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Source: (consider it) Thread: Circus: January 2009 Fitness Race
Stevie Boy Wonder
# 11869

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Another 35 minutes walking today, taking me past the 30 hour mark - 30 hours 15 minutes.

Jesus saves. But in the current economic climate, His pension probably won't be enough for eternity...

Also by the same author

Posts: 1599 | From: Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged

# 12234

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Another 2 hrs 30 mins chalked up over the weekend.

Running total = 13 hrs 10 mins.

"I don't think you ought to read so much theology," said Lord Peter. "It has a brutalizing influence."

Posts: 2377 | From: Scotland | Registered: Jan 2007  |  IP: Logged
# 13799

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30 mins brisk walking. But no cycling [Frown]

6hrs 10mins

We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time T. S. Elliot (Four Quartets)

Posts: 1300 | From: Leicester (UK) | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
To The Pain
# 12235

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Hmmm, an interesting weekend.

Friday (cont):
10 mins walk home
60 mins dancing at the Burns' Supper (which certainly didn't counteract having seconds)
15 mins walk to church
20 mins wimpy and slightly pathetic inline skating
Monday (fo far):
10 mins walk to uni

Total for this post:
115 minutes or 1 hour and 55 minutes

Running total:
1302 minutes or 21 hours and 42 minutes

Now occasionally blogging.
Hire Bell Tents and camping equipment in Scotland

Posts: 1183 | From: The Granite City | Registered: Jan 2007  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Barnacle
# 2716

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Now there's a good start to a Monday morning - walking back from taking the car in to the garage instead of catching the bus.

I'm going to claim one and a half hours because a)I forgot to check the time when I set out from the garage but guess it was about 8.30 and b) I forgot to check the precise time I got in because by that time I was jogging rather than walking, in a decidedly cross-legged fashion....

Miss you, Erin.

Posts: 14382 | From: Under the duvet | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged
Freelance Monotheist
# 8990

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15 mins walking yesterday & 1 hr 45 mins walking today.

Denial: a very effective coping mechanism

Posts: 1239 | From: Paris, France | Registered: Jan 2005  |  IP: Logged
Autenrieth Road

# 10509

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Sat Jan 24: 15 minutes walking

Sun Jan 25: 45 minutes walking

Running total: 13 hrs 20 mins

Wow, I just noticed I have crept ahead of a 30 min/day average. I wonder if I can preserve that 50 minute edge till the end of the month. That would be cool.


Posts: 9559 | From: starlight | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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45 minutes walking with Pete tonight - running total 32 hours 5 minutes.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged

Incurable Optimist
# 12618

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1 hr 50 min

Gym, plus walk to/from.

I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

Posts: 3083 | From: UK | Registered: May 2007  |  IP: Logged
# 12167

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1 hour walking yesterday
30 mins walking today

bring me up to the grand total of 3 and a half hours

Posts: 3184 | From: southern uk | Registered: Dec 2006  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Barnacle
# 2716

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I can notch up an extra thirty minutes of walking and swimming (in between lazing) this afternoon and shortly will be doing the thirty minute walk to meet my son from an after school club and bring him home.

And you'll be impressed to know (or rather, I am rather amazed at myself to report..) that I have deliberately left my car at the garage overnight so that I can walk to Newport to get it rather than having to get a friend to drive me there this evening.

Miss you, Erin.

Posts: 14382 | From: Under the duvet | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Pirate
# 10848

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Today: yet another canal/river walk on what's become a fairly standard route, about 9 miles I think give or take, and taking 2 h 50 m. Everywhere seems damp and dank but I'm hoping that green shoots will burst forth in the not too distant future ...
and the boots are waterproof still. Provided depth of puddle does not exceed height of boot.

and 15 m antipearshapedness exercises. The muscle is beginning to differentiate itself from the flab. Downside is that there seems to be more flab than I thought, presumably this is the reason trousers were getting tight.
anyway, 3 h 5 m today, giving a running total
41 hours 15 minutes
edited cos can't add up

[ 26. January 2009, 17:56: Message edited by: blackbeard ]

Posts: 823 | From: Hampshire, UK | Registered: Dec 2005  |  IP: Logged
lily pad
# 11456

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One hour sliding on Saturday.
One hour skating yesterday.

No hours at the gym due to the smelly aftershave man. Ask me if I am happy!

Sloppiness is not caring. Fussiness is caring about the wrong things. With thanks to Adeodatus!

