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Source: (consider it) Thread: Hell: Challenging Fellow Christians
# 9110

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Originally posted by RadicalWhig:
Originally posted by Barnabas62:
As part of my normal desire to be helpful, here are 7 signs of passive-aggressive behaviour...

The term might has a specific medical use, but it also has a general cultural use.

Like weight. We all know (or, rather, hazily recall from schoolboy Physics) that in scientific terms objects have mass, and that only gravity gives them weight, but we still all talk in general terms about how much things weigh.

Spiffy's right to wave a health warning re DSM in general. However, in this case I thought the definition used pretty colloquial language (rather than psycho-babble). In fact, the pointers struck me as a pretty good description of the sorts of behaviour we describe, colloquially, as passive aggressive. Precious little of which is even remotely manifest in Lamb Chop's posts on this thread.

So I reckon you're just wriggling. Much easier to concede that you may have overstated.

Who is it that you seek? How then shall we live? How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?

Posts: 21397 | From: Norfolk UK | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged

Ship's broken porthole
# 4544

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Face it Radical Whig, la vie en rouge has your number. You're just pissed off that LC won't respond to your own aggressive assertions tit-for-tat, so you label her responses "passive aggression" so you won't feel like the jerk you are, twisting in the wind alone.

"Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life." ~from Joe Vs the Volcano

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# 13190

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Nah, I didn't overplay. LC acted towards me like typically smug, condescending, patronising little Christian bitch.

Of course, I forgive her, bless her little cotton socks. [Angel]

ETA: Just in case anyone doesn't get it, the above line is written in a deliberately snide, twisting, hypocritical "Christian" voice, just so you can see what I'm up against.

Sheesh! [brick wall]

[ 06. June 2011, 00:43: Message edited by: RadicalWhig ]

Radical Whiggery for Beginners: "Trampling on the Common Prayer Book, talking against the Scriptures, commending Commonwealths, justifying the murder of King Charles I, railing against priests in general." (Sir Arthur Charlett on John Toland, 1695)

Posts: 3193 | From: Scotland | Registered: Nov 2007  |  IP: Logged
# 13190

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Originally posted by la vie en rouge:
AFAICT, what you call LC’s passive-aggression is just her refusing to rise to the bait that you keep giving her.

You start off pontificating about how we all know that no rational, educated, non-delusional human being could possibly believe in the truth claims of Christianity as anything other than a fairytale, and LC quite reasonably points out that she believes precisely that and isn’t delusional as far as she can tell.

When you patronise her by saying “no, but you don’t believe that really because it’s obviously too stupid”, instead of descending to your level, she keeps the moral high ground by offering you ice-cream soda. And now you’re ticked because she’s shown herself to be a better person than you (or me for that matter – I would have told you to bugger off).

Ok, the bit in italics is the crucial bit.

(1) There is no "descending to my level" involved. Because I wasn't patronising. Christianity really is insane, and those who REALLY, ACTUALLY, believe that stuff must either have a screw loose, or be intellectually lazy, or timid, or just generally fail to understand that it's NOT REAL, FOLKS! Now, you might disagree with this, but that's only because you are locked in a delusional fantasy.

(2) LC did not "occupy the high ground", she sneeked and dodged, and failed to address my argument - because she can't - all she could do was say "come look at me", which doesn't get her off the hook of having wildly delusional beliefs.

Of course, I committed the ultimate mistake when dealing with Christians: calling out their bullshit.

Radical Whiggery for Beginners: "Trampling on the Common Prayer Book, talking against the Scriptures, commending Commonwealths, justifying the murder of King Charles I, railing against priests in general." (Sir Arthur Charlett on John Toland, 1695)

Posts: 3193 | From: Scotland | Registered: Nov 2007  |  IP: Logged

Hopeless Insomniac
# 15841

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Originally posted by RadicalWhig:
Nah, I didn't overplay. LC acted towards me like typically smug, condescending, patronising little Christian bitch.

Of course, I forgive her, bless her little cotton socks. [Angel]

ETA: Just in case anyone doesn't get it, the above line is written in a deliberately snide, twisting, hypocritical "Christian" voice, just so you can see what I'm up against.

Sheesh! [brick wall]

It astonishes me that you really don't see what a snide, arrogant, hypocritical guy in just about every anti Christian or specifically insulting post you've made about others, LC included, here. Take a good long look in the mirror and maybe take some more time to deal with your anger and bitterness.

