welease Woderwick ]

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

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# 242

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Originally posted by Moo:
Originally posted by Beenster:
I think my earliest memory of Erin is the day she went to the beach. I can't find the thread but it was a deeply doomed day in which everything went wrong. I remember I could almost hear her and picture the scene, such was her power of communication.

Here it is.


Moo - thanks so much for finding that. Really appreciate your efforts and it still makes me laugh like a drain. Comet - I thought of you when she said that she wanted to move to Alaska.
Posts: 1885 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Snowball in Hell
# 10353

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hah! If I'd have seen that those times she gave me hell for living in God's own deep freeze!

Now see here, woman! you may be up there giving St. Pete a run for his money and all, but hah! see? you secretly wanted to be here. so HUH!

[Big Grin]

Evil Dragon Lady, Breaker of Men's Constitutions

"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.” -Calvin

Posts: 17024 | From: halfway between Seduction and Peril | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
I am wondering about Erin, the verb. In years to come I can imagine someone saying to an Admin who had dispatched a troll in particularly articulate fashion you gave him a good Erining or perhaps just that someone needs a good Erining.

A note of being dispatched could be you have been Erined.

Surely the threat of a future Erining would keep most of us in line, it would me.

And who of us could not use a bit of Erinspiration when attempting to get a point across pithily?

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
The Milkman of Human Kindness
# 7

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Originally posted by tomb:
Dear Miss Monica:

I nearly fell off my chair when I saw you had posted.

Nice poems.


I was looking forward to it. She told me she was going to. I still have my print copy of The Solicitor. It's a very silly book, and it printed out at like 300 pages or something. Seriously, it's huge.

I think I still have some of the old Miss M stories somewhere. Maybe, when it's more appropriate, I'll dig them out.

[ 08. January 2011, 15:51: Message edited by: Wood ]

Posts: 7842 | From: Wood Towers | Registered: Apr 2001  |  IP: Logged

Mellon Collie
# 1738

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I received an amazing apology from Erin in a Styx thread that is not in Oblivion since it was from July - August 2003. But I still have a printed copy and unearthed it to share this remembrance of the sweet and gentle Erin I encountered from time to time on Ship and in PM's.

The Styx thread was Secret Rules for Heaven and it became so contentious that Nightlamp posted that no one told him that Styx was the new Hell. After I perceived that overnight I had been dogpiled by hosts/admins/and Erin I left the Ship and even cancelled a planned trip to a Shipmeet.

Long story short - I was directed back to read a Hell thread that was discussing my exit a few weeks later, by a PM from a shipmate.
In the course of the ensuing dialogue by me and others involved, Erin posted the following in the original Styx thread:


I can't figure out if I should put this here or on the [Hell Thread]. I couldn't possibly hijack that one more than it has been, but this is where it all started, so I think this is the better move.

bessie, [my name at the time], I'm sorry that I sounded so menacing. I was very angry when I wrote that because I felt like I wasn't being heard. It's no excuse for sounding so nasty, though, and I really do apologize.

This was so astounding and unexpected that I broke into tears in my workplace cubicle.

Erin... [Angel]

They took from their surroundings what was needed... and made of it something more.
—dialogue from Primer

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Ship's barmaid
# 3032

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I'm totally shocked by this news. I've just got back from my holiday break away from parish and technology. I simply can't believe it.

I respected Erin very much indeed; her integrity and humour especially. I just can't imagine the Ship without her.

Posts: 10002 | From: Scotland the Brave | Registered: Jul 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 242

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Originally posted by Banner Lady:
Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
I am wondering about Erin, the verb. In years to come I can imagine someone saying to an Admin who had dispatched a troll in particularly articulate fashion you gave him a good Erining or perhaps just that someone needs a good Erining.

A note of being dispatched could be you have been Erined.

Surely the threat of a future Erining would keep most of us in line, it would me.

And who of us could not use a bit of Erinspiration when attempting to get a point across pithily?
Or not Erinate on someone if they were on fire?
Posts: 1885 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 28

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I just started a thread in purgatory which is getting into gun-control topics. And i keep expecting Erin to show up and slap me around. And it isn't happening. [Frown]

On pilgrimage in the endless realms of Cyberia, currently traveling by ship. Now with live journal!

Posts: 11803 | From: New York City "The City Carries On" | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
Kelly Alves

Bunny with an axe
# 2522

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Originally posted by Beenster:
Or not Erinate on someone if they were on fire?

I like that one.

I vaguely remember telling Erin that I thought somebody or another who was screwing around needed to be "well and truley Erin-ed"

I cannot expect people to believe “
Jesus loves me, this I know” of they don’t believe “Kelly loves me, this I know.”
Kelly Alves, somewhere around 2003.

Posts: 35076 | From: Pura Californiana | Registered: Mar 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 14322

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I didn't really know Erin. I haven't been a shipmate all that long, and I tend to post on a slightly limited range of topics. But I'd like to add my voice in tribute.

