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Source: (consider it) Thread: Hell: Well Hooray. Guardian Readers Will Tell Me How To Vote
# 2940

 - Posted      Profile for MadFarmer   Author's homepage     Send new private message       Edit/delete post   Reply with quote 

They're having people write to voters living in Clark County. I live in its next-door neighbor, Greene, and if anything, I can tell you that we Ohioans are about fed up with the whole world breathing down our necks about how we'll vote.

+ side of living in a swing state: Got to see Springsteen and Bright Eyes for fairly cheap.

- side of living in a swing state: British people are now telling us how to vote.


[ 02. April 2005, 05:40: Message edited by: RooK ]

Where have I been? Busy, busy.

Posts: 537 | From: Yellow Springs, OH, USA | Registered: Jun 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 3238

 - Posted      Profile for KenWritez   Email KenWritez   Send new private message       Edit/delete post   Reply with quote 

TO: Guardian Readers Telling Americans For Whom to Vote
FROM: US voters
DATE: Nov 2 2004
RE: Guardian article

Fuck off.


"The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd." --Quentin Tarantino, Pulp Fiction

My blog: http://oxygenofgrace.blogspot.com

Posts: 11102 | From: Left coast of Wonderland, by the rabbit hole | Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged
Sacristan of the LavaLamp
# 4431

 - Posted      Profile for AdamPater   Email AdamPater   Send new private message       Edit/delete post   Reply with quote 
You want to get a hair-cut, KenWritez... and maybe consider some new shoes.

Originally posted by KenWritez:

TO: Guardian Readers Telling Americans For Whom to Vote
FROM: US voters
DATE: Nov 2 2004
RE: Guardian article

Fuck off.


Put not your trust in princes.

Posts: 4894 | From: On the left of the big pink bit. | Registered: Apr 2003  |  IP: Logged
Bea Ond
# 8322

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Arrrggg! This is such a bad idea. If there is anything that could get an undecided to vote for Bush is a Britt telling him to vote for Kerry.
I understand how they feel. I am a Canadian, I am watching all this, I am concerned, I have my own opinions about it all, but I know it is none of my business. If some American tried to tell me who to vote for in a Canadian election, I would scream bloody murder.

Theology is the search for a black cat in a dark basement at midnight.

Posts: 50 | From: Canada | Registered: Aug 2004  |  IP: Logged

1 of 6
# 1852

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Maybe it would go over better if the Guardian referred to it as "Regime Change".

I hope not.

Posts: 15274 | From: Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth | Registered: Nov 2001  |  IP: Logged

What is this place?
Why am I here?
# 98

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I'm just grateful they didn't target New Hampshire. Bad enough having to worry about running into a presidential motorcade when you're just trying to get to the grocery store.

(Though it might be fun to see if the Guardian would make the same mistake as most of the campaign computers seem to do, and assume that my husband is married to my daughter (I have a different last name, so I don't show up in between them on the voter checklist, which only has a couple of thousand names on it).)

Posts: 17391 | From: Just a Town, New Hampshire, USA | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
Leetle Masha

Cantankerous Anchoress
# 8209

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Hush, Jennifer! Remember the voting machines in Florida!

I am grateful to the British for trying to help us, but we are (imho) beyond help.

eleison me, tin amartolin: have mercy on me, the sinner

Posts: 6351 | From: Hesychia, in Hyperdulia | Registered: Aug 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 4568

 - Posted      Profile for Kyralessa   Email Kyralessa   Send new private message       Edit/delete post   Reply with quote 
I read this myself earlier today. At first I was annoyed by it, but that soon faded into amusement at picturing all those Guardian staffers telling each other what a great idea this is to write and try to convince Americans how to vote. Cause for sure the number one thing I think about when I go to the polls is "How will my dear neighbors in the U.K., and the rest of the world for that matter, take the results of this election? How can I vote so as to impress them the most?"
[Killing me]

When are the next Brit elections, by the way? Cause I have this great idea...

