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» Ship of Fools » View recent posts: Bran Stark

View recent posts: Bran Stark
  Thread Board Date
1 Edwardian-era Mystery Worshpping (Post #33) Oblivion
2 Sundry liturgical questions (Post #1006) Ecclesiantics
3 Edwardian-era Mystery Worshpping (Post #2) Oblivion
4 Edwardian-era Mystery Worshpping (Post #0) Oblivion
5 French protestant church votes in favour of blessing same-sex couples (Post #45) Oblivion
6 Change and Nostalgia in All Around I See (Post #20) Oblivion
7 KJV-NRSV common verses (Post #11) Oblivion
8 Great Big Cruise Liners (Post #18) Oblivion
9 Sundry liturgical questions (Post #683) Ecclesiantics
10 KJV-NRSV common verses (Post #9) Oblivion
11 KJV-NRSV common verses (Post #0) Oblivion
12 Do Bright and Light parties fulfil a need? (Post #8) Oblivion
13 Will there ever be a new prayer book for The (US) Episcopal Church? (Post #91) Oblivion
14 Sunday School (Post #24) Oblivion
15 Which 5 books to omit? (Post #8) Oblivion
16 Miscellaneous questions of a liturgical nature (Post #762) Oblivion
17 Miscellaneous questions of a liturgical nature (Post #345) Oblivion
18 "Who Would Jesus Bomb?" bumper sticker (Post #49) Oblivion
19 "There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin" (Post #87) Oblivion
20 Seders in a Christian church (Post #32) Oblivion
21 Does religion cause wars? (Post #16) Oblivion
22 "There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin" (Post #13) Oblivion
23 Catholicism and Same-Sex Marriage in the U.S. (Post #11) Oblivion
24 History Doesn't Repeat Itself, But It Does Rhyme (Post #34) Oblivion
25 History Doesn't Repeat Itself, But It Does Rhyme (Post #28) Oblivion
26 Equal in death? (Post #20) Oblivion
27 Charles I (Feast of Martyrdom) (Post #44) Oblivion
28 BCP optional? (Post #13) Oblivion
29 Why do the CofE and CinW still accept ordinands who are against the OofW? (Post #28) Oblivion
30 Sin, sin, and more sin (Post #38) Oblivion
31 Sexuality: what i wish Justin Welby had said. (Post #4) Oblivion
32 Purgatory: Imperialism and Racism in Fantasy Novels? (Post #31) Limbo
33 Yet more crappy choruses, wonky worship-songs and horrible hymns (Post #134) Dead Horses
34 Church websites: what is a parish's evangelical responsibility? (Post #2) Oblivion
35 350 Years of the 1662 Prayer Book (Post #7) Oblivion
36 What can the Christian faith learn from secular culture? (Post #7) Oblivion
37 Daily Office (yet again) (Post #830) Oblivion
38 The Queen, God Bless Her! (Post #3) Oblivion
39 How To Be A Bad Christian (Post #17) Oblivion
40 Churchmanship (Churchladyship?) of the Queen (Post #15) Oblivion
41 Renovation... Renovation... Renovation, That's What You Need (Post #26) Oblivion
42 When ministry becomes a deflated balloon... (Post #39) Oblivion
43 Churches Sue American Government over Health Insurance Mandate (Post #10) Oblivion
44 Who else has seven sacraments? (Post #6) Oblivion
45 Anyone know any 'cured' gay folk? (Post #82) Dead Horses
46 Anyone know any 'cured' gay folk? (Post #77) Dead Horses
47 Ireland: Silenced priest, dissident laity (Post #8) Oblivion
48 King Charles the Martyr (Post #43) Oblivion
49 Does the Bible teach abortion is murder? (Post #7) Oblivion
50 Preaching from Notes (Post #34) Oblivion

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