We all have to deal with bullshit during in our lives. I've been burned badly by others - Christian and non Christians alike. We've all realized at some point in our lives that our belief systems need adjusting. I've learned to deal with it and try not to take it out on others, not always succeeding. I'm a much happier person for that - and so are the others around me.

"love all, trust few, do wrong to no one"
Wm. Shakespeare

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Hopeless Insomniac
# 15841

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Thinking about it more, RC, there is no way a Christian can ever win with you. Those who are judgmental and openly criticize your beliefs deserve scorn and condemnation from you and those who disagree with you, and refuse to engage in a war of words with you, responding in kindness are smug, self-righteous bitches and bastards. The problem really, is any disagreement with you.

[ 06. June 2011, 01:01: Message edited by: Niteowl2 ]

"love all, trust few, do wrong to no one"
Wm. Shakespeare

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Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878

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Wow. LC would have to be high on my list of 'regular posters least likely to be capable of being construed in an offensive way'.

But nothing's impossible I suppose.

Technology has brought us all closer together. Turns out a lot of the people you meet as a result are complete idiots.

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Hopeless Insomniac
# 15841

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Originally posted by Niteowl2:
Thinking about it more, RC,

Forgive the typo, that should have been "Thinking about it RW,

"love all, trust few, do wrong to no one"
Wm. Shakespeare

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# 13190

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Originally posted by Niteowl2:
Thinking about it more, RW, there is no way a Christian can ever win with you.

I think the problem is that I am still in shock, after 13 years or thereabouts as a professing Christian, that I was the only one who realised it was all a story - a myth that gives meaning, an beautiful, instructive fantasy; everyone else seemed to think it was real and take it literally. They must be barking.

Those who are judgmental and openly criticize your beliefs deserve scorn and condemnation from you
No, not really. I can cope with that quite well. Sometimes, we even manage to get somewhere, although it seems that I can't really understand much of what they say.

..and those who disagree with you, and refuse to engage in a war of words with you, responding in kindness are smug, self-righteous bitches and bastards.

Kindness, is it? Kindness! Ha. Nope, it's smugness. And it is strikes me as cowardly.

The problem really, is any disagreement with you.
No. I'm actually ok with disagreement. I don't expect people to agree with me on all sorts of things, and I know that my opinons on a range of issues are minority ones. It's no big deal.

What is a big deal is when people REALLY, ACTUALLY, believe in magic biscuits and talking snakes, and then expect to be taken seriously. They wonder why I laugh at them. But really, why wouldn't you laugh at them. They are being absurd, but they get really upset when this is pointed out to them. Why? What makes them so prickly about it?

Surely an appropriate response when confronted with a "Come off it, are you batshit crazy or what?" would be, "No, of course I don't really believe it, not in any real, literal sense - of course I realise that it is all just a grown-up fairy story; but it is a very good fairy-story, and it provides a good basis by which to live, so I sort of go along with it, just like all the others".

But no. To my continuing surprise, that is never said. Instead they continue to claim to really believe it - its as if their minds were warped, and their ability to distinguish fantasy from reality removed. Isn't that just a little bit scary? Isn't it also laughable. And mind-boggling? And just plain weird? And yet, at the same time, really interesting?

[ 06. June 2011, 01:48: Message edited by: RadicalWhig ]

Radical Whiggery for Beginners: "Trampling on the Common Prayer Book, talking against the Scriptures, commending Commonwealths, justifying the murder of King Charles I, railing against priests in general." (Sir Arthur Charlett on John Toland, 1695)

Posts: 3193 | From: Scotland | Registered: Nov 2007  |  IP: Logged
# 11939

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And all this rage, bile and self righteousness from a person with possibly the most boring, tedious and dull blog I have ever attempted to read the first paragraph of. No wonder you fell away from Chritianity RW, was it not full of enough wordy bumph for you?

Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

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Hopeless Insomniac
# 15841

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Originally posted by RadicalWhig:
Originally posted by Niteowl2:
Thinking about it more, RW, there is no way a Christian can ever win with you.

I think the problem is that I am still in shock, after 13 years or thereabouts as a professing Christian, that I was the only one who realised it was all a story - a myth that gives meaning, an beautiful, instructive fantasy; everyone else seemed to think it was real and take it literally. They must be barking.

