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Thread: Safe from Kidnapping
Eleanor Jane
# 13102
It sounds like maybe tiredness and stress might be causing you to crave sugar and restaurant food. Just recognising how you're feeling (emotionally as well as physically) might help, and making plans to try and mitigate i.e. more rest, finding other self-nuturing behaviours instead of eating?
Keep experimenting and see how it goes, I guess.
Personally, I don't think I'll ever get over comfort eating, but at least if I'm using it occasionally, consciously and mitigating it then I won't just get fatter.
Posts: 556 | From: Now in the UK! | Registered: Oct 2007
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 The Endless Simmer
# 3337
quote: Originally posted by Roseofsharon: Have you tried checking your blood glucose levels when you get the urge to eat badly?
I was thinking that might be my answer, as well, when I'd get the twitches & want to "self-medicate" with food. Several times I made it a point to check the sugar -- and found nothing special. No low dips, nothing higher than expected for the time of day or time since the last meal.
Then, I figured, since I believe insulin-resistance plays a big part in my own particular health scenario -- and since I haven't been hitting that wall on the higher dose of Metformin I use now --
I believe those episodes may be related to insulin dumping, or something like that. Since an insulin-resistant person isn't getting all possible benefit out of the insulin produced, at the cellular level, then the body would naturally want to up the ante, push more insulin than should be needed to handle the sugar at hand, you know?
Sorry to go all layman-doctor and take so many words to explain something so basic. I'm probably way off base, anyway. But, that's my current thinking in my own case, right now.
If I go by how the appetite flares, if I go by what time of day/hours after a meal those urges to eat-eat-eat arise, if I go by those hours when I really really want to smack somebody upside the head for no good reason at all -- it looks as if blood sugar is the common problem for some folks -- but "too much insulin = jacked up appetite" may be the problem for others.
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 Snowball in Hell
# 10353
quote: Originally posted by Eleanor Jane: It sounds like maybe tiredness and stress might be causing you to crave sugar and restaurant food.
I think this is definitely it. also, my schedule is so whacked that no matter which job I'm either missing meals, sleep, or both - every day. I can try to plan for it and do okay but when I don't, that's when things go bad. I need to just be anal about planning my food.
I'm from a family with type 1 Diabetes, so I get myself checked quarterly. I have yet to have any blood sugar issues according to the numbers. Still, I watch myself close and try to avoid the low-blood-sugar evil comet moments.
I'm pretty sure my specifically sugary cravings are more of a stress reaction. MS gives me a very debilitating chronic fatigue, which is aggravated by stress. so if I'm in the middle of chaos, I can get hit with a wave of fatigue than can knock me on my ass. literally. I'm pretty sure I crave sugar as a quick energy boost at those times.
-------------------- Evil Dragon Lady, Breaker of Men's Constitutions
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.” -Calvin
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 The Endless Simmer
# 3337
That "evil comet moment" thing I understand. Even if I didn't always feel the other classic stuff that makes you wonder if your blood sugar's tanking, I was hitting a very surly ready-to-make-heads-roll phase some days. Several times I checked the levels around those episodes, found nothing amiss.
-------------------- I'm a Fundagelical Evangimentalist. What are you? Take Me Home * My Heart * An hour with Rich Mullins *
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Curiosity killed ...
 Ship's Mug
# 11770
My daughter who did have CFIDS had that blood sugar drop, and still does to some extent. We carried cereal bars and a small carton of fruit juice everywhere as a way of dealing with that sugar low. If caught unprepared, a bag of dried fruit and nuts (and chocolate chips) also worked. She's now got sesame seed bars as one of the few things she's not allergic to in her desk. We were aiming for something fast release (sugar, fruit juice, chocolate, dried fruit) and something longer release (nuts, cereal) to both deal with the immediate sugar low, and when that hit passed have something still coming and buy enough time to get home / cook.