In Orthodoxy, a child is considered an icon of the parents' love for each other.

I'm just glad all my other icons don't cry, crap, and spit up this much.

Posts: 1597 | From: St. Louis, MO | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 2643

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First I thought this was going to be a thread about the Manchester Guardian telling everyone to vote LibDem.

Then I thought it must be about some rednecked local rag telling everyone to vote Bush on pain of being impaled on horns of 'Kissinger', the local prize bull.

Wrong again..

"I fart in your general direction."
M Barnier

Posts: 4229 | From: New Zealand | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged
Sioni Sais
# 5713

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FAO Americans

The Guardian is so well-known for its rich crop of literals* (typos) that there is a chance that this will result in a show of support for Bash or Merry. Or even Wader, if he's on the ballot there.

*In Private Eye and elsewhere it is often referred to as "The Grauniad". It got its own name wrong once.

"He isn't Doctor Who, he's The Doctor"

(Paul Sinha, BBC)

Posts: 24276 | From: Newport, Wales | Registered: Apr 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 4438

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Originally posted by Kyralessa:
I read this myself earlier today. At first I was annoyed by it, but that soon faded into amusement at picturing all those Guardian staffers telling each other what a great idea this is to write and try to convince Americans how to vote. Cause for sure the number one thing I think about when I go to the polls is "How will my dear neighbors in the U.K., and the rest of the world for that matter, take the results of this election? How can I vote so as to impress them the most?"
[Killing me]

When are the next Brit elections, by the way? Cause I have this great idea...

Dear British voter,

The government of the UK has a profound influence on many peoples throughout the world, yet only Britons can affect who is in power there. Hence, on behalf of the rest of the world, I would like you to consider our interests when voting. In particular, please vote for a party which will remove the UK from the EU and increase non- EU immigration into the UK. Since the 1960s and 70s, the UK has mercilessly reduced ties with its former colonies, abandoning people it had previously conquered, and abandoning the descendents of British emigrants who helped build your empire. The destruction of trade ties has hurt many of the world's poorest nations, while cutting immigration has stopped many from moving to the country their ancestors originally came from. Please vote for a party who will end these blatant pro-Europe, anti- Commonwealth policies,

Yours faithfully,
a concerned Australian.

ps. should you happen to read the Guardian please stop it is full of shite.

Posts: 4283 | Registered: Apr 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 5436

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Well I am going to take the "concerned abroad person" approach and write a letter!
I shall post it up here and see if I elicite a response.

I shall write along the lines of.....
The Gruaniad newspaper set up a system where we could write to voters in America
I thought I would write to you and share my thoughts
Spill out my thoughts
Explain that I don't worry who you vote for, so long as they get out and vote!
Also, I would finish by saying I look forward to hearing from them.....
Then sign of in my usual happy jolly way

That said, I better get someone to read my spelling.

I think that if I recieved that letter I would be fine.

What would have to be explained is this is very much "Gruaniad" sense of humour - and I find it funny and also engaging.

Intreged to see such a violent response against it though.

Oooh - just to say .... The Guardian asked all to vote Lib Dem in Hartlepool by election although they still support the Blair reigime.

Many Regards As Ever

Posts: 878 | From: Chained to my desk.... | Registered: Jan 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 5436

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Just to say...again....

I won't be entering my letter to win the competition though......will cost too much as you have to pay for everything bar airfare and basic accomodation....thus taxes, visas, food etc.

MAke sure you all read the small print!

Many Regards

Posts: 878 | From: Chained to my desk.... | Registered: Jan 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 4100

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Originally posted by wesleyswig:
Oooh - just to say .... The Guardian asked all to vote Lib Dem in Hartlepool by election although they still support the Blair reigime.

Did they? Why?


No longer down south.

Posts: 689 | From: Birmingham | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 3412

 - Posted      Profile for anglicanrascal   Email anglicanrascal   Send new private message       Edit/delete post   Reply with quote 
I would just like to say that I am horrified by the insularity of the Shipmates who seem to think that people in the Colonies will take umbrage at Guardian-readers telling them how to vote.