Those who are judgmental and openly criticize your beliefs deserve scorn and condemnation from you
No, not really. I can cope with that quite well. Sometimes, we even manage to get somewhere, although it seems that I can't really understand much of what they say.

..and those who disagree with you, and refuse to engage in a war of words with you, responding in kindness are smug, self-righteous bitches and bastards.

Kindness, is it? Kindness! Ha. Nope, it's smugness. And it is strikes me as cowardly.

The problem really, is any disagreement with you.
No. I'm actually ok with disagreement. I don't expect people to agree with me on all sorts of things, and I know that my opinons on a range of issues are minority ones. It's no big deal.

What is a big deal is when people REALLY, ACTUALLY, believe in magic biscuits and talking snakes, and then expect to be taken seriously. They wonder why I laugh at them. But really, why wouldn't you laugh at them. They are being absurd, but they get really upset when this is pointed out to them. Why? What makes them so prickly about it?

Surely an appropriate response when confronted with a "Come off it, are you batshit crazy or what?" would be, "No, of course I don't really believe it, not in any real, literal sense - of course I realise that it is all just a grown-up fairy story; but it is a very good fairy-story, and it provides a good basis by which to live, so I sort of go along with it, just like all the others".

But no. To my continuing surprise, that is never said. Instead they continue to claim to really believe it - its as if their minds were warped, and their ability to distinguish fantasy from reality removed. Isn't that just a little bit scary? Isn't it also laughable. And mind-boggling? And just plain weird? And yet, at the same time, really interesting?

So, the problem really is that you haven't dealt with your own changes and with people who disagree with you on Christianity. You howl at people not respecting your beliefs but you have absolutely no respect for the beliefs of others and in just about every post heap scorn on them. As I said, we all go through changes, some just theological changes (some of which for me were quite radical) and others reject Christianity all together. Deal with it and treat others with the respect you are demanding - otherwise you are the smug, arrogant, self righteous twit you think others are. You're a nice guy at heart, but on this you really need to get over yourself as you're turning into a real jerk.

[ 06. June 2011, 02:41: Message edited by: Niteowl2 ]

"love all, trust few, do wrong to no one"
Wm. Shakespeare

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Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878

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People believe all sorts of things I find utterly ridiculous. Starting with where Barack Obama was born.

While I find their beliefs utterly ridiculous, I don't doubt that they sincerely believe what they do, and I don't expect them to roll over and agree with me (or admit that they don't really believe he was born outside the US) just because I spit a bit of outrage in their direction.

Technology has brought us all closer together. Turns out a lot of the people you meet as a result are complete idiots.

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# 14696

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Originally posted by RadicalWhig:
No. I'm actually ok with disagreement. I don't expect people to agree with me on all sorts of things, and I know that my opinons on a range of issues are minority ones. It's no big deal.

What is a big deal is when people REALLY, ACTUALLY, believe in magic biscuits and talking snakes, and then expect to be taken seriously. They wonder why I laugh at them. But really, why wouldn't you laugh at them. They are being absurd, but they get really upset when this is pointed out to them. Why? What makes them so prickly about it?

What makes them so prickly about it?

The fact that you can't prove it's not real, anymore than they can prove it is real.

Your way must be ACTUALLY REAL. Nobody else's way can be ACTUALLY REAL.

Double standards RadicalWhig.

You're quite welcome to not believe in the supernatural. But to say it's not ACTUALLY REAL is a fallacy.

You can't prove it.

You could be wrong.

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Alfred E. Neuman

What? Me worry?
# 6855

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–noun, plural -ries.
1. a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.

Embrace it, RW. Let it become One with your tedious reality.

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la vie en rouge
# 10688

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Welcome to why we say you are projecting. We believe that stuff. We really do, however much you tell us that we don't know our own minds. And we don't have a screw loose. We are actually quite balanced, functional members of society.

You are the one indulging in a fantasy - by claiming that rational human beings don't ever believe that sort of nonsense, even when faced with people who prove your assertion to be demonstrably, palpably false.

Who's really acting delusional here?

Rent my holiday home in the South of France

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# 9228

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Originally posted by RadicalWhig:
I am still in shock, after 13 years or thereabouts as a professing Christian, that I was the only one who realised it was all a story
(my emphasis)

Rather reminds me of the proud mother who said "There's my Johnny, marching in the band. And he is the only one in step!"