-------------------- Mugs - Keep the Ship afloat
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Eleanor Jane
# 13102
Hey all,
Anyone see the Hairy Bikers on UK TV last night (for those of you not here, they're two overweight middle aged guys with beards and long hair who ride motorcycles and cook amazing (but generally not very good for) food.) They're on a weight loss kick now and reinventing their favourite foods as healthy options. Nothing radical but some good ideas and inspiration.
See: BBC Hairy Bikers Page
Cheers, Eleanorjane
PS - feeling porky but uninspired to do anything about it yet. I'll get there...
Posts: 556 | From: Now in the UK! | Registered: Oct 2007
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# 16158
I'm off on a cruise next week which I'm anticipating with delight for switch off and relaxation time. Rather worried about food aspect though. Will need to try hard to keep in control so that I don't have a huge surplus to deal with when I get back. ![[Help]](graemlins/help.gif)
-------------------- Who knows? Only God!
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# 9657
Yes. I watched the first episode on iPlayer yesterday afternoon, and then ep 2 in the evening. I was almost in tears hearing Si tell his "Simon King is on a diet" story. It clearly left a significant scar that is still painful today.
I thought the leek-lasagna was a good idea, but I'll be interested to see how they manage to turn out a 'low-fat' pie next week. I will be disappointed if they use filo!
And doesn't that student from the slimming club look amazing?
Wish I'd done this while my skin still had some elasticity, I'm seeing lots of wrinkles that used to be padded out with fat and I've discovered that there are varicose veins in my legs - they used to be well hidden under the blubber ![[Frown]](frown.gif) [ 10. August 2012, 21:21: Message edited by: Roseofsharon ]
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 Snowball in Hell
# 10353
interesting development for me. after reading an article on a weight lifter blog about omega-3's being good at helping your body process body fat, I temporarily upped my dose of salmon oil to 10 grams. suddenly, I'm not craving sugars. like, much at all. so at least in the short term, it's totally worth the 10 honking big pills (along with all my others) and the salmon burps.
I already was taking 4 grams a day as part of my regular supplements.
-------------------- Evil Dragon Lady, Breaker of Men's Constitutions
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.” -Calvin
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The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002
I'm worried - two separate people I know reasonably well have complimented me on my recent weight loss. Sad thing is, I weigh daily, and I can assure them that not an ounce has slunk away!
Does this just mean that I used to look even fatter?
It isn't even that I have taken to wearing a girdle (yuck!)
Mrs. S, breathing in!
-------------------- Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny. Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort 'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'
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# 4719
11 weeks post birth, I have kept on thinking about joining this thread. I fitted back into my normal clothes within a week, but those clothes are a size bigger than the ones I was wearing two years ago. Anyway, today the doctor has advised me to go dairy free for a month to treat the ferijenet's reflux. As my favourite food since he was born (and before) is ice cream and chocolate, maybe his will have other nice consequences.
Meanwhile, any ideas for calcium-rich, dairy-free meals welcome..,
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Curiosity killed ...
 Ship's Mug
# 11770
Calcium containing foods that are dairy free are tofu (or soy beans generally), beans, dried apricots, figs, fish particularly sardines with the little bones, green leafy vegetables - can you tell I have a dairy allergic daughter?
-------------------- Mugs - Keep the Ship afloat
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The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002
For those in the UK (apologies to the Rest of the World!), have you seen the Hairy Dieters yet? Now there's an example to one and all - Mr. S was watching it last night with me and I saw him turn pale when some of the food they usually ate was calorie-counted!
He LOVES cheese, and chocolate, and ice-cream ... but it's no good my nagging him. Let's hope Dave's concept of 'wearing a gilet stuffed with lard' has the desired effect!
Mrs. S, too fat for one pair of black linen trousers and too thin for the other!
-------------------- Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny. Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort 'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'
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# 12167
quote: Originally posted by Ferijen: .... any ideas for calcium-rich, dairy-free meals welcome..,
For ice-cream you could try Swedish Glace, which made from soya and is (I think) a rather acceptable substitute. Waitrose do it, in the same cabinet as ice cream. I think there are other non-dairy alternatives, but I am not sure as they tend to be made from rice milk or oat milk, both of which I am allergic to.