Posts: 2468 | From: Truly Canadian | Registered: May 2006  |  IP: Logged
Auntie Doris

Screen Goddess
# 9433

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Originally posted by lily pad:
Ask me if I am happy!

Are you happy?

60 minutes at the gym.
10 minutes walking.

Auntie Doris x

[ 26. January 2009, 19:06: Message edited by: Auntie Doris ]

"And you don't get to pronounce that I am not a Christian. Nope. Not in your remit nor power." - iGeek in response to a gay-hater :)

The life and times of a Guernsey cow

Posts: 6019 | From: The Rock at the Centre of the Universe | Registered: May 2005  |  IP: Logged
lily pad
# 11456

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Originally posted by Auntie Doris:
Originally posted by lily pad:
Ask me if I am happy!

Are you happy?

60 minutes at the gym.
10 minutes walking.

Auntie Doris x

NO!!! [Waterworks]

Thanks for asking though.

Sloppiness is not caring. Fussiness is caring about the wrong things. With thanks to Adeodatus!

Posts: 2468 | From: Truly Canadian | Registered: May 2006  |  IP: Logged
# 37

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116mins walking
Posts: 3689 | From: UK | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged
Scots lass
# 2699

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30 minutes to add today. Which doesn't quite get me up to the 20 hour mark. I'm blaming the impossibility of getting into classes in my gym, which is in no way irritating me immensely...
Posts: 863 | From: the diaspora | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 13799

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My knee is still sore. But did 10 mins on exercise bike this evening at lowest resistance and stretches afterwards.

Total: 6hrs 25mins

Am seeing the physio again tomorrow.

We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time T. S. Elliot (Four Quartets)

Posts: 1300 | From: Leicester (UK) | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 13799

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PS. Plus 1 hr very vigorous dancing at a Burns Night Supper.

Total to date: 7hrs 25mins

We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time T. S. Elliot (Four Quartets)

Posts: 1300 | From: Leicester (UK) | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
Sir Kevin
Ship's Gaffer
# 3492

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30 minutes out and back from the carpark to the jobsite today.

If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Writing is currently my hobby, not yet my profession.

Posts: 30517 | From: White Hart Lane | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
To The Pain
# 12235

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Monday (cont):
10 mins walk home from uni - there was going to be some additional walking or skating but I got hit by an odd travelling crisis and didn't leave uni til 8.45 and it was slippy around the flat when I got back.
Tuesday (so far):
60 mins walk to uni (I took the long way round, via the post office, a friend's house and said friend's exam venue, partly cos I won't get a walk to housegroup tonight)

Total for this post:
70 minutes or 1 hour and 10 minutes

Running total:
1372 minutes or 22 hours and 52 minutes

So it looks like I'll be able to average an hour of activity per day but I only started on the 5th so I'd like to see if I can average an hour of activity per day including the five zero-days I've got at the beginning. We shall see.

Now occasionally blogging.
Hire Bell Tents and camping equipment in Scotland

Posts: 1183 | From: The Granite City | Registered: Jan 2007  |  IP: Logged
# 4965

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Mon 26th: 45 mins walk up to and around the park - very slow, was with pregnant friend and dog but hey it all counts right. Plus 15 mins much speedier walk back on my own and then another 20 mins walking later.

Total for the day 1 hour 20

Running total 34 hours 15 mins I think

Arthur & Henry Ethical Shirts for Men
organic cotton, fair trade cotton, linen

Sometimes I wonder What's for Afters?

Posts: 2022 | From: the smallest town in England | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged
Curiosity killed ...

Ship's Mug
# 11770

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psst, Yangtze, 35h 15m and rule number 1 says:
It has to be physical activity. It doesn't have to be overly strenuous as long as it's aerobic. After some discussion previously, house work and gardening counts, so long as it's aerobic and so serious welly is put into it, but music practice doesn't.
I'll leave that one up to your conscience.

I'm adding in 30 minutes of hauling shopping back and other rushing around so far today.

Mugs - Keep the Ship afloat

Posts: 13794 | From: outiside the outer ring road | Registered: Aug 2006  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Barnacle
# 2716

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One hour and forty minutes walking into town to collect my car (we won't count the little diversion via one of my favourite cafes where I got lured into eating a slice of cake).

Thirty minutes yesterday doing industrial-strength ironing - of which I suspect there may be more today!