MSHB: Member of the Shire Hobbit Brigade

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# 14696

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Originally posted by Alfred E. Neuman:
–noun, plural -ries.
1. a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms; figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.

Embrace it, RW. Let it become One with your tedious reality.

I'm not sure this jibe is accurate in the case of RadicalWhig Neuman. I would guess he's very comfortable with allegory, just not to what allegory points to.

e.g. You can take the resurrection of Jesus as allegory. That means it's always possible to engender new life, start again etc.

But some of us (I included) think it was ACTUALLY REAL. Jesus really did rise from the dead in some kind of form that defies physics. (i.e. the supernatural).

So some of us ACTUALLY BELIEVE in the supernatural.

I think this is what RadicalWhig is objecting to.

And like I said, that's fair enough.

But it's not fair enough to tell others they are delusional when you CANNOT REALLY KNOW if the supernatural is ACTUALLY REAL or not.

a theological scrapbook

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Bad Example
# 43

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Originally posted by la vie en rouge:
...we don't have a screw loose. We are actually quite balanced, functional members of society. / / You are the one indulging in a fantasy - by claiming that rational human beings don't ever believe that sort of nonsense, even when faced with people who prove your assertion to be demonstrably, palpably false.

But I think RW is positing something almost (but not quite) like Catch-22 and that is: However sane you may appear, if you believe in the literal truth of some/all/any biblical events, you are demonstrably not sane.

The thing is, people are entitled to take that view, but it does rather close down debate. Once you've said it, if that what you really think, what else is there to say? Why hang around repeating the same thing over and over and over again to a bunch of mad people? That suggests a parallel lack of sanity.

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# 14696

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Originally posted by QLib:
Why hang around repeating the same thing over and over and over again to a bunch of mad people?

Messiah complex.

He's trying to save us.

a theological scrapbook

Posts: 9481 | From: Australia | Registered: Apr 2009  |  IP: Logged

Ship's tough old bird
# 107

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When I was six years old, I couldn't believe that other people honestly did not see things the way I did. As time passed, I outgrew my amazement.

I still don't see how people can fail to agree with me, but years ago I accepted the fact that they do.


Kerygmania host
See you later, alligator.

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# 14696

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Nicely said Moo.

By the way, I take back my Messiah complex jibe.

I think RadicalWhig has come back to the stupid supernatural believers because deep down, he too knows God is beyond his comprehension. And deep down, he knows us idiots that believe in the supernatural might have a point.

Or he just doesn't have anyone else to hassle.

a theological scrapbook

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South Coast Kevin
# 16130

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Originally posted by QLib:
But I think RW is positing something almost (but not quite) like Catch-22 and that is: However sane you may appear, if you believe in the literal truth of some/all/any biblical events, you are demonstrably not sane.

I think it's called a No True Scotsman fallacy.

My blog - wondering about Christianity in the 21st century, chess, music, politics and other bits and bobs.

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# 9110

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Originally posted by RadicalWhig:
Nah, I didn't overplay. LC acted towards me like typically smug, condescending, patronising little Christian bitch.

Of course, I forgive her, bless her little cotton socks. [Angel]

ETA: Just in case anyone doesn't get it, the above line is written in a deliberately snide, twisting, hypocritical "Christian" voice, just so you can see what I'm up against.

Sheesh! [brick wall]

I don't think this opinion constitutes supporting evidence to your claim that LC is passive aggressive. You're still wriggling, hoping that your offensive outburst will blow smoke in people's eyes.

You don't fool me - the only real question is whether you're fooling yourself or just too proud to admit your earlier characterisation was without foundation.

This is Hell of course - you're quite at liberty to sound off as you do. But I'm calling bullshit.

Who is it that you seek? How then shall we live? How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?

Posts: 21397 | From: Norfolk UK | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged
Alfred E. Neuman

What? Me worry?
# 6855

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Originally posted by MSHB:
Rather reminds me of the proud mother who said "There's my Johnny, marching in the band. And he is the only one in step!"

And that reminds me of a quote from Life of Brian some shipmate made recently:

Brian: Please, please, please listen! I've got one or two things to say.
The Crowd: Tell us! Tell us both of them!
Brian: Look, you've got it all wrong! You don't NEED to follow ME, You don't NEED to follow ANYBODY! You've got to think for your selves! You're ALL individuals!
The Crowd: Yes! We're all individuals!
Brian: You're all different!
The Crowd: Yes, we ARE all different!
Lone voice in crowd: I'm not...