Brexit wrexit - Sir Graham Watson

Posts: 7610 | From: Bristol UK(was European Green Capital 2015, now Ljubljana) | Registered: Nov 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 388

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Expecting to read Erin's latest thoughts via her avatar (from a sometimes difficult to read i.e. a few week old hand-held/pda) led me to think of it being a must-read link, or something of the sort. The dates 1971-2010 came as such a shock especially since attending a funeral prior to reading about her a couple or so days ago.

Have read through pretty much the entire content written on Erin here and how she is unanimously missed by all including 'victims' of the GATOR:

"Gone Art Thou, Our Referee" - the ship holds her in utmost respect for her fairness and honesty, not to mention her famed Gator lingo, all in good humour towards the greater good of this unique online community, and the hard work undertaken to make this an exhilarating site for Christian unrest.

May her soul rest in peace [Votive]

[Would be most happy to contribute to her fund for the ongoing good work of the Ship of Fools.]

Posts: 997 | From: Domiciling 'ere, living locally. | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Old Hundredth
# 112

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This was the biggest shock I have had for a long time. We will never forget Erin's firm-but-fair governance or her acerbic wit. As one of the old lags of the Ship, I remember Hurricane Joanne which has to be one of Erin's finest hours. I was so humbled by the thought of her, Simon and Suse working through the night to delete Joanne's obnoxious posts, and after all that, and Joanne's personal attacks on her, she still found it in her heart to pray for her. What a Christlike way to deal with a dreadful situation. She loved the Ship, she was the Ship.

See you later, alligator [Votive]

If I'm not in the Chapel, I'll be in the bar (Reno Sweeney, 'Anything Goes')

Posts: 976 | From: The land of the barm cake | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
Left at the Altar

Ship's Siren
# 5077

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Such sad news. I loved the alligator. She was tough, snappy, but ultimately fair in all circumstances. I am indebted to her for introducing the term "Pecker Head" to me.

I can't quite imagine the Ship without her.

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# 717

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I am an oldtimer but have never posted much. I logged into the ship today for the first time in months, maybe a year, and sitting here slack jawed and stunned. Being such an occasional poster Erin and I probably never exchanged direct words, but she was one of the amazing life forces of the ship. I'd read any thread I saw she had posted in. The ship and the world were better places with her in it. So unfair to have her taken away so prematurely.

I’m on Aslan’s side even if there isn’t an Aslan to lead it.
I’m going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn’t any Narnia.

Posts: 1213 | From: Boston | Registered: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged

Lady of Perpetual Responsiblity
# 862

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Originally posted by Beethoven:
I'm sad that it's taken such an awful, awful thing to bring me back here..... and am sure that her influence will live on.

Well said Beets!

Like others who have posted here, I also received many of her cards that had me picking up glittery stuff from my carpet for weeks!

She bit me on a few occasions but after having done so she always sent me a lovely private message - and those will remain private for evermore.

There is none quite like the Croc! - sorry Erin, I mean Alligator! [Tear]

Looking forward to my rock moving closer again.

Posts: 15134 | From: my camper van | Registered: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ship's toddler
# 116

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Originally posted by Spike:
One of the best threads ever had to be Argh!! My apartment smells like a urinal cake!

That one just ran and ran

That was my absolute favourite Erin thread. You know, the one I think of when I think of Erin.

[ 11. January 2011, 15:19: Message edited by: chukovsky ]

This space left intentionally blank. Do not write on both sides of the paper at once.

Posts: 6842 | From: somewhere else | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 73

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I haven't been on line for over a week, so have just read the shocking news of Erin's death.

Behind the teeth and the snap, her dedication to the ship always shone through. Her posts were just and terrifying and funny and it's difficult to imagine the ship without her.

My condolences to her family and all who loved her, and especially to the shipmates, hosts and admins who are mourning the loss of a friend as well as a colleague.

with love and blessings


‘I would have given the Church my head, my hand, my heart. She would not have them. She did not know what to do with them. She told me to go back and do crochet' Florence Nightingale

Posts: 338 | From: Devon | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
Living in Gin

Liturgical Pyromaniac
# 2572

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Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Remembered this today-- Mousethief and Golden key might remember as well. We were in the Ship's cafe one night, and I was reading one of the TICTH mutations when suddenly Erin posted on it. She was CTH some creepy movie or TV show she'd watched while she was home alone, and was prediction a sleepless, panic-filled night. She permitted suggestions as to how she could calm down. A few people responded.

"Come into the cafe," I posted.

There was no response, and I figured there wouldn't be, but a half hour or so later, she popped in. We greeted her, chatted a bit, then went back to what we'd been doing which was basically bullshitting around about nonsense. She hung out for about 20 minutes or so, then took her leave. We asked us if she felt better, and she said yes, that she thought she'd be able to sleep now.

Not a huge moment but just-- a nice bit of shared humanity.