Posts: 3184 | From: southern uk | Registered: Dec 2006
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# 12167
quote: Originally posted by Enigma: I'm off on a cruise next week which I'm anticipating with delight for switch off and relaxation time. Rather worried about food aspect though. Will need to try hard to keep in control so that I don't have a huge surplus to deal with when I get back.
You might be pleasantly surprised - I actually lost weight without trying when I was on a cruise because the healthy options were all so yummy.
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 Snowball in Hell
# 10353
Ferijen - here we have coconut milk ice cream. it's DIVINE. no dairy no gluten and only real sugar. (otherwise, not terribly good for you...) if you can find some, give it a try, it's my favorite thing.
-------------------- Evil Dragon Lady, Breaker of Men's Constitutions
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.” -Calvin
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 Glis glis Ship's rodent
# 5954
Oh dearie, dearie me. I have come back from 6 weeks in the UK, and while I don't THINK I have put on much weight (the Summer school provided 3 very square meals a day) Mr D has admitted to "being worried" about me, as he thinks I've put on weight. I do feel older and less mobile than I should feel at 52, although that is partly down to problem feet, sciatica and a bad back...
But despite this, I can't quite motivate myself into doing anything much about it. I don't want to feel as blobby as I do but I can't see how to get out of this "bleuch, don't want to" feeling. I hate exercising - my feet/back combo doesn't help much - and yet, as an intelligent woman, I know I should be doing it. I enjoy my food, and try to make (in general) healthy choices, but...
How on earth can I get myself doing this? Flausa was a real inspiration a couple of years back, but I'm of a "I can't do that" frame of mind. I suppose I want it to be easy, and I know it isn't, and even though Mr D says we both need to diet (and he could do with shedding a few kilos, it's true) he does the exercise that I don't (he loves cycling and does kilometre after kilometre) and so when he eats almost half a flute for lunch (the french bread flute, not the musical ionstrument) I feel thoroughly miffed that I've just had a small-in-comparison chunk.
Grrrrr. I have researched swimming pools near work and think I can get to one maybe twice a week (hate swimming, but I suppose it's good for feet/back sufferers) but again feel unmotivated.
Sorry. This is a real whinge.
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Surfing Madness
# 11087
Doormouse, this the place to whinge. Not having that much control over what food is on offer to you will be tough. Also having read your blog i'm sure that you are tired which can't be helping. I'm at the beginning of the trying to lose weight/ getting fit journey so at the moment am enthusiastic, but am sure that it won't last.
The Hairy Bikers are doing a new series on low fat/ calorie versions of there favorite foods, which might give you some inspiration.
-------------------- I now blog about all my crafting!
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Eleanor Jane
# 13102
Great work, Rose of Sharon!!!
Dormouse... I sympathise (and feel free to whinge).
If you want advice (feel free to ignore if not). I'd suggest focussing on the eating first 'cos that will make a bigger impact on your weight than exercise. I've found the MyFitnessPal website helpful for tracking calories (amazing how many are in a big egg and cress sandwich) but anything similar will do - WeightWatchers etc.
You can eat a reasonable amount if you change what you eat i.e. low fat yoghurt instead of full fat, porridge instead of cereal, lots of low fat protein, veges, pulses and grains (not that I eat grains other than porridge - I love white bread).
It's a slow process of change with many steps backwards, but some of the main things is making small steps and persistence.
In terms of exercise, I'd suggest starting small. Being almost completely sedentary, I started walking 15 minutes to work. That became easier so I added in a 15 minute walk at lunchtime some days, yoga some days and even Zumba! Now in the UK I can walk for several hours (although I still get a bit stiff).
I find this blog quite inspiring - she's a teacher who mainly blogs about fashion on a budget but she was on a health, relaxation and restoration kick over her summer holidays.
Good luck to all and kia kaha (stand strong)!
