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» Ship of Fools » View recent posts: Uriel

View recent posts: Uriel
  Thread Board Date
1 Homo Deus (Post #9) Purgatory
2 The homeless. Something should be done! (Post #71) Purgatory
3 Is productivity the be-all and end-all? (Post #27) Purgatory
4 Why can't God ... (Post #33) Purgatory
5 Carpentry (Post #40) Kerygmania
6 English Churches (Post #40) Oblivion
7 Nobel Prize for Literature (Post #8) Oblivion
8 Shake it all about: Brexit thread II (Post #100) Purgatory
9 Shake it all about: Brexit thread II (Post #68) Purgatory
10 Greenbelt recommendations (Post #19) Oblivion
11 Greenbelt recommendations (Post #17) Oblivion
12 Human rights of vegans - is this going too far? (Post #6) Oblivion
13 Taxes and the rich - do whatever you can to not pay (Post #68) Oblivion
14 Taxes and the rich - do whatever you can to not pay (Post #51) Oblivion
15 Taxes and the rich - do whatever you can to not pay (Post #49) Oblivion
16 The Battle for Christianity (Post #67) Oblivion
17 UK Labour Party (Under Corbyn) (Post #137) Oblivion
18 English National Anthem (Post #14) Oblivion
19 Idle Benefit Scroungers (Post #3) Oblivion
20 What is a sermon for? (Post #49) Oblivion
21 Cold calls. (Post #43) Oblivion
22 Too many church buildings? (Post #38) Oblivion
23 Good religions (Post #81) Oblivion
24 Good religions (Post #34) Oblivion
25 Banning the Lord's Prayer - daft, illegal, or sinister? (Post #176) Oblivion
26 The health care system is ill. (Post #52) Oblivion
27 The health care system is ill. (Post #15) Oblivion
28 Money Does Buy Happiness (Post #32) Oblivion
29 Money Does Buy Happiness (Post #31) Oblivion
30 UK Stores' Christmas Advertising (Post #48) Oblivion
31 Purgatory: Vote on Scottish Independence (Post #450) Limbo
32 Purgatory: Vote on Scottish Independence (Post #428) Limbo
33 OK, 'o's gooin' Greenbelt? (Post #119) Oblivion
34 God spoke to me today! (Post #69) Oblivion
35 Cost benefit analysis (Post #4) Oblivion
36 Which jobs make you happy? (Post #25) Oblivion
37 The last thing you need in a crisis is a right wing government (Post #108) Oblivion
38 Clergy Numbers (and attrition) (Post #24) Oblivion
39 Clergy Numbers (and attrition) (Post #17) Oblivion
40 Let's Bitch About the Weather! (Post #234) Oblivion
41 Are workplaces designed by default to penalize mothers? (Post #124) Oblivion
42 The ethics of Vegetarianism (Post #47) Oblivion
43 Circus: 2013 Celebrity Death Pool: Kicking the Dust, Biting the Bucket (Post #400) Oblivion
44 Circus: 2013 Celebrity Death Pool: Kicking the Dust, Biting the Bucket (Post #400) Limbo
45 Cathedrals - starts 12 November, BBC4 (Post #33) Oblivion
46 Cathedrals - starts 12 November, BBC4 (Post #28) Oblivion
47 Greenbelt 41 - returning to a green field (Post #15) Oblivion
48 Better Airport Names for Britain (Post #65) Oblivion
49 what government services are you happy to receive? (Post #8) Oblivion
50 Greenbelt 40 - August Bank Holiday, Cheltenham (Post #171) Oblivion

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