Wot's the point of having an Empire if one can't control it to one's liking?

Posts: 3186 | From: Diocese of Litigalia | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 4682

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This does raise a serious question. Should we vote in our own interests, in the interests of the rest of our country, or in the interests of the rest of the world?

The annoying thing for me if I received a letter such as Zwinglis, would be the implication that I hadn't considered the issues he raises, not that an Australian would be asking me to consider his interests when I vote.

This is of course redeemed by his excellent if poorly punctuated postscript:

ps. should you happen to read the Guardian please stop it is full of shite.

Posts: 5748 | From: North East England | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 525

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It could be worse, people.

It could have been Le Monde.

How easy it would be to live in England, if only one did not love her. - G.K. Chesterton

Posts: 9757 | From: Citizen of the World | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Lurker McLurker™

Ship's stowaway
# 1384

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Originally posted by Kyralessa:
When are the next Brit elections, by the way? Cause I have this great idea...

Most Brits know what the two main parties in America are, and a majority of those who read broadsheet newspapers will know who the main candidates are, and what they stand for.

I can just see a campaign going the other way

"Write to people in Britain"

"But who'll translate it into whatever language they speak there?"

Just War Theory- a perversion of morality?

Posts: 5661 | From: Raxacoricofallapatorius | Registered: Sep 2001  |  IP: Logged

# 2589

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Dear People of America.

Please vote for George W. Bush. Go on, you know you want to.

A concerned (but slightly craftier than usual [Biased] ) Guardian Reader.


p.s. I now know that Aussies run UKIP, so that solves that little mystery.

"There are governments that burn books, and then there are those that sell the libraries and shut the universities to anyone who can't pay for a key." Laurie Penny.

Posts: 3446 | From: England | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged
Alan Cresswell

Mad Scientist 先生
# 31

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Originally posted by Moth:
p.s. I now know that Aussies run UKIP, so that solves that little mystery.

What mystery? Maybe, why UKIP seem to be composed of a bunch of criminals?

Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.

Posts: 32413 | From: East Kilbride (Scotland) or 福島 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
mr cheesy
# 3330

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Dear American Person,

I am writing to you on the offchance that you are a completely brainless idiot who cannot make a political decision to save your life.

We Brits are world renound for our independance of thought and ability to make sound judgements on the issues of the day. Therefore you should sit down and pay attention.

There are two small boys. We'll call one Bill and the other Ben. Now Bill and Ben are like most other adults and will do anything to avoid doing their job (ie running the country and passing legislation, respectively). At the moment, they have decided to have a battle.

Now Bill is currently holding a nice shiny new rattle and Ben says it is his. Ben's claim on the rattle is based on a strong moral stance and sense that he could shake it much more convincingly. Bill is the Devil. Therefore, the British nation is telling you that you must vote for Ben otherwise we will send the boys round. That's right, if you vote the wrong way, you're getting Jack Straw and John 'two-jags' Prescott.

Now, I'm sure you appreciate that the future of the planet rests on you using your democratic vote and doing as you are told. It isn't that we actually like you or anything, but hey, you influence election in South America, so now its our turn.

And remember, if you do this wrong, you'll have to keep going back until you get it right. We'll be watching.

Your friendly guardian reader.


Posts: 10697 | Registered: Sep 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 4438

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Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Originally posted by Moth:
p.s. I now know that Aussies run UKIP, so that solves that little mystery.

What mystery? Maybe, why UKIP seem to be composed of a bunch of criminals?

We're coming back to haunt you. Never again will sending convicts to the other side of the world seem like a good idea.