Cheers, Eleanorjane [ 20. August 2012, 21:35: Message edited by: Eleanor Jane ]
Posts: 556 | From: Now in the UK! | Registered: Oct 2007
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 The Endless Simmer
# 3337
I knew when the spouse retired that all my semi-successful patterns of health eating/exercise would be shot to Hell. Amazing how much I used to get done when I could park the FG at work all day. (Why does that sound like the whinge of a mother looking with dismay at a long school-less summer of all-daily exposure to her own children?)
I will go weigh myself at work as soon as I gather (a) a few moments to go do it and (b) the NERVE. I feel all puffy and blobby. I bet that 10 lbs. I lost on that vacation in June have all come back and brought friends.
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# 4719
Right, having stepped on the scales i am within half a pound of my starting weight when i lost 2stone with WW a few years ago. Only half a stone if that can be attributed to pregnancy, so I have joined MFP so if anyone would like to add me, I'm ferijen there too...
I have a wedding to go to on December 1st and I know that the dress I am going to wear requires me to be at least a stone lighter. [ 21. August 2012, 08:25: Message edited by: Ferijen ]
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# 1726
I'm feeling all lardy and blubbery at the moment as well, and have put back most of the weight I lost last year. I'm back trying to track on MFP. And going out for dinner with daisydaisy tonight...
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North East Quine
 Curious beastie
# 13049
I'm going to whinge, too. I keep losing and regaining and relosing and regaining the same few pounds. Everything was going great with MFP, when the arthritis in my left wrist flared up badly. I don't know if this is connected but I felt generally unwell, too. So no exercise, because I felt crap, and feeling sore took my focus off food and - surprise, surprise, back to starting weight.
My son tells me he thinks my body hates me.
And I got my cholesterol test results back yesterday. 6.3. I know my doctor will tell me to lose weight (he tells me that every time I get my cholesterol results) However, my cholesterol was 6.3 when I was 28 and 5 stone lighter than I am now. In the last twenty years it's remained steady between 6.3 and 5.9. It's not that high (Mum was 9.something before she went onto statins, and other family members have hit double figures) but it's bothering me that I've had slightly raised cholesterol for at least 20 years now. The doctor says losing weight will bring it down, but as gaining weight didn't put it up, how will that work?
Whinge over.
Posts: 6414 | From: North East Scotland | Registered: Oct 2007
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# 4965
quote: Originally posted by Dormouse: .... I can't quite motivate myself into doing anything much about it. I don't want to feel as blobby as I do but I can't see how to get out of this "bleuch, don't want to" feeling. ......
I can't admit to always practising what I'm about to preach on this but I believe the advice is basically to find something you do love and focus on that. I think this would work for both food and exercise.
So if you love cooking or researching recipes or courgettes or whatever it may be, really focus on doing more of that. If you really, really love cake, then focus on baking amazing recipes but perhaps trying to find low fat/sugar alternatives that taste great.
Likewise with exercise, find something you *do* like. Walking round shops window shopping? Dancing? Lying on your back doing pilates? Skipping? Climbing trees? Jumping up and down in water (rather than swimming lengths)? Throwing things? Picking fruit?
As I said, I'm no expert - hell I'm a good couple of stone lighter than I'd like to be - but I do know that I've found a sport I really enjoy and want to get better at so I bother to turn up a lot more (even though I still have days where I can't face getting off the sofa.)
-------------------- Arthur & Henry Ethical Shirts for Men organic cotton, fair trade cotton, linen
Sometimes I wonder What's for Afters?
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# 11707
If you are a couple of stone lighter than you want, you are a bit too expert if anything.
-------------------- We've evolved to being strange monkeys, but in the next life he'll help us be something more worthwhile - Gwai
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# 16427
quote: Originally posted by Yangtze: I believe the advice is basically to find something you do love and focus on that. I think this would work for both food and exercise.
I don't know... I'm not sure my focussing on chocolate would help... But I agree it's important to have and do the things you enjoy, otherwise you feel deprived and then binge.
I am not very fit but I do try to keep constantly active during the day. I have a desk job but get up at every opportunity to get a file, go to the printer for each letter, go to the post table for each individual stamp... I am very overweight, though, and find it hard to shift even a pound or two. ![[Frown]](frown.gif)
-------------------- They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.