Miss you, Erin.

Posts: 14382 | From: Under the duvet | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 4965

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Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
psst, Yangtze, 35h 15m and rule number 1 says:
It has to be physical activity. It doesn't have to be overly strenuous as long as it's aerobic. After some discussion previously, house work and gardening counts, so long as it's aerobic and so serious welly is put into it, but music practice doesn't.
I'll leave that one up to your conscience.

Oops I can't count - thanks for that.

Well, it definitely wasn't overly strenuous - but we were in fact out for well over an hour and I only counted 45 mins. And I tend not to count the odd 5 min speedy walks to the bus stop so I think my conscience is clear :-)

Arthur & Henry Ethical Shirts for Men
organic cotton, fair trade cotton, linen

Sometimes I wonder What's for Afters?

Posts: 2022 | From: the smallest town in England | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged

Mother-Hatting Cat Lover
# 9098

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Monday, Jan. 26: 1 hr. weights and crosstrainer

Total: 4 hrs. 9 min.

"Ineffable" defined: "I cannot and will not be effed with." (Courtesy of CCTooSweet in Running the Books)

Posts: 4336 | From: Eastern US | Registered: Feb 2005  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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30 minutes cycling today - to the village twice.

45 minutes walking with Pete.

Running total 33 hours 20 minutes.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Barnacle
# 2716

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I hope you agree that working my way through washing and ironing every single item of bedding in the house is worthy of counting - I hate those kingsize duvet covers! Add to that clambering up and down the bunk bed ladder to wrestle with making the Smudgelet's bed up and I can claim a virtuous one and a half hours of extra exertion.

Miss you, Erin.

Posts: 14382 | From: Under the duvet | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged

Incurable Optimist
# 12618

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2 hr 40 min

Gym, plus walk to/from, plus more walking later.

I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

Posts: 3083 | From: UK | Registered: May 2007  |  IP: Logged
Auntie Doris

Screen Goddess
# 9433

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70 minutes at the gym.
10 minutes walking.

Auntie Doris x

"And you don't get to pronounce that I am not a Christian. Nope. Not in your remit nor power." - iGeek in response to a gay-hater :)

The life and times of a Guernsey cow

Posts: 6019 | From: The Rock at the Centre of the Universe | Registered: May 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 37

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144mins walking
Posts: 3689 | From: UK | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged
the famous rachel
# 1258

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Yesterday: 30 minutes cycling (commute) and 1 hour ballroom and latin dancing.

Today: 30 minutes cycling (commute)

Hence, running total: 36 hours and 30 minutes


A shrivelled appendix to the body of Christ.

Posts: 912 | From: In the lab. | Registered: Aug 2001  |  IP: Logged
Curiosity killed ...

Ship's Mug
# 11770

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And another 1 hour of yoga - the half hour I should have done yesterday before I did the youth centre session, and today's session afterwards. Running total 35h 30m

Mugs - Keep the Ship afloat

Posts: 13794 | From: outiside the outer ring road | Registered: Aug 2006  |  IP: Logged
Freelance Monotheist
# 8990

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1 hour & 15 mins of walking throughout the day.

Denial: a very effective coping mechanism

Posts: 1239 | From: Paris, France | Registered: Jan 2005  |  IP: Logged
Surfing Madness
# 11087

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1 hours walking today. I wan't be able to post for the next few days computerless till the 1st/2nd Feb.

I now blog about all my crafting! http://inspiredbybroadway.blogspot.co.uk

Posts: 1542 | From: searching for the jam | Registered: Feb 2006  |  IP: Logged

Anchoress of St Expedite
# 9887

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Monday: 40 mins walking, 30 mins declutter project

Tuesday: 40 mins walking, 75 mins circuitry and ferrous activities (in other words, I got back to circuit training and the free weights room for the first time since contracting The Plague, yay!

"I want to be an artist when I grow up." "Well you can't do both!"
further quarkiness

Posts: 1025 | From: The Book Depository | Registered: Jul 2005  |  IP: Logged
Stevie Boy Wonder
# 11869

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A couple of lazy days off work - just 10 minutes yesterday and 35 minutes today to report. Running total = 31 hours.

Jesus saves. But in the current economic climate, His pension probably won't be enough for eternity...