I remember that night in the Cafe. I also remember my first thoughts upon seeing Erin enter the Cafe. As I recall, those thoughts where somewhere along the lines of, "Holy fucking shit! Erin is actually here in the Cafe!"

There were a few seconds of stunned silence while the Cafe regulars digested the fact that Erin was suddenly in there among us. I don't know about the others there, but I had sort of felt almost like the mch-feared headmaster had found us smoking pot out behind the school one day... And decided to join in.

So, there we all were, and the conversation got going again. I lived in Jacksonville for a few years while growing up, so I ended up swapping stories with Erin about some familiar places around town.

Although I never dared to admit it on the boards, after that encounter in the Cafe I stopped thinking of Erin as a fearsome admin on a power trip, but as a normal person with what often amounted to a thankless task. Maybe that knowledge helped temper my own behavior on the boards since then.

IMO, one of Erin's finest moments was in the Calling God to Hell thread, which is itself probably the most sincere prayer that's ever been uttered. Erin's involvement began with this quick post:

Originally posted by Erin:
Jesuitical Lad, do you have any idea what the people who've posted on this thread are going through in their personal lives?

...and a little further down the thread, it gets better:

Well, I think God is big enough to handle all the shouting in the world. So I'm not too bothered about people yelling at him. It does perturb me, though, when people get offended on God's behalf, because that way lies the Crusades, the Inquisition and any number of nasty bits in the history of Christendom.

Then again, I'm sure JL would regard me as blasphemous, too, because on more than one occasion I've told God to light a fire under it and fix whatever problem I'm facing. I've even done a bit of Teresa of Avila in there -- on more than one occasion I have let God know in no uncertain terms that it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out why people think he doesn't exist. I am not particularly nice, awestruck or reverential in my conversations with the Almighty. And it works for me, because there are times when I know his answer is "well, smart ass, knock yourself out, let's see you do a better job than me".

We need to be honest with God. By pretending everything is smiles and sunshine we are not only lying to God, but also we are insulting him. Do you really think he's so petty that he can't take some ranting and raving? That's a human limitation, not divine. It's YOUR problem if it bothers you, not God's.

I also have to say that in light of the background of one of the posts on this thread, the advice to "realize the problem lies with you" is not only the most cold-hearted, erroneous, steaming pile of corn-infested pigshit I've ever heard, but it is INCREDIBLY DAMAGING AS WELL. I'm just stunned.

Erin was the real deal, and her responses on that thread had a huge impact on my own theological outlook.

I've been active on a number of discussion boards over the years, and I'm now a moderator on an active forum that deals mainly with transportation, architecture, and urban planning in Ohio. In doing so, I've come to respect the way the boards here on the Ship are run, which I'm sure was largely set in place by Erin.

On many boards, trolls and crusaders are usually quietly "disappeared" by the admins, their posts deleted, and their names are rarely if ever mentioned again. It's all very discrete and tidy, and most regular participants won't even know anything had happened. Move on, nothing to see here.

But Erin made the Ship much more fun than that. Rather than quietly "disappearing" the Ship's enemies under cover of darkness, Erin chose to execute them in broad daylight in the town square, but not before playing with them in the manner a cat plays with a mouse before finally biting its head off (and giving them plenty of opportunities to either beg forgiveness, or escape with their dignity mostly intact). The ones who provided the most entertainment value were the ones who actually thought they could defeat her.

Now she's gone off to the big alligator farm in the sky. I came on board the Ship too late to meet Miss Molly, and I never knew Gambit very well. But this one really stings. There won't be another like her. [Tear]

It's all fun and games until somebody gets burned at the stake.

Posts: 1893 | From: Cincinnati, USA | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged
Lynn MagdalenCollege
# 10651

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I've seen various references to Erin biting butts in Heaven but all this time I've been thinking of Erin meeting up with her Lord and the adoration of Christ by the alligator, as it were. So I offer this little tribute. Enjoy. Or not.

Erin & Friend; Been there, done that; Ruth musical

Posts: 6263 | From: California | Registered: Nov 2005  |  IP: Logged

Ship's broken porthole
# 4544

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Beautiful! [Big Grin] [Tear]

"Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life." ~from Joe Vs the Volcano

Posts: 21377 | From: CA | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged
The Milkman of Human Kindness
# 7

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I was messing around with the shelves in my office last night and I came across the book that Erin sent me as a gift end of 2001. Tucked in the back was the letter, in her shockingly girly handwriting, the little hearts and that.

The letter was typically Erin: She thanked me for being a host for so long (I did it for five years, 2000-2005 — for a while, I was the longest serving not-admin host, although that record I am sure was superseded years ago).

Then she said that she knew it was so hard, with the year I had had. My father had died. She remembered. And then she said she hoped I enjoyed the book, and that if I didn't, tough, because I was really hard to buy for. I read it again and smiled.


Posts: 7842 | From: Wood Towers | Registered: Apr 2001  |  IP: Logged

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