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# 4965
quote: Originally posted by moonlitdoor: If you are a couple of stone lighter than you want, you are a bit too expert if anything.
Doh - heavier. Clearer that was some wishful thinking at work!
-------------------- Arthur & Henry Ethical Shirts for Men organic cotton, fair trade cotton, linen
Sometimes I wonder What's for Afters?
Posts: 2022 | From: the smallest town in England | Registered: Sep 2003
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# 9657
quote: Originally posted by North East Quine:
And I got my cholesterol test results back yesterday. 6.3. I know my doctor will tell me to lose weight (he tells me that every time I get my cholesterol results) However, my cholesterol was 6.3 when I was 28 and 5 stone lighter than I am now. In the last twenty years it's remained steady between 6.3 and 5.9. ...(snip)... The doctor says losing weight will bring it down, but as gaining weight didn't put it up, how will that work?
I find that a worry. I started my current strict watch on what I eat in response to the threat of statins from my GP after a blood test at the start of the year. I had already been put on a high dose of blood-pressure medication and couldn't bear the thought of yet another tablet to take. My next blood test is due in December, and if nearly a year on a next-to-no-fats diet and a steady weight loss hasn't made a difference to my cholesterol that will be my motivation completely shot! quote: Originally posted by Yangtze:
So if you love cooking or researching recipes or courgettes or whatever it may be, really focus on doing more of that.
Researching recipes using courgettes is high on my list of interests at the moment - Courgettes, runner beans and swiss chard, all of which my garden is currently producing in quantity. (All recipes low fat, of course )
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 The Endless Simmer
# 3337
When I have any success with a garden, lots of veggies are eaten raw, standing there barefoot amongst the stalks and vines. Okra, for example, has never made it into the house to cook. The stuff is soooo good picked young and tender and eaten raw. You have to remember to pull your lips out of the way, though, or they'll get bristled.
Supper tonight was a lean piece of grilled pork loin, about three baby carrots and a good solid cup of green beans. And now to drink yet more water and go to bed... or maybe a popsicle!
-------------------- I'm a Fundagelical Evangimentalist. What are you? Take Me Home * My Heart * An hour with Rich Mullins *
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North East Quine
 Curious beastie
# 13049
Roseofsharon, I'm not suggesting weight loss doesn't reduce some / most people's cholesterol levels. It's just that I don't understand how losing weight could reduce mine, as mine has been pretty steady through my weight fluctuations (and overall considerable weight gain).
I was 6.3 when I weighed 10 stone, aged 28. I'm 6.3 weighing 15 stone, aged 48.
I think my diet may be healthier now. When I was 28 I was virtually vegetarian, but working long hours and frequently picking up a take-away pizza on my way home. Then once I had my kids I started becoming a bit obsessive about fresh fruit and veg and went back to eating white meat. Now I eat red meat as well, but I still try to get my five-a-day fruit and veg.
Chocolate has been my much-loved friend at all times and in all circumstances!!
Throughout it all, my cholesterol has remained between 5.9 and 6.3.
Posts: 6414 | From: North East Scotland | Registered: Oct 2007
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# 11037
Hi all. Belatedly joining this thread – I’ve realised at nearly 30 that I’m a lot fatter and a lot less fit than I used to be. Trying to cut down on carbs and cheese and do some power walking.
I’m hoping to start some good habits over Summer before I go back to college in September – where we get three meals a day plus morning cake, so avoiding temptation is pretty difficult Not that it’s so easy at home either – my beloved husband will remember for about a week and then go out and buy pizza again! Had a curry with cheese naan last night and the zip of my dress broke! definitely time to get back on the wagon…
Good luck all!
-------------------- formerly Wannabe Heretic Vocational musings
Posts: 424 | Registered: Feb 2006
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# 9657
quote: Originally posted by North East Quine: Roseofsharon, I'm not suggesting weight loss doesn't reduce some / most people's cholesterol levels.