Also by the same author

Posts: 1599 | From: Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Irruption
# 10635

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Sunday: hobbled aerowobically to w*rk and half way back, accompanied by a Derision of Robins ( sore feet? Why doesn't the fool fly? sniggersnigger - pass it on... ) 1 hour 25 min.

Monday: a series of short forced marches to catch busses, lift, cold... 1 hour.

Tuesday: Brisk amble from bus stop to garage. 20 min

Today: It's raining and I've got the car back and I'm not bl**dy walking anywhere. So there!

In other words, just because I made it all up, doesn't mean it isn't true (Reginald Hill)

Posts: 8018 | From: Wonderland | Registered: Nov 2005  |  IP: Logged

Anchoress of St Expedite
# 9887

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Sorry - miscalculated: Tuesday should have been 60 mins walking, not 40. (Everything else was right.)

"I want to be an artist when I grow up." "Well you can't do both!"
further quarkiness

Posts: 1025 | From: The Book Depository | Registered: Jul 2005  |  IP: Logged
To The Pain
# 12235

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Tuesday (cont):
10 mins walk home from uni
Wednesday (so far):
10 mins walk to uni

Total for this post:
20 mins

Running total:
1392 minutes or 23 hours and 12 minutes

Off dancing tonight - will have to make an effort to dance myself rather than just yelling encouragement and instructions from the sidelines.

Now occasionally blogging.
Hire Bell Tents and camping equipment in Scotland

Posts: 1183 | From: The Granite City | Registered: Jan 2007  |  IP: Logged
To The Pain
# 12235

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Oh, missed a bit from Monday:
20 mins walking down and up the hill to a seminar

Revised Running total:
1412 minutes or 23 hours and 32 minutes

Now occasionally blogging.
Hire Bell Tents and camping equipment in Scotland

Posts: 1183 | From: The Granite City | Registered: Jan 2007  |  IP: Logged
Autenrieth Road

# 10509

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Mon Jan 26: 30 minutes walking

Tue Jan 27: 40 minutes walking

Running total: 14 hrs 30 mins


Posts: 9559 | From: starlight | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
Auntie Doris

Screen Goddess
# 9433

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70 minutes in the gym.

Auntie Doris x

"And you don't get to pronounce that I am not a Christian. Nope. Not in your remit nor power." - iGeek in response to a gay-hater :)

The life and times of a Guernsey cow

Posts: 6019 | From: The Rock at the Centre of the Universe | Registered: May 2005  |  IP: Logged

Incurable Optimist
# 12618

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45 min


I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

Posts: 3083 | From: UK | Registered: May 2007  |  IP: Logged

Completely Frocked
# 473

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12h35m by last week. To that I need to add:

45 minute walk
20 minute walk
1 hour 5 min walk
45 mins swim
40 mins swim
55 mins table tennis

Total so far: 17h 5min.

Retired, sitting back and watching others for a change.

Posts: 34626 | From: Cream Tealand | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Barnacle
# 2716

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Another sixty minutes in the gym, and boy can I feel it. (In fact, could I could it as double that cos it feels like it was double that! My sadistic instructor decided to increase ALL my settings!)

Miss you, Erin.

Posts: 14382 | From: Under the duvet | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 4965

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Tues 27th: Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Oh dear.

Weds 28th: 45 mins walk/run in the rain (and the run part is getting longer each time, hurrah) plus another 15 mins walking later on.

36h 15m I think

Arthur & Henry Ethical Shirts for Men
organic cotton, fair trade cotton, linen

Sometimes I wonder What's for Afters?

Posts: 2022 | From: the smallest town in England | Registered: Sep 2003  |  IP: Logged
Auntie Doris

Screen Goddess
# 9433

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30 minutes cleaning up my house after the windows fitters left a huge mess.

Auntie Doris x

"And you don't get to pronounce that I am not a Christian. Nope. Not in your remit nor power." - iGeek in response to a gay-hater :)

The life and times of a Guernsey cow

Posts: 6019 | From: The Rock at the Centre of the Universe | Registered: May 2005  |  IP: Logged
lily pad
# 11456

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45 minutes shoveling about a metre of snow off a 10 x 10 x 5 metre deck before another 30 cm of snow arrives later today

Sloppiness is not caring. Fussiness is caring about the wrong things. With thanks to Adeodatus!

Posts: 2468 | From: Truly Canadian | Registered: May 2006  |  IP: Logged
# 37

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119mins walking
Posts: 3689 | From: UK | Registered: Jun 2004  |  IP: Logged

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