Posts: 4283 | Registered: Apr 2003  |  IP: Logged
Lifeman's sockpuppet
# 8632

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Americans are obviously free to vote for whoever they choose but it's worth noting that Bush in his latest head to head with Kerry said (and I quote)"I can't tell you how much I belive in freedom". Consider how the last US election was rigged with many Florida residents denied the very freedom that Mr Bush seems to cherish, it does'nt seem unreasonable for the outside world to try bring an element of balance. After, this was America has been doing with Zimbabwe for the same reason!
Posts: 74 | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged
Atmospheric Skull

Antlered Bone-Visage
# 4513

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Originally posted by KenWritez:
Fuck off.

Jesus. It's perfectly simple -- if you don't want primitive foreign people from outside your sacred borders passing comment on your politics, then STOP ELECTING LEADERS WHO WANT TO FUCK ABOUT WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD.

(Oh, and not calling yourselves protectors of democracy or banging on about freedom of speech all the time would help you look less conflicted, also.)

Just some friendly advice from your allies across the seas.

Surrealistic Mystic.

Posts: 371 | From: Bristol, UK | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged
Lifeman's sockpuppet
# 8632

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I've just noticed that my last post has certain words either not fully typed in or missed out completey!

This is very embarrassing because it reads like a George Bush speech [Hot and Hormonal]

Posts: 74 | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged
Wesley S Chappell
# 4186

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I thought 'Guardian' readers were opposed to Britain meddling in the affairs of its former colonies - surely that's elitist and imperialist?

[Killing me]

ALMIGHTY God, the fountain of all wisdom, who knowest our necessities before we ask, and our ignorance in asking.

Posts: 477 | From: London | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Meaner than Godzilla
# 2

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Originally posted by Atmospheric Skull:
Originally posted by KenWritez:
Fuck off.

Jesus. It's perfectly simple -- if you don't want primitive foreign people from outside your sacred borders passing comment on your politics, then STOP ELECTING LEADERS WHO WANT TO FUCK ABOUT WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD.

(Oh, and not calling yourselves protectors of democracy or banging on about freedom of speech all the time would help you look less conflicted, also.)

Just some friendly advice from your allies across the seas.

I don't really care if you primitive foreigners pass comment. I do mind a trash "newspaper" encouraging its mentally deficient readers to spam people half way across the world.

[ 14. October 2004, 13:33: Message edited by: Erin ]

Commandment number one: shut the hell up.

Posts: 17140 | From: 330 miles north of paradise | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged

# 180

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Originally posted by Erin:
I don't really care if you primitive foreigners pass comment. I do mind a trash "newspaper" encouraging its mentally deficient readers to spam people half way across the world.

The probability of finding a good English newpaper editorial policy is slimmer than Calista Flockhart.

All religions will pass, but this will remain:
simply sitting in a chair and looking in the distance.
V V Rozanov

Posts: 3276 | From: The Near East | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

London Shipmeet King
# 766

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Originally posted by Erin:
I do mind a trash "newspaper" encouraging its mentally deficient readers to spam people half way across the world.

Erin, if you belive this is what the Guardian is doing then I encourage you to take it to court. As I am sure you know, sending spam from a computer based in Britain is now illegal under the laws of this country.

(If only the States would do the same, maybe I would stop receiving offers to enlarge my breasts, although, I suppose, it's something I could try)

[ 14. October 2004, 13:47: Message edited by: Gambit ]

There is a little bit of my mitral regurgitation that is forever yours.

Wiblog: Now being updated less than regularly (again).

Posts: 1105 | From: the best bar in Heaven | Registered: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged
Phos Hilaron
# 6914

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Ah, I wondered how long it would take before our cousins across the Pond noticed this one [Big Grin] .

I prefer the idea of sending a huge wad of dosh to the NAACP - but I'm skint at the moment [Frown]

Seriously, though, the President of the USA has an enormous influence on the world - you can't blame us for being concerned about who wins, 'specially since Britain is now reduced to the status of vassal state.


Posts: 1684 | From: Choson | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged
Wesley S Chappell
# 4186

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Originally posted by HangerQueen:
Ah, I wondered how long it would take before our cousins across the Pond noticed this one [Big Grin] .