No, I realised that - I was just contemplating the possibility of unaltered cholesterol levels after all this effort. Until December I'll be living in hope! [ 22. August 2012, 16:05: Message edited by: Roseofsharon ]
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Posts: 3060 | From: Sussex By The Sea | Registered: Jun 2005
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# 12167
I've just started with MFP, inspired by the recipe ideas from the Hairy Bikers. I need to lose around 3 stone - which I achieved about 12 years ago but put it all back on again pretty quickly. I think it'll be tougher this time round because of my age now, but hope I'll be determined & stick to it. I'm also using a gizmo to measure my BMI which is currently just inside the obese range. Now on day 2 of logging on MFP, but finding it hard balancing all the food allowances - so far I've gone over on sugars (yesterday - mainly due To fruit & salad from the allotment) and proteins (today) but low on calories & carbs (both days) possibly helped by cycling & gardening both days & earning more to add to my daily allowance. Maybe it'll settle down tomorrow when I am back behind my desk & finding exercise opportunities harder to come by. In some ways following WW points was easier, but I'm sure once I get what I usually eat into MFP it'll help. [ 27. August 2012, 21:34: Message edited by: daisydaisy ]
Posts: 3184 | From: southern uk | Registered: Dec 2006
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# 9657
My prospective daughter-in-law pointed out on Monday that my trousers were very baggy, so I am having another wardrobe cull.
Earlier along this road I disposed of a few really big things I was just beginning to grow into, and some that couldn't be easily altered. Since then I have been getting away with taking in and taking up the next size down but clearly that won't work any more. Today I tried on some trousers I thought would still be too tight - and they fit! They are three sizes smaller than the ones I have been wearing! ![[Yipee]](graemlins/spin.gif)
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# 12167
quote: Originally posted by Roseofsharon: .... Today I tried on some trousers I thought would still be too tight - and they fit! They are three sizes smaller than the ones I have been wearing!
Congratulations! That is such a satisfying feeling.
Posts: 3184 | From: southern uk | Registered: Dec 2006
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# 9657
Thank you, yes it is. My weight loss (now at 25Kg) was openly discussed by my DiL and prospective DiL on their recent visits, although I have not previously spoken about it within the family. This has brought it to the attention of Mr RoS, who said last night "I know you've lost weight, but where has it gone from?" I should be or , but really he is so unobservant that all I can do is ![[Roll Eyes]](rolleyes.gif)
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# 4719
Love is blind. Or something.
25kg though, Well done.
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The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002
RoS, that is just amazing - I am so impressed! (amazed by Mr RoS, too, though!)
Managed to shed another pound and a half, which has brought me within sight of 10 stone - something I haven't been this close to in years! It was all helped by Mr. S coming over all thoughtful at the Hairy Dieters' body scans; he seems to have cut down on the crisps, sweets and ice cream so it's easier for me as well.
Mrs. S, a year - and a stone - to go to Miss S's wedding ![[Axe murder]](graemlins/lovedrops.gif)
-------------------- Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny. Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort 'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'
Posts: 1464 | From: Neither here nor there | Registered: Mar 2012
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 Boogie on down!
# 13538
Tomorrow I am weighing myself at the swimming baths, hoping to have lost 8 pounds in 8 weeks.
We will see!
-------------------- Garden. Room. Walk
Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008
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Sioni Sais
# 5713
quote: Originally posted by Boogie: Tomorrow I am weighing myself at the swimming baths, hoping to have lost 8 pounds in 8 weeks.
We will see!
If you put the scales at the bottom of the pool you can do really well!
-------------------- "He isn't Doctor Who, he's The Doctor"
(Paul Sinha, BBC)
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The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002
quote: Tomorrow I am weighing myself at the swimming baths, hoping to have lost 8 pounds in 8 weeks.
Boogie - did you make it?
Inspired by RoS's trousers (and that's not something you'll see me write very often!) I tried on the pair of black linen trousers that were too tight for me - see this thread, a long long way back. They were fine and I was delighted.