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Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953

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Originally posted by Evensong:
Or he just doesn't have anyone else to hassle.

He likes to feel smugly superior to all us supernaturalists. Why wouldn't he hang around and feed his ravenously hungry ego?

This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...

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Ship's broken porthole
# 4544

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I think it's one of those new-convert things. Haven't we all known (or been [Hot and Hormonal] ) one of those baby Christians who stomp their little feet at people who refuse to be "saved" on their baby Christian terms? Come on, say the Sinner's Prayer! How can they be so blind who will not see? Oh, the humanity!

Radical Whig reminds me quite a lot of ol' Squiggle Andrew, but I don't recall RW being as rude and arrogant as a theist as Andrew was as an Orthodox. But I guess he's making up for lost time.

"Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life." ~from Joe Vs the Volcano

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Beeswax Altar
# 11644

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Squiggle Andrew was always convinced he was a 100% correct and everybody else was wrong. Even when what he believed dramatically changed, the thought that he might be wrong twice never occurred to him. It amazes me how many people go from one extreme viewpoint to another.

Losing sleep is something you want to avoid, if possible.
-Og: King of Bashan

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Duo Seraphim
Ubi caritas et amor
# 256

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Squiggle Andrew's apostasy was remarkable in that not only did he swap One True Faith (followers = 2, one of whom was Squiggle) for One True Non-Faith, but that he became more tolerant of believers in a pitying Olympian way.

Actually the whole thread reminds of the man I saw outside St Mary's Cathedral on Easter Sunday. He was holding a placard that read "I think therefore I am an atheist" . Next to him stood a lady handing out what looked to be Chick tracts. She said to him "You won't get anywhere with these people by insulting their beliefs."

[ 07. June 2011, 02:50: Message edited by: Duo Seraphim ]

Embrace the serious whack. It's the Catholic thing to do. IngoB
The Messiah, Peace be upon him, said to his Apostles: 'Verily, this world is merely a bridge, so cross over it, and do not make it your abode.' (Bihar al-anwar xiv, 319)

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Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878

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Originally posted by MSHB:
Rather reminds me of the proud mother who said "There's my Johnny, marching in the band. And he is the only one in step!"

I am definitely using that one. Both for its original point, and also for proving that musical ability is at least partly genetic. [Snigger]

Technology has brought us all closer together. Turns out a lot of the people you meet as a result are complete idiots.

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# 14696

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Originally posted by Beeswax Altar:
Squiggle Andrew was always convinced he was a 100% correct and everybody else was wrong. Even when what he believed dramatically changed, the thought that he might be wrong twice never occurred to him. It amazes me how many people go from one extreme viewpoint to another.


Just indicates extreme personalities.

a theological scrapbook

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The Silent Acolyte

# 1158

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RadicalWhig jumps the shark:
LC acted towards me like typically smug, condescending, patronising little Christian bitch.

"Lamp Chopped is a smug, condescending, patronizing little Christian." Fine. Everyone is entitled to be wrong.

But, "little Christian bitch"?

I don't do cliques or private messages much on Ship of Fools. Good luck finding anyone here who would call me a friend. So, I have no brief for Lamp Chopped or anybody else.

But, for you to be reduced to potty-mouthed name-calling of one of the most measured, giving, and gracious posters on the Ship demonstrates so much more about the spiritual wasteland you inhabit than it ever could say about Lamp Chopped.

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# 14696

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Originally posted by The Silent Acolyte:

But, for you to be reduced to potty-mouthed name-calling of one of the most measured, giving, and gracious posters on the Ship demonstrates so much more about the spiritual wasteland you inhabit than it ever could say about Lamp Chopped.

I think we should build a shrine

a theological scrapbook

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# 14696

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Aw c'mon. It'd be fun.

We could erect tents on either side. One for IngoB and one for Ender's Shadow (or RadicalWhig)

a theological scrapbook

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Ship's barmaid
# 3032

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Only if we can leave you on top of the mountain to look after them.

Irish dogs needing homes! http://www.dogactionwelfaregroup.ie/ Greyhounds and Lurchers are shipped over to England for rehoming too!