I prefer the idea of sending a huge wad of dosh to the NAACP - but I'm skint at the moment [Frown]

Seriously, though, the President of the USA has an enormous influence on the world - you can't blame us for being concerned about who wins, 'specially since Britain is now reduced to the status of vassal state.

Agreed, but you must admit there is something hilarious about the readers of one of the lowest circulation newspapers of a 'vassal state' pompously writing to foreigners in a 'nanny knows best' style. [Roll Eyes]

ALMIGHTY God, the fountain of all wisdom, who knowest our necessities before we ask, and our ignorance in asking.

Posts: 477 | From: London | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged
Atmospheric Skull

Antlered Bone-Visage
# 4513

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Originally posted by Erin:
I don't really care if you primitive foreigners pass comment. I do mind a trash "newspaper" encouraging its mentally deficient readers to spam people half way across the world.

Ah well, that's OK then, since that explicitly isn't what's happening:
(We don't want individual Clark County voters bombarded with lobbying letters so this site will assign only one name and address to each user - please don't pass yours on to anyone else.)
Also, no email is involved -- just old-fashioned transatlantic post.

(Perhaps, though, you've become inextricably wedded to this straw man in some disturbing Wicker Man-style ceremony, and won't feel able to take mere facts on board.)

Surrealistic Mystic.

Posts: 371 | From: Bristol, UK | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged
Lifeman's sockpuppet
# 8632

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Hoots mon,

Do yer no ken that yer tattie wee Scotch pappers
are jest full o' anti-sasanach clap trap? [Razz]

Posts: 74 | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 3238

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Originally posted by Atmospheric Skull:
Originally posted by KenWritez:
Fuck off.

Jesus. It's perfectly simple -- if you don't want primitive foreign people from outside your sacred borders passing comment on your politics, then STOP ELECTING LEADERS WHO WANT TO FUCK ABOUT WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD.
Hey, here's an idea! If we don't want primitive foreign people from outside our sacred borders telling us how to vote, why don't they fuck off?

Yes, I believe that is the correct answer: Fuck off. All of you.

Askull and Barabas, you have our permission to fuck off, and do so now.

Originally posted by Atmospheric Skull:
(Oh, and not calling yourselves protectors of democracy or banging on about freedom of speech all the time would help you look less conflicted, also.)

No, it'd just make us all look more like you. No thanks.

"The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd." --Quentin Tarantino, Pulp Fiction

My blog: http://oxygenofgrace.blogspot.com

Posts: 11102 | From: Left coast of Wonderland, by the rabbit hole | Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged
lapsed heathen

Hurler on the ditch
# 4403

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Dear 'Merican
Vote for whom ever you like, it won't make any difference to us in TROTW, or you for that matter.
Yours indifferently.

"We are the Easter people and our song is Alleluia"

Posts: 1361 | From: Marble county | Registered: Apr 2003  |  IP: Logged
Lifeman's sockpuppet
# 8632

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If we primitive foriengers did fuck off as you suggest, would you return the compliment by taking out all the military hardware you keep in our country (which is only there to bolster your overseas empire)?

Posts: 74 | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged
Meaner than Godzilla
# 2

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Originally posted by Atmospheric Skull:
Originally posted by Erin:
I don't really care if you primitive foreigners pass comment. I do mind a trash "newspaper" encouraging its mentally deficient readers to spam people half way across the world.

Ah well, that's OK then, since that explicitly isn't what's happening:
(We don't want individual Clark County voters bombarded with lobbying letters so this site will assign only one name and address to each user - please don't pass yours on to anyone else.)
Also, no email is involved -- just old-fashioned transatlantic post.

(Perhaps, though, you've become inextricably wedded to this straw man in some disturbing Wicker Man-style ceremony, and won't feel able to take mere facts on board.)