Mrs. S, breathing in
-------------------- Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny. Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort 'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'
Posts: 1464 | From: Neither here nor there | Registered: Mar 2012
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 Looking for light
# 15201
OK, another newcomer to the thread here. I was getting a bit overweight earlier in the year but just couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. Now having just spent a few weeks back in the UK visiting family and friends, eating all the foods I can't get here and being at the mercy of other people's cooking and those who express love by loading you up with vast quantities of fattening food the situation can no longer be ignored! Very few of my trousers now fit me comfortably, and most of the photos taken this summer confirm that I really do need to try to lose some weight before it is too late! (As my mother cheerfully informs me that it just gets harder as you get older )
So I have dug out the Weightwatcher's materials that I used in the past and started tracking my Points again. I wondered whether to join WW online but it is rather expensive for me at the moment so I thought perhaps I should check into this thread regularly for a bit of accountablitiy. Ideally I would like to lose 29lbs, although I would settle for 23. It seems such a long way to go! But I know what I have to do, just got to do it. For me the key is always to cut my carbohydrates right down and then I lose weight without getting too much of the horrid low blood sugar symptoms that I am prone to. An ommlette with cheese and turkey ham will get me right through to lunch time, the same number of WW points in cereal and toast will have me shaking, sweating, dizzy and feeling sick from low blood sugar by mid-morning and then I have to eat more. So it's not just about calories for me but also being very disciplined of what I eat and avoiding the things that set my blood sugar all over the place, like caffeine and carbs.
Then there is the whole other question of exercise....At least the temperature here has dropped a bit from the summer which is a bit more conducive to activity, but the truth is I hate having to exercise just for exercise's sake!
Posts: 1075 | From: Nigh golden stone and spires | Registered: Oct 2009
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 Boogie on down!
# 13538
quote: Originally posted by The Intrepid Mrs S: Boogie - did you make it?
No - I lost 4 pounds
Never mind - onwards and downwards!
-------------------- Garden. Room. Walk
Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008
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 Snowball in Hell
# 10353
hey, it beats gaining!
-------------------- Evil Dragon Lady, Breaker of Men's Constitutions
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.” -Calvin
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
I have to say, apropos of nothing really, that when reading through this thread, as I have to do, my eye automatically picks out WW and I wonder what I have done wrong now!
Over the festival season the last few weeks, despite eating far more than would be good for an entire family, I didn't put any weight on!
Okay, carry on.
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The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002
Originally posted by Boogie quote: No - I lost 4 pounds
Never mind - at least it was in the right direction! It's hard, though, isn't it, to stay motivated when you lose a little, but equally to stay motivated when you put some back on? I seem to lose cyclically - drop two pounds, put one-and-a-half back on - and I found that hard to deal with, but now I have recognised the pattern it seems easier.
Mrs. S, trying to convince herself!
-------------------- Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny. Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort 'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'
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 Glis glis Ship's rodent
# 5954
I have ordered the Hairy Bikers book, altho it's out of stock at the moment, and I am trying to eat better already - smaller portions and a very vegetable based starter to our evening meals (salad/ soup) seems to be the way to go at the moment. Exercise is nigh-on impossible this week as I have had a recurrence of very bad sciatica (TBTG for paracetemol and codeine!) but I am thinking about trying to start swimming (yeuch, not a favourite activity but I think good for my sciatica/back problems)once or twice a week.
I haven't weighed myself yet, but when I start in earnest, I will do so.
Watching the last HB episode, I was concerned to hear them talking about "the end of the diet" - I do think that you can't think like that - it has to be a change in lifestyle which affects your eaing from then on. Although they were genuinely shocked by seeing the amount of weight that they had lost measured in lard, and then trying to lift it, and struggling!! I think that is a great way of showing yourself what you have lost: a block of butter is 250g - half a pound - but it's a good demonstration to look at and think about what you have succeeded in doing when you have "only" lost half a pound one week. That's a block of butter! That's bloody good going!
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Posts: 3042 | From: 'twixt les Bois Noirs & Les Monts de la Madeleine | Registered: May 2004
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