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# 14696

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Now we're getting to the truth of it.

a theological scrapbook

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# 9110

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Judging from Lamb Chopped's personal history (as shared with Shipmates over the years) I should think the last thing she fancies is a shrine. A bit of respect wouldn't come amiss, however.

Who is it that you seek? How then shall we live? How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?

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# 14696

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Bad joke then.

I didn't realise there already was a shrine.

a theological scrapbook

Posts: 9481 | From: Australia | Registered: Apr 2009  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Blue Blooded Lady
# 2764

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Originally posted by RadicalWhig:
Nah, I didn't overplay. LC acted towards me like typically smug, condescending, patronising little Christian bitch.

Of course, I forgive her, bless her little cotton socks. [Angel]

ETA: Just in case anyone doesn't get it, the above line is written in a deliberately snide, twisting, hypocritical "Christian" voice, just so you can see what I'm up against.

Sheesh! [brick wall]

Put down that crack-pipe for a moment. You think this gentle soul of a woman, who speaks authentically from the heart, is a "bitch"? Wow, you really are a whitewashed tomb, aren't you? I'm honestly praying for your soul tonight, for you to repent. You insults show a bitterness that has taken root in you. And no, I am not kidding about anything I have said in this post...except for perhaps the crack-pipe thing. Honestly, a junkie has less concern getting into the Kingdom of heaven then a pharisee. Remember how gentle Jesus was with the woman at the well...the adulteress...and Mary with her weeping tears on His feet, wiped away from her hair?

Jesus saved up all His anger for those he called white-washed tombs. THAT is the time I have seen Him angry reading his Holy Word.

And btw, you suck.

♬♭ We're setting sail to the place on the map from which nobody has ever returned ♫♪♮
Ship of Fools-World Party

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Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953

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Duchess, you're back! Good post.

This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...

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Lamb Chopped
Ship's kebab
# 5528

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You folks are making me [Hot and Hormonal] , and if you don't watch out I'll use the [Axe murder] in Hell and bring down the wrath of the Hellhosts on us all.

Er, this is what I've been up to (book).
Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!

Posts: 20059 | From: off in left field somewhere | Registered: Feb 2004  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Blue Blooded Lady
# 2764

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Originally posted by mousethief:
Duchess, you're back! Good post.

never left completely. I always have to have one steel-plated bible thump every once in awhile.

♬♭ We're setting sail to the place on the map from which nobody has ever returned ♫♪♮
Ship of Fools-World Party

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# 14696

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Steel plated bible thumping eh?

No wonder fundies are so stupid.

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Ship's Foolwise Unperson
# 1984

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That statement makes no sense.

All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome. George Orwell

Posts: 19219 | From: Erehwon | Registered: Aug 2005  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Thieving Rodent
# 953

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Quelle Surprise.*

*What a surprise.

This is the last sig I'll ever write for you...

Posts: 63536 | From: Washington | Registered: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 14696

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Originally posted by Think²:
That statement makes no sense.

True. Duchess said she only bible thumps once in a while.
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Marvin the Martian

# 4360

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Originally posted by RadicalWhig:
Christianity really is insane, and those who REALLY, ACTUALLY, believe that stuff must either have a screw loose, or be intellectually lazy, or timid, or just generally fail to understand that it's NOT REAL, FOLKS! Now, you might disagree with this, but that's only because you are locked in a delusional fantasy.

This from the man who earnestly believes with every fibre of his being that a new constitution would solve every problem the country has and turn it into a perfect and unparalelled paradise. [Roll Eyes]

Hail Gallaxhar

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Completely Frocked
# 473

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What about those who believe in the power of myth, parable and fable to convey a powerful message with a kernel of truth (the pearl of great price)? Do we only have half a screw loose?

Retired, sitting back and watching others for a change.

Posts: 34626 | From: Cream Tealand | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged

Bad Example
# 43

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Originally posted by Chorister:
What about those who believe in the power of myth, parable and fable to convey a powerful message with a kernel of truth (the pearl of great price)? Do we only have half a screw loose?

Perhaps just a longer, slower screw?

Tradition is the handing down of the flame, not the worship of the ashes Gustav Mahler.

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Ship's broken porthole
# 4544

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Oooo, mama!

"Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life." ~from Joe Vs the Volcano

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Alfred E. Neuman

What? Me worry?
# 6855

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Originally posted by QLib:
Perhaps just a longer, slower screw?

Your timing is impeccable.
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