Snail mail or e-mail, it's still unsolicited and junk. So get technical about the term spam, dickcheese, but it's the same regardless. I find it hilarious that all of the stupid tree-huggers are willing to kill some trees just to re-elect Bush.

I've sent this story to the local news media. Interesting to see what will happen.

Commandment number one: shut the hell up.

Posts: 17140 | From: 330 miles north of paradise | Registered: Mar 2001  |  IP: Logged
Lifeman's sockpuppet
# 8632

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Please tell me that you were only joking when you said you were going to vote for that meglamaniac Bush? [Help]

Posts: 74 | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged

Larger than you think
# 3185

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Originally posted by Barabas:
If we primitive foriengers did fuck off as you suggest, would you return the compliment by taking out all the military hardware you keep in our country (which is only there to bolster your overseas empire)?

And Amanda Jenkins, from our office, who is from Pennsylvania, and is fucking insufferable.



Posts: 3482 | From: The opposite | Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged
Leetle Masha

Cantankerous Anchoress
# 8209

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Philadelphia's wealthies tend to be rather liberal in their politics, especially the ones who have trained themselves to speak with affected pseudo-British accents in order to better their positions in high society.

Looking or sounding British is a veritable social asset here, where Anglophilia is a social disease.

But I would suggest that if it's the "society vote" you're looking for, have readers of the _Times_ or the _Financial Times_ write your lobbying letters, and be sure to send them on cream-laid stationery, addressed by hand in the manner of the beloved lady on "Keeping Up Appearances". <my favourite comedy show in all the world, besides "To the Manor Born">

Penelope Keith for President!

eleison me, tin amartolin: have mercy on me, the sinner

Posts: 6351 | From: Hesychia, in Hyperdulia | Registered: Aug 2004  |  IP: Logged

# 2589

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Well, if it's people they're taking back, can they come and get one of my colleagues?

He is the rudest man I ever met, which I do not attribute to his nationality. However, I reckon he only lives over here because if he lived in an armed society he'd be dead by now!

I'll package him up and send him surface transport.

"There are governments that burn books, and then there are those that sell the libraries and shut the universities to anyone who can't pay for a key." Laurie Penny.

Posts: 3446 | From: England | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged
Jerry Boam
# 4551

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Dear Barabas and skullface,

Shut the fuck up.

And you especially, Barabas. Please don't pause to take your head out of your ass, just keep it up there until you run out of air. You will be doing us all a favor.

For fuck's sake! Until you had to spew your shit Mark the Punk and the Riv had a near monopoly on the deep end of the dumbass political bullshit hole, but you have outdone those dim bulbs. I didn't think it was possible.

You make ME want to vote for Bush...

If you don't like your participation in the empire, change your Satrap. Do not presume to address your betters on political subjects again.

And, yes, Erin and even the Riv are counted among your betters in these matters.

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.

Posts: 2165 | From: Miskatonic University | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged
Phos Hilaron
# 6914

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Originally posted by Wesley S Chappell:
Originally posted by HangerQueen:
Ah, I wondered how long it would take before our cousins across the Pond noticed this one [Big Grin] .

I prefer the idea of sending a huge wad of dosh to the NAACP - but I'm skint at the moment [Frown]

Seriously, though, the President of the USA has an enormous influence on the world - you can't blame us for being concerned about who wins, 'specially since Britain is now reduced to the status of vassal state.

Agreed, but you must admit there is something hilarious about the readers of one of the lowest circulation newspapers of a 'vassal state' pompously writing to foreigners in a 'nanny knows best' style. [Roll Eyes]
But being pompous cultural imperialists is what the Gruaniad does best!

Having read the article, the people who wrote it were well aware of the dangers of pissing off the good voters of Clark County. They were aware that it could be counterproductive but thought that the risk was worth taking. I'm of the opinion that writing an unsolicited letter to a complete stranger and talking about politics would be a recipie for disaster.


Posts: 1684 | From: Choson | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged
Lifeman's sockpuppet
# 8632

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Jerry Boam,

I think it's time you got a sense of perspective.

Some 3000 people died on 9/11; a huge a mount of people! So many in fact that it amounts to almost one third of the innocent civilians killed in Iraq by America and their client states.

And you don't think the outside world should have a say in whether a man like Bush is returned to power? [Confused]

Posts: 74 | Registered: Oct 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 3208

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If fucking Euro-trash doesn't want Americans to vote for Bush, they should figure out ways to make us hate them less than we hate Bush. Europe isn't exactly making it clear why it's worth maintaining ties with it when it does arrogant, annoying bullshit like that.

And Barabas? You're a twit.


Don't give up yet, no, don't ever quit/ There's always a chance of a critical hit. Ghost Mice

Posts: 9148 | From: Boston, MA | Registered: Aug 2002  |  IP: Logged

Larger than you think
# 3185

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Originally posted by Barabas:
And you don't think the outside world should have a say in whether a man like Bush is returned to power? [Confused]

For crying out loud Barabas, no; we shouldn't be able to vote in American elections.

Why the fuck should we? If we vote in American elections then they get to vote in ours, and do you really want some nation geographically hundreds of miles away and culturally millions of miles away voting for a man who they only see on the news?


Well neither do they, and to suggest that we ought to is insulting and degrading. Shut up.


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Ship's Poison Elf
# 5408

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Originally posted by IntellectByProxy:
And Amanda Jenkins, from our office, who is from Pennsylvania, and is fucking insufferable.


But can you send back those nice Americans who came to my church last year? They were very friendly.
They are probably all Bush voters, and they are mostly in Ohio, so it will also help the Kerry campaign.

Posts: 3097 | From: England - far from home... | Registered: Jan 2004  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Blue Blooded Lady
# 2764

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Originally posted by Barabas:
Jerry Boam,

I think it's time you got a sense of perspective.

Some 3000 people died on 9/11; a huge a mount of people! So many in fact that it amounts to almost one third of the innocent civilians killed in Iraq by America and their client states.

And you don't think the outside world should have a say in whether a man like Bush is returned to power? [Confused]

No. They need to keep catering to American interest like mine. Where is my beer? Go and fetch it and shut up. Thx. - Sgt. Queen Duchess

[you really need some education on your place, you are getting uppity. Kiss my @$$]

[ 14. October 2004, 15:24: Message edited by: duchess ]

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Ship of Fools-World Party

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Jerry Boam
# 4551

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Originally posted by Barabas:
Jerry Boam,

I think it's time you got a sense of perspective.

Some 3000 people died on 9/11; a huge a mount of people! So many in fact that it amounts to almost one third of the innocent civilians killed in Iraq by America and their client states.

And you don't think the outside world should have a say in whether a man like Bush is returned to power? [Confused]

Let's see if I can answer in a rhetorical style that will be familiar and may get through the poor neural pathways in that shitbag on top of your neck:

Hydrogen and Helium sit way up at the top of the periodic table, while the actinide series is sort of in a class by itself down at the bottom. The United Kingdom has a large population! So large in fact that it can actually register in a comparison with the population of China, if you show enough significant digits. The concept of a left-right axis in politics stems from seating arrangements during the French revolution. Supermassive blue giant stars are relatively short lived and come to spectacular ends.

No, the outside world should not have a say in how Americans vote for their leadership. Some of us will note what is said about us with more less interest. All of us will be pissed off by being told how to vote.

Got that? Good.

Now fuck off.

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving is not for you.

Posts: 2165 | From: Miskatonic University | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged
Alan Cresswell

Mad Scientist 先生
# 31

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Maybe I can paraphrase the argument of Barabas?

"I want Americans to vote in my best interest"

Presumably it follows he'll listen to the American people when it comes round to our election - then he can return the favour and vote in Americas best interest.

Doesn't that seem fair? Of course it's fair. Totally fucking stupid, but fair.

Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.

Posts: 32413 | From: East Kilbride (Scotland) or 